Match Factory! User Reviews

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  • Level Difficulty Is Not Accurate

    After you’ve played this game for a while you get a feel for what is a regular level, a hard level and an extra hard level. And you can use your power up options before you start the level because they tell you the difficulty beforehand. BUT, the difficulty they say the next level is going to be is not always correct. So you might waste a power up on a super easy level or you might not use one when you should have and you end up losing that round which means you lose all the buffs you had gained beforehand and have to get another winning streak to build them back up. (Difficult to do after you lose them on a hard level.) I will say after you lose a level enough times, they make it easier to pass that level so you can move on. My other complaint it that sometimes the screen does register where you tap correctly and you select the wrong object and can overfill your bar and have to pay coins to clear it or lose the level. And sometimes an item you selected just disappears mid screen. Besides that, if you like redundant games so you can zone out and not think about anything, this is a good one.
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  • This is why I love Match Factory

    I don’t know why I love it it’s just that when you sort them out it gets better and better I love it thank you for making this game and also just saying a big thanks to the actual person who made this game thank you
  • Has become nearly impossible

    Recent updates have made this game unplayable. I have loved this game for some time, my level is over 11,000. Now there is no incentive to continue if most levels can’t be passed without using coins. Spending 90, 190, 290 coins on multiple levels to pass a level so that you can win 200 coins - maybe - after 15 levels with other people in competition is ridiculous. There just is no reason to continue when almost every level is frustrating. There is no getting ahead anymore. If it ends up costing 1000 coins to compete to win 200 coins, what’s the point? Using all the boosters and coins and getting no where. With the introduction of new item “packs” there’s just way too much stuff on each board. And in competition, I never really know if my competitors are on the same level. I complete one level and they’ve already completed 5?! How is that possible? Oh well, after I lose all my coins (which will be very quickly) I’ll look for some other match game. And no, the game isn’t anything like the ads 🤷🏼‍♀️
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  • Too hard too soon

    This game is totally addictive! I was loving it! But as a person that’s on level 7,800 + in royal match and has spent a ton of $$$. This game will not be one of them. The coin packages cost too much for as often as they will be needed. I’m not even on level 400 yet and it’s already so difficult on the hard and super hard levels, no way can I invest for a long term commitment. The pieces are so tiny on the phone screen it’s impossible to win on the harder levels without using coins. Granted it’s mostly because of my older (near senior) eyesight, but it’s the older crowd that likely has the time and money to play. 🤷🏼‍♀️
    And as hard as it is to see what tricycle or scooter you’re picking from the four different colors there is to choose from, it’s almost as hard making out what objects you’re supposed to be searching for from the banners at top. The only way I win the levels on the easier ones was by clearing the entire board. If this was available in my tablet App Store it may be a different story.
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  • Was a great game til now

    I loved this game bc I could play for long periods of time without frustration. Now that has changed and it’s no longer fun when every level is hard or super hard and takes every booster you have plus money to pass 1 level only to get stuck again on the next level. My whole team is struggling. I hope the developers listen to everyone bc all I have seen from them is a automated response to reviews and plenty of ppl saying the same thing. I get making it harder for higher levels but it’s ridiculous that every level is the same no matter where you are at in the game. I can’t build up coins or boosters bc every level takes at least 3 tries. Plz fix it and make it enjoyable again. I don’t wanna have to find another game but I will if something doesn’t change. Update - a little better but I’m over every other level being blue swords and blue helmets. Multiple colors to choose from yet every time it’s blue swords and blue helmets. Still wishing this game would go back to what it was before the last couple updates.
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  • Disappointed….not as advertised. STOP LYING!!!

    I will start by saying this game is great and very addictive. My disappointment comes from the fact that this game is not as advertised.
    I have been playing for months now and I’m in level 2000s and I’m still playing the same type of game with the piles of objects to match. I downloaded this game because the adverts showed different types of games…matching tubes, matching food to customers etc and I still haven’t seen them.
    I contacted the developer through the app twice to ask about this and they have not responded. When I continue to see ads for the different types of game it annoys me because it’s a lie.
    I’m sick of developers lying and tricking people into downloading games that in no way resemble the games advertised. The disappointing thing here is that the game is good and would probably attract enough people by just advertising it as it really is.
    It’s time for developers to stop lying to customers.
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  • Game not like ads

    I keep getting ads about getting peoples orders right (through sorting) or putting pens in the right colour home or sorting colours of donuts.

    The actual game play is what’s pictured on App Store but nothing like the ads that play in other apps. I’ve been playing for a while and it’s been the same over and over. Fun but I was expecting other things
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  • Do the developers know their audience?

    I just passed level 6000 and here is my take: I downloaded this game because it seemed relaxing. My boyfriend calls it the matchy matchy game. I play this when I listen to my audiobooks or podcasts. Originally, this game was one of the best games I’d ever downloaded. Mostly normal levels with a hard one sprinkled in here and there and a “super hard” one on occasion.

    For the last 2 months or so, I feel as though I have more hard and super hard levels than I do normal levels. This is supposed to be a relaxing matchy matchy game, but it’s turned stressful and aggravating. I’ve spent money on the game, and that’s fine with me, but I’ll be stuck on a level for days and end up breaking down and spending some money to get what I need to pass the level, and the very next level will be another “super hard” level that I’m stuck on for days. I DONT WANT TO BE STUCK ON A LEVEL FOR DAYS. I want to play my game mindlessly and listen to my books. Give us the ability to turn off hard and/or super hard levels in the settings or something.

    I’ve spent a fair bit of money, and a much more significant amount of time, on this game, but I’m on the verge of deleting it if something isn’t done.

    They’re also releasing new “packs” way too quickly. I’ll just barely stop hating the new pack when they come out with another. It’s becoming too much.

    Know your audience!
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  • Not like it used to be

    I loved this game when I first got it several months ago. I used it to wind down after work and it soon became my ‘go to’ game. Unfortunately over the last few weeks things have changed and the developers have made it nigh on impossible to pass certain levels without the use of boosters. I had accumulated lots of each over time (I’m almost on level 7000) and have used them all up the last few weeks. I understand the developers need to make money, but this is now ridiculous. I joined a team to take part in team challenges but these too have become difficult to achieve and several members have left the game for the reasons I have mentioned. What a shame I shall be looking for a different matching game :(
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  • Help

    Loved this, absolutely obbsessed, but, once you run out of helps and land on a super hard level(which come around every 3rd game once you get past level 1500) you are absolutely stonkered. No way to easily get boosts and extended time. Need a way to access boosters and lives without paying out mega dollars every day. So disappointing as you have to give up and I loved playing this game🤪
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