Before discovering hoop climber, I was in a deep depression. I was on the verge of ending it all, I had no purpose in life. My wife left me for my brother, my parents disowned me because I was unemployed and broke at 35 years old and going freshman hunting at my local high school, my favorite past time activity (Just to see if I still had it in me). Even my dog left me. But then I discovered hoop climber. When I first tapped that screen a sense of life I hadn’t felt since I last went freshman hunting pulsated through me. I finally found a purpose in life, and that purpose is to hoop climb. Now I am a full time hoop climber, working 25/8 grinding hoop climber. If not for hoop climber, I likely would not be here right now. I still have not showered or brushed my teeth since 02’, but it’s alright because I have hoop climber. Live, laugh, hoop climb.
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