Crashlands User Reviews

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  • I Started ANOTHER playthrough, 5yrs later!

    Played this game start to finish at least twice at release. Still pop it open for nostalgia’s sake (and because everything ever by Butterscotch Shenanigans has proven worthy of a spot on my phone for ever and ever. When I lost everything on my phone 3yrs ago and had to start fresh, whose games do you think I downloaded first?! BScotch’s. They got me through a time of uncertainty, having lost all my other apps & app data (yeah, I pay for iCloud storage now, okay?!). And they got me through with smiles, to boot. This time around? No crisis led me to replaying Crashlands again — I did it of my own free will. Just really hope I meet my old pals w/ the Quadropus Gang real soon, because I’m missing that Racket!
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  • Best IOS RPG

    This is one of the best games i have played on iOS. This is one of the very few games (on any platform) that I have played to the end, even other games that I consider very good. I still typically get bored once I get to powerful. I have replayed this game 4 times now over the last few years. The story is very entertaining and funny without being to wordy. The game play is extremely enjoyable, the crafting and fighting are balanced perfectly. I never felt like the search for material was boring or tedious. The changes in location, which changes the enemies and gear happen at just the right time to keep me engaged.
    I definitely consider this a AAA game. Very well made. The only other game that I have played only on IOS that I feel is comparable is Steamworld heist
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  • Updates are a gargantuan bummer

    Crashlands has brought me far too much enjoyment since it first launched for me to give it less than five stars. On the whole, it’s all love. But holy mother of God have they ruined this game. In a sloppy attempt to make it more challenging they made some enemies way too strong. I’m so bored having to do the final boss battle over that I’m done. All the hours put in improving armor and tracking down gadgets are quickly negated by the enemies who wipe you out with one or two close brushes. Other games work with this Sisyphus type stuff, but Crashlands doesn’t work this way. Love some new missions and enhancements, but the new difficulty makes me sad and bummed, and maybe even Covid-y.
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  • Something that could help people like me that get lost easily

    So in the game you get loads of side quests and i usually like to do them all because they can be fun but my one problem is that sometimes idk what people are asking for or sometimes i have to close game mid mission then when i come back i leave the area and i don’t remember where the quest spot was and there isnt a big circle to tell me so i think it would be a good thing to add if u did a navigation system like you could click on a quest click navigate and under the mini map or in the top right it would show you the items that you need or the location the quest is. To be honest it would help me personally alot so i would appreciate if you guys could add something like that and if there is already something like that and i just didnt see it then in sorry for wasting ur time. This game overall is still really good though and i would recommend it
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  • AWSOME GAME, one thing though

    Hi, Moonjangsam here, (if you want to call me moon, that’s fine as well) this game is awesome and it makes me almost feel like it’s realistic, only thing that needs to be in the game is an inventory menu, not just for equipment, but for everything you gather as well. There is no rush here, take your time. (This isn’t very detailed, but I did my best to make it as detailed as possible). Other then the inventory and everyone else’s suggestions, the game is perfect in my opinion. This is probably in my top 5 games I like, even though I haven’t played it in so long. I’m impressed with your development skills.

    Thanks, Moonjangsam.
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  • One of my favorite games ever

    The one thing is that even after something intense it still makes you laugh and my favorite character was Grandmammy if you are looking for a great story without requiring hours of play at a time look no further than guess where Crashlands my only complaint is that though it is fun to discover new quests it will be hard to know if you have done a 100% completion

    PS( if you developers are reading this untold millions (me) are screaming out for a Crashlands 2)
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  • Excellent! Couple suggestions

    Real DualShock support:

    The option to change controller input should be bound to left and right arrows. When you hit X to change controller layout from Xbox to “Shapes”, the bottom face button becomes the back if you hit (on the DualShock) X again to try and change controller settings, it jets you back to the main menu. Very frustrating UI.

    Shapes seems like it’s setup for some non-DualShock controller.

    I REALLY appreciate the GUI size control option. However, even on my iPhone X, the camera has been pulled WAY too far back for mobile. I could understand the scaling for desktop. I REALLY wish there was a camera scaling for the game itself. I want to zoom in to actually be able to see the beautiful artwork. My eyesight isn’t poor, I just really think the zoom level is ridiculous.

    I think when I tried this game years ago it didn’t have this problem on mobile. Was this something that happened when the game became cross platform?
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  • Late to the party!

    So wow, I was playing this game with touch controls and really liked it, storyline, mechanics, the humor. Then I got a rotor riot controller for my phone! Now I’m absolutely in love! This team is off the charts talented, I also have Levelhead and the quality and polish of their games is absolutely amazing! No joke best game publishers I’ve played, move over blizzard 😉, the humor and care is truly birthed from a labor of love, this is more than a game. Well done guys I gladly will spend to buy your games, even better you don’t nickel and dime with micro transactions. I applaud you good sirs! Take my 5 stars and 7 bucks! My money delivered real gooooood!
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  • Favorite mobile game and high on favorite games ever

    I have got to say that this game is AMAZING! The graphics are polished, the story is just the best, and who could forget the intro to the game along with the music. But, there are a few minor things that needs to be fixed

    One: when I try to eat I always accidentally switch my item set. I know this is not an issue on pc and is not really a annoyance for ipad users, but I am on my iPhone and it is just really bothering me.

    Two: Say there is a little pond in front of me and I tap on the other side to go around. When I tap on the other side, flux just goes towards the lake and is not going around. Please fix this for our convenience.

    I know your new game just came out and your going to put most of your attention on it, but please please please fix the issues I listed.
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  • Fantastic Game

    Best money I ever spent on a mobile game. So refreshing not to have endless grind vs paywalls. The game had a great pace, good story, and satisfying achievements. The gameplay mechanics were good too.

    I bought the steam game too. Money well spent. The cross save user registration needs some cleaning up. I know you’re implementing new system, and I was able to following the instructions to get cloud saves working, but this process should be cleaner.

    Some suggestions:
    Hot swap should do everything, not just gadgets and hot bar. Would love to hot swap weapon and armor.

    Load outs would be wonderful.

    The data reference should contain all discovered recipes and (most important) what workstations they are built on. Spent a lot of time recipe searching. I did enjoy the creature reference in game. That was good.

    Would *love* a bot or furniture that automatically harvested my potted plants when they ripened.
    (Edit: just found the Pot Slapper! Noice! Never mind)

    Would also love to have an aggressive feature to pets. It would be epic to have my pet automatically attack anything that takes a swipe at me.

    I think the creatures should have super weaknesses to some types of damage. That would encourage less of an endgame meta.

    Great game. Just finished it, but looking forward to tons of post finish gameplay. I have a lot of payback to dish out. :)
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