Hidden City User Reviews

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  • You listened ... well ... kinda

    UPDATE: Hoooraayyy! Thank you G5 for listening and changing the format back so the Godzilla sized word bubbles and tools are no longer in the search area. Plus giving us the list of 5 items to search for instead of 4! In return, I’ve restored my 5 star rating! Keep up the great work!

    PREVIOUS REVIEW: This is a searching game and the latest update with HUGE word bubbles blocks large parts of the search area! What genius thought this is a good idea? From looking at comments & reviews left since this update came out, its pretty obvious your players hate this and limiting it to 4 items on the list is a terrible idea too. Please make it so the search area is clear for searching. Seems so obvious! Otherwise, the graphics are stunning, stories interesting and games are fun. Just please do away with the stupid screen-hiding monster word bubbles. It’s especially bad on the phone.
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  • Good way to pass time :)

    I’ve been playing for 18 months now and I have no intention of stopping any time soon.
    Despite what people have said you do not have to spend any real money to get anywhere you just need time. I now have so much energy that I only have enough time on the weekends to use it.
    There are sometimes annoying bugs and the developers are often tweeking things unnecessarily that just annoy players.
    The new events are a great way to keep things interesting.
    Overall a good game with fantastic graphics and its free so I can’t complain :)
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    Developer Response

    We appreciate your feedback! If you're having any issues with the game, please make sure to check our FAQ section for troubleshooting steps: https://support.g5e.com/hc/en-us/sections/115001624149-General-troubleshooting-questions. Have fun playing!
  • Great game

    Great game, so many different mini games to keep you from getting bored. The daily rewards are an excellent way to keep the game at the front of the players mind.
  • Plus and minus

    On the plus side, this game is addictive. It’s fun to play! The graphics are gorgeous. There are a variety of variations and puzzles within the game And to make the game more interesting, there are new “events” and goals about once a month. The more “friends” you connect with in the game, the faster you progress. I’ve had the chance to talk to people from all around the world as I play.
    The downside. This game is addictive. It’s deliberately set up using psychological principals that are designed to get you to play (and buy) more. It is possible to play for free but progress will be much slower.
    There is very little in the way of FAQs. Mostly you will have to learn by playing or join one of the Facebook or “hidden” groups to learn how to play and get your questions answered. Also the game software is incredibly buggy!!!!! Constant glitches and problems playing and storing your info. Unless you have a lot of patience, this becomes very frustrating!! There is a link to report the problems but all you’ll get back is a form “letter” telling you they’ll look into it.
    If you don’t mind all the software problems, and have enough self-control not to spend too much money, the game is lots of fun.
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  • Relaxing

    Enjoy relaxing to this puzzle game though find it frustrating how many “quests” there can be and how long they can take to complete.
  • Creative but

    After playing for more than 3 years I removed the game completely. Beautifully designed, super creative, kudos to the design team, lots of freebies. Didn’t mind paying for rubies and such. So my frustration was/is it takes quiet a lot to move forward on levels. Especially the crystal/ 3 match game( which was my favorite) I shouldn’t have to play 85 times just to move 1%. Then you added the anomaly. I felt cheated. The last quest/event that I enjoyed was the Pier and Angela’s Park. Every quest after that was just to difficult, dark and creepy and weird music. I also loved the cad game but such little time to play it. I didn’t care to play all the quests, just became too repetitive and have to search for the needed keys or whatever to play the event. Too long for quest, too long to move forward, too little time to finish each quest/game. Felt cheated/rigged when playing the crystal game. I was on level Vl forever. So I quit the game.
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  • Fun game but hidden key quests disappear.

    Good game, just have to take breaks because of difficulty seeing hidden items strains eyesight that is already limited. But curious thing on major quests I noticed. After you find the 500 key chest you are offered a 1000 key chest that is stated to remain active and open for another 30 days at least. But every time a new location is opened with a storyline to complete that has keys to find the last hidden key option disappears. It has been less than a week since the last big quest ended and a new one has begun. The ballet one just started today. But the summer theatre key chest for 1000 has disappeared just like previous chests. I get that having two locations for keys might be confusing, but then you shouldn’t offer the option of continuing to collect keys with the supposed 30 days of time. Just tell the truth that as soon as the next quest starts you won’t be able to finish collecting keys so don’ waste tools and energy to have over 400 or 500 keys disappear with no explanation. We could have saved those tools and energy for the new quest if you were up front about not really giving the 30 days to collect those 1000 keys after the main quest has expired. Learned my lesson after 3rd time and will not be suckered into wasting supplies or my efforts on trying to get the special 1000 key chest on a story quest again. Still like the game but don’t appreciate being lied to just so you can get more $ for tools and energy boosters.
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    Developer Response

    Thank you for the comment! We've recently reworked the feature with special event chests, and we hope you'll find completing the events more pleasing in the newest version! Make sure to update your game and give it a try!
  • Really fun game, but too expensive.

    This game is a lot of fun and addictive. The story lines are interesting and the graphics are really good. I would love to give this game a 5, but I can’t for a couple of reasons. It’s too expensive to play consistently and the ads are annoying. Since I play this game for entertainment, I don’t mind paying a little to play each month, but you do not get enough rubies for the amount you have to pay to make it worth it. When you level up, you only get 1 ruby... things cost multiple rubies. They almost make it impossible to play without spending money. A suggestion would be, if you’re going to make people spend to play, give them more for their money (especially when it comes to rubies). Or make things cost less. A great option that a lot of other games have is being able to buy unlimited supplies of things. An unlimited ruby supply option, would be great!
    With the ads, there is no amount of money you can spend to make them go away. I do spend money on this game and I still get long pop up ads that interrupt my game and make me miss some stuff. If people spend the money on your games, please stop the ads from interrupting them! These are also the reasons why I won’t look at any other G5 games... I can’t afford to.
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  • Addictive

    I admit that I’m hooked on this game but not a fan of the Easter update. Things have moved on the map and now I can’t get rid of the scrolls with scene names. Why not just expand the map outwards and be able to zoom in and out?

    Developer Response

    Hi there, the most recent app versions have major improvements to the way the game map, check out the latest update 1.35.3502!
  • Fun game but several glaring usability bugs & errors

    I’d rate this 3.5 if I could. I enjoy this game and don’t mind spending some money on it but there are some extremely annoying issues. 1) in order to get your daily quest list you have to open, close, and re-open the game. All of the other daily bonuses are there when you open it the first time, but for some reason you have to do this weird dance to get the daily quest list every day unless you happen to have the game open at midnight. 2) Often times things will be in the way of what you need to click on. Like monsters will be standing in front of buildings you need to enter or chests that you need to click on, or a message on the bottom of the screen will be covering up something that you need to click on like a cell of the expedition game. 3) The new plea for you to connect to your contact list or Facebook friends in order to add to game friends is very obnoxious and in the way every time you go to your friends list to try and help out your in-game friends.

    If these were cleaned up I could easily rate this four stars. Or even higher if it was made for the new iPhone so that I don’t lose things behind the left edge of the screen when I play because of the iPhone screen cut out.
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