Zombie Slasher User Reviews

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  • Annoying

    This game has an annoying mechanic, that is the durability. You would think that the better the item it would have at least 50 durability but no it’s still 20 to 14 which is how many hits it has. And these weapons you need to fight the zombies, so it’s costly to make but breaks in after the 6th zombie and they put a ton of them in one map and that weapon you took so long to make won’t even last till the end. So it’s just so activating. It’s gonna make me stop playing honestly or well the reason I quit
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  • Idle wait & wait some more

    This game was fun for the 1st 15 minutes until you got to the next area. You never get to play, it’s all waiting, and waiting, and then more waiting. Break fence, oh wait, upgrade tool needed, wait 1 hour on tool upgrade, repair machine, oh wait, trade for resources needed, wait another hour, add resources to machine, now wait 2 hours for machine to repair, then it repeats all over again. Uhm devs, can I please play the game instead of waiting, then wait, then wait some more, my gosh.
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  • Game is great until mission 20

    You get to a point where you cannot upgrade your base or fix the motorcycle. You need engines and a gas tank to fix it. The military base has the engines, which you need the motorcycle to get to, which needs engines that are in the military base, etc. etc. The concept of the game is great, but it feels like it has been given up on. Support is nonexistent in the way that its like talking to a brick wall. You can say as much as you want and they wont talk back, or even let you know that they saw your message.
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  • This game at the moment is pretty bad

    Nonstop ads. Even after getting no ads deal the amount of ads you have to watch to make the game go a bit more breezy is insane, on top of that had a issue where my game kept crashing and deleted the game and redownloaded it and lost EVERYTHING! Progress went from having a few places unlocked and being level 11 back to the beginning first level, level 1, never had a issues like this in 2024
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  • Could be fun

    Just started playing this game and initially it looks super fun.

    Here are my issues:
    1) Poor controls means I either miss when I attack zombies or they hit me because I didn’t run away fast enough. So I’m frequently out of health.
    2) Everything requires lots of resources. Want to upgrade your storage? Spend two (real) days collecting materials to do that.
    3) I haven’t found a way to view stats. How good is my gear? How do I compare how good a pair of pants are? No idea.
    4) Frequent ads really drag down the pace and enjoyment of this game. Leaving your base triggers an ad. Heading to your base triggers an ad. Play for more than a few minutes triggers an ad. Want to pick up a decent weapon? You guessed it: triggers an ad.
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  • Not too bad

    Couple bugs. Map does not have the items needed to open rooms. Fixing the bike would probably take me 4-5 weeks. Going to the bunker, you can only find 2-3 items needed. I am assuming that fixing the bike will allow you to travel to other locations and once you can travel, there’s nowhere else to go. Developers, please stop with the ads. I wish I could buy the stuff and not to have to watch all these ads. Word of advice for bunker. Boomerangs. About 5-6 of them should do it.
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  • To many ads and cannot remove them

    Let us pay to remove ads
    Also, there are too few Card Passes inside the bunker so it can only be completely cleared every two days. After six days and three full clears I have barely made a mark on the motorcycle.
    Please add two more Card Passes and allow us to reset the bunker twice a day so we can play more than 15 minutes.
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  • Love this game

    I love this game. One of the best mobile games I’ve actually stuck with. My only issue is the progress can be real tedious, slow and repetitive. Other than that I enjoy this game a lot overall.
  • By Level 18 it’s mostly Ads

    You can opt for the very very long route to avoid ads but it becomes nearly impossible by the time you reach the ‘bunker’.
    That being said, I find the game very fun but you have to commit to the long haul or watch literally a dozen 75 sec ads to get through some missions.
    The games are becoming a burden with ads and it’s unfortunate that leadership justifies this overuse. Shows you how uncreative greed makes you.
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  • This game is awesome!!! But…

    Dude seriously- Grind missions? I have to upgrade my storage and need 15 silver plates to do it. That’s 60 pieces of silver and you can only get 3/4 per trip if you get the mine that has it.

    Either offer more, have it in different areas, or let us just buy it!

    Love this game though!!!

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