Breather Coach User Reviews

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  • A Swing and a HUGE MISS

    I didn’t care much the old app, but this new and ‘improved’ app makes the old one look amazing. Not sure what illicit drugs the developers were on, but I’m fairly certain a first year coder could have come up with something far better. It’s almost as if the coders don’t even know how the device works. The timing for the exercises is way off, the voice that announces inhale and exhale cuts off and only gets out IN, and the app no longer tracks how many reps you’ve done. Terrible app.
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  • Much worse than the original

    Not useful. Don’t give any information about what you are doing during the session. The graphics are just plain useless.
  • From Bad to Worse

    I didn’t think it was possible, but the Breather Coach app has become even more useless. The previous version was bad, but now I can’t even log into this new one. Keeps telling me my password is incorrect, so I click ‘forgot password’ to reset…but here I am 9 hours later STILL waiting for the email. I love the Breather device, but this app is 100% garbage.
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  • New app

    I just want to tell you how much I appreciate the breather. It’s a great tool for breather training. After using the breather for the past seven months, I have felt an improvement in my breathing. i’m a person with COPD and my therapist recommended the breather. I am grateful to you for this great tool, but I have to tell you I am very disappointed in the new app. With the old app, you had additional videos and training exercises to follow, which I think also helped in my therapy. I have read some of the other reviews for the new app how it’s gaming and other videos are helpful. I got cheated on the new app. I don’t see anything gaining about it and what videos I have one extra video on there it says breather reset and it’s supposed to be for five minutes but when I click on it, it’s just a guy talking no training in the video only last one minute and 11 seconds, I think I got short changed. If that’s all there is to the new app then I’m not finding it helpful at all and I have to do the exercises without it and with what I remember of some of the other video training from the old app. Maybe need to update this app and make some of these changes to make it more helpful or I think you’re gonna lose some people using the app.
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  • Just because you can.

    Where are the set reps? Why did you remove them?!?!?! I see zero benefit in this new app.
  • Terrible

    This app sends you notifications to do your daily practice even if you have already done it, and even in your rest days. The new graphics accompanying the lesson are awful and don’t tell you what number of breath you are on. This is a huge downgrade from the prior app. I can’t understand how simple features like notifications are not programmed correctly.
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  • New App

    The new app is terrible and far worse than the old one
  • Worse than the original

    I started using my Breather Voice with the app in November 2023.
    Yes, it was glitchy. It would occasionally just stop working and be down for a few days. Only time will tell if the new app will also crash.
    I had high hopes for the new app. But it is a disappointment. The graphics are attractive, but there is no longer a countdown to show how many reps remain in the set.
    I have done each of the three programs multiple times, so I have some memory of how many reps there are supposed to be in each. But I don't want to keep count myself. The app should show that, like it used to.
    Also, there is no longer the ability to change the length of the inhales and exhales or the space between. Why?
    The only positive I have found is that the sound will stay off once I stop it until I manually change it. The old app made you turn off the sound every time.
    Also, after 10 months, I don't need to watch a video every time I change programs.
    Tell me, how was this supposed to be an upgrade?
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  • New app is hard on my brain fog

    First the new app does not have the number of breathing reps I have completed, like the old app. I have no idea when the end is coming of 30 reps. It stresses me out.
    Second, the visual during breathing is too much movement and makes me sick to my stomach.
    Third, we used to have a choice of how many seconds the breath was. This new one is way too long. I am kind of bummed. I have 21,000 breathes completed on the old app.
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  • NOT an upgrade, TOTAL DOWNGRADE!!!

    This new app is a total downgrade from the previous app. Also the people who say the app has gamification have to be fake reviews because their is nothing gaming wise or even close to gaming in the new app. The exercises are hard to follow when to breathe in, hold, and breathe out. You can’t change your hold time which has been part of my breathing recovery from being on oxygen. The graphics for the exercises are annoying and make no sense. The app is missing videos and instructions the old app had and you have no clue what rep you are on. The old app was easy to follow, had great instructions, lots of very helpful videos, the breathing, holds, and exhale were all easy to follow, you knew what two you were on, and very easy to set and change your settings.
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