Gymaholic Workout Planner User Reviews

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  • Great app

    I have used this app for a while and like it a lot. I have a variety of routines I have setup to cover a variety of exercises I do. I use it for strength training, flexibility exercises, riding a recumbent bike, resistance band exercises, a specific routine to exercise my hip flexors to name a few. I even use it to go through hand stretches-strengthening for the arthritis in them while watching TV. The great parts of Gymaholic is I can and have made my own routines it is easy to do. I think the biggest plus aside from the large variety of exercises to choose from is the 3D & AR capability helps you manage your pace and form during the workout, it is great.
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  • Really Functional and flexible BUT

    problem with paid premium subscription.....after a couple of weeks of use, creation of custom exercises and use of other “premium” features.....when went to use today every attempt to use a premium feature (phone and watch) the app tried to force me to “Buy Premium” AGAIN....despite having already subscribed to a Year.

    Second issue. Watch app is inconsistent in updating the phone app with workout stats and history. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn’ one case skipping 2 days.
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  • Bad update

    I am very disappointed in this update. My watch app, which is my primary use, is totally messed up. The running time in the upper left gets frozen unless I swipe left to see the exercise animations and then back to the main screen. Also, my timers and vibration alerts are hit or miss. If I do a 1-minute plank, for example, I get the vibration countdown to start, but not the vibration alert at the 1 minute mark. And, if instead I look at the watch to see where the timer says I am within that 1 minute, occasionally it’s been stuck at 0:00 so I have absolutely zero sense of where I am in that exercise or how long I have left to go. I haven’t even opened the iPhone app since update but I’m sure that’s full of bugs too. Lastly, I wish the developers were more focused on regularly adding new exercise variations to the library. There are so many that are missing. Eg goblet squats. And many more I can’t think of off the top of my head.
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  • New update, got rid of rest timer skip.

    Before the new update I was able to click on the rest timer and select “skip” to be able to skip some of the rest time if I didn’t need so much rest. Now there is no way to skip ahead to start a set and to me it’s so annoying. Yes I know I can set custom rest timers but for me, I just kept most of my exercises either 1 min to 30 seconds rest time and if it was too much at that time then I could skip to the beginning of a set without wasting time waiting for the rest timer to exhaust before starting the countdown of my set. Please add this feature back. The rest of the update I can live with. But honestly, this whole update just seems like you guys were trying to fix things that were never broken. Frustrating as I’m sure most of us have paid good money for an app that we grow to love and then it be tampered with.
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  • Greatest of these apps

    Replacing the good old piece of paper with an app, particularly on my Apple Watch, is the best thing ever. I have tried them all and no other app with Watch support comes close to this one. It has an extremely powerful and flexible workout construction system that allows for literally anything: supersets, trí-sets, giant sets; mixing reps with time, etc. An extensive library of exercises: lifting, body weight and cardio are all there. If it’s not, it is super easy to add your own exercise with all details. It’s the only app I use in the gym (aside from music).

    Finally, the support is fantastic. In fact, I have never dealt with a more prompt, friendly, and responsive developer.
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  • LOOOOOVE this app and company!

    Amazing customer service! Wrote an email unsure if I was going to get a response about my workouts not syncing and turns out it was due to me restarting my Apple Watch. Whoops! None the less the friendly staff responded very quickly!

    As far as results I lost 20lbs with the help of the app! I have been a user for about two years. Occasional on and off months but I have built up muscle mass and can clearly see the definition.

    I love that they have a figure that shows you exactly what you’re suppose to do. It also counts down rest times which is so CONVENIENT. It’d be nice if the figure moved on the Apple Watch but i haven’t figured out how to do so if it’s possible. Otherwise I bring my
    Phone along to follow along with the character and my watch to count down the rest times and set count. When I feel confident with what I’m doing I’ll just put my phone away.

    It also allows for music to play in background some fitness apps do not so a HUGE plus.

    This was my way to get out of my comfort zone and try new work outs.

    Lost 20lbs with this app as a tool. For About 3.99$ a month TOTALLY worth it. I followed the intermediate week workout for my progress!

    Good luck and grind hard! (:
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  • Helped me stay consistent and become more confident at the gym.

    I subscribed to the premium version and I love all of the workouts available to you. I love the little videos to see form and how to do the exercises as well. It’s great that you can add in your own exercises and keep track of everything using Apple Watch and the health app. I have difficulties replacing the exercises once they are in my days workout which can be a bit frustrating and there’s no real tutorial on how to use the app or even get the most of it. I had to figure out most of it out on my own through trial and error, which was fine but definitely annoying at times. If they had a tutorial and a help section I’d most likely change my review to 5 stars.
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  • Couldn’t live without

    I absolutely use to love this app. I loved it so much I have told others about it including my husband. But in the last 60 days it’s been glitching. It started out skipping workouts once in a while. Then it skipped over two weeks of workouts. Last week it started my entire workout over. I had performed 6 out of 15 workouts, and I had to begin again. Today it did the same, along with screen freezing. Now I’m over this app. What was once one of my favorite apps is now one I’m ready to cancel my subscription and delete. I’m tired of working out and the app shows different. I’m tired of people complaining to me about the great app I recommend. I have personally refunded 2 people’s money. And I had to apologize to my husband.

    I have reached out to the company through email in the past but they were no help. So if you’re really interested in a great app that you can depend on this isn’t it.
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  • Great app

    I have been using for about 2 weeks. It works great. I love that everything is right on my Apple Watch. Not sure if I could use it without my phone being nearby...because I always have that too (I have to have my music). I can plan my workouts...adding the sets and how many pounds.

    One thing I would like to change is to have the ability to update the amount of weight lifted on my watch while at the gym. I sometimes don’t know how much weight I will lift...sometimes more and sometimes less. I would like to keep a more accurate record of this.

    Otherwise, this app is great. Especially, if you want to keep track of your workouts without carrying around a notebook with you.
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  • Switched From Strong

    There are only two apps for serious gym rats and this is currently the best. Other apps don’t let you create your own workouts with as much ease or transfer them to your watch making your phone pointless in the weight room.

    Gymaholic and Strong are very similar and both very good. Strong is a much more streamlined app whereas Gymaholic has much more visual and data presentation features. I switched because Strong has been having issues with the Watch app working normally and Gymaholic does not have those issues.

    To get the most from this app, yes, you need the subscription. It’s worth it. Watch functionality is fantastic, phone app is solid.
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