Score! Hero User Reviews

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  • WOW! AWESOME GAME! Just 3 minor things...

    This is a game high ranked on my favorites list. That is coming from someone who finds most game’s unappealing. You get many opportunities to pass and make goals. And if you miss a goal or make a mistake you can replay that event for 10 dollars. This game makes me happy. You get 5 hearts, (4 or 5 tries in 1 heart) so that is a lot of tries to complete the level. I know people have complaints about this game but honestly I think it is awesome how it is. The 3 minor thinks I might ask to be changed is that 1) if you mess up and don’t replay... you have to start the WHOLE level over. That bugs me sometimes. Also, 2) if you want to change the color of your cleats or hair etc, it costs a ton of money. I would like that to be changed. And 3) There aren’t any girl characters and I would like that to be changed. Beside that, like I said. It is a unbelievably fun and appealing game. 5 stars all day long!
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  • Wish we are able to control our players

    The game is good but, usually it gets frustrating when my players receive a pass and keeps running until they go out of bound with it and especially when they receive a pass and they make unnecessary moves to stop it and the opponents easily take the ball from you and you have no choice. One last thing , is that I wish we could, when our players receive the pass that we are able to pass in any directions, instead of passing in one direction , other than that the game is good so I give it a four star, but if these changes are made then I will gladly give it a five star.

    Ps: One last thing, I wish my players would try and put in some effort to go after the ball , cuz sometimes it seems like they come to the game high a’f.
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  • Thought issues would have been fixed

    Played this game about 2 years ago, deleted it because of issues that weren’t resolved. I redownloaded it thinking the game would be perfect now, only to find out that nothings changed!!! The AI is as braindead as ever before! Your team will randomly dribble the ball out of bounds for no reason, they’ll try to take hail merry shots at the goal despite being 1/3 of the field away with multiple defenders covering the line of sight, they’ll stand there and do nothing to get to a pass as the other team will run across the field and cut in front of them, taking the ball and kicking it away, starting you over. The other team’s AI makes it seem like a pro team playing against a handicap team. If your shot placement is not absolutely perfect, the goalie will skip across the goal and save it, like actually skip/teleport, watch it when it happens. The progression is tied to stars and you can’t see what you need to do to get stars until you beat the level and replay it, and with braindead AI you’ll be hitting the replay button over and over and over again. Unfortunately this game’s core gameplay is fun, but everything surrounding it is terrible.
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  • Very fun...BUT...

    As many others have mentioned, this game is extremely fun and addicting. But there's a few problems that could make it much better! The heart system is no good. It's ridiculous to make players wait a certain amount of time to be allowed to play the game. The app is essentially useless for a period of time after you run out of hearts. But only if you're not willing to pay $3 to be allowed to play it for an unlimited amount of time for 24 hours. If the hearts were removed, the game could be much better. I understand that monetizing a game is the point of creating the app in the first place, but don't disallow playing unless you fork out some dough. That's just not smart. Second, the game could be made better if the passing and dribbling was made more controllable. Limiting the passing to a small field makes the game very frustrating and unrealistic. If players were given the option to pass over the entire field, or the option to continue dribbling the ball after the game is randomly stopped and you are forced to make a pass or take a ridiculous shot on goal. AI movement off ball is beyond trash. Players will sit off sides while multiple passes are made. Super frustrating.

    A few small improvements could take this game from 2-3 stars out of 5 to an easy 5/5. Changes would be appreciated!
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  • Later Stages Are Upsetting

    Once you get near stage 100 many of the stages are very upsetting. Most of the time once you cleanly pass the ball to a player they will just steadily dribble the ball out of bounds or into a defender both instances causing you to lose a segment of a heart. Even though you clearly pass it and the player is wide open this tends to happen the majority of the time. Also if you do happen too pass it to a teammate that is near a defender, naturally the defender will make an attempt at the ball and when you need your player to dribble to have an open pass they do not. This leaves you no opportunity to pass the ball because every time you do the defender deflects the pass 100% of the time. The reason why this is so upsetting is because of the fact you lose a heart every time and the majority of the time this happens on the third or fourth part of a stage causing you to either use your tickets for something you couldn’t control or restart the stage entirely from the first part. If this were to be fixed that would been great and the app would become a five star app but for now it’s a three star app.
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  • Great game but flawed

    The gameplay is good. But the fact that my teammates make decisions like a 10u soccer team, and the defense plays like a pro fc is a little ridiculous. Let me make a pass, and then they run the ball and make a pass decision with a defender blocking every passing option. Let me chip a ball to a teammate, and the defender jumps 5 feet higher than my teammate. Let my player walk the ball out of play after 10 steps since I passed to them. Or attempt to shoot on the goal from midfield without defensive pressure when he has all the room in the world to advance the ball to the net. It’s a little ridiculous. What should be a breakaway is attempting to take a midfield shot on goal. That the insane goalkeeper will stop 99% of the time. You can shoot upper 90 from far out and the keeper will very stop every shot. Sometimes I feel like there is no winning. You are happy when your team doesn’t screw you out of putting a shot on goal, but the keeper will block your shot no matter how insane it is.
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  • Fun game, fatal flaws

    I know I’m not the first to say this, but the game has so much potential that is thrown away by just a few major problems. I understand the heart system is a way to make money from a free game. But it is unnecessary and there are so many better ways to earn mobile game income than this one. The AIs are painfully stupid in almost every situation. You can make a very good play and they will dribble it into a defender. You can make a good shot on the other hand, and the keeper will make an inhuman save. These combined create a very aggravating situation only 10 minutes into downloading the game! If you’re like me when I first downloaded and just learning how hard it can be to play, you can run out of hearts on the first 8 levels! But that wouldn’t be an issue if the hearts were removed. We need to learn not get punished for learning. Please consider. I love your game and I want it to get better.
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  • Love this game

    First of all this is my favorite game ever and it was the first one I downloaded but it does have some downsides: the goalie is super annoying because they can dive longer than usual and the only way to score is to curve it also the defenders are annoying to because on corners I cross the ball and the first thing it hits is the defender but back to the goalie they can also jump higher than usual to and the players on my team are just as bad they always run the ball out of bounds also whenever they do something wrong they don’t try to get it back and i have a long list of improvements like: why can’t you just let the user’s control the other players also please delete the hearts they’re super annoying also why do the users have to spend money on heart’s
    I don’t know why hair styles are so expensive 80 dollars is a lot to save also the hardest part is the volleys whenever I try to land the ball perfectly It either hits the post or the goalie but overall it is a great game bye for now ✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️
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  • Ridiculous

    All the obviously intentional AI issues aside, there are levels deeper in the game which are almost impossible (I’m looking at you level 46!). It’s just not fun at all after a certain point. But my biggest gripe by far are the levels in which you need to score multiple goals but all have to be scored in a row and if you manage to score two of the say three needed and you don’t get the third, your goals are taken away and you have to start the whole ridiculous and rigged process all over again. WTH. And this all comes from someone who doesn’t mind spending on a game and doesn’t enjoy criticizing someone’s hard work but as I mentioned above it was fun for a while, so I kept at it, but it’s a wrap.

    UPDATE: I pressed on, and....the game pretty much went back to how it was in the beginning. It’s fun again! Not sure if the devs are listening to the reviews and tamped down the difficulty a little bit or you just have push through a stretch of levels (mid-40’s thru 60) to get back to the fun. Either way, the game is back on track. Still a few glitchy AI moments here and there but at least it’s playable again and challenging at times without, but without being absurd.
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  • This game is frustrating

    This game was fun and all but I don’t like the fact about having lives and waiting I don’t see a point of that and when you pass it to a teammate they either dribble out of bounds or give the ball away to the opposition without trying and when you give a long pass to a teammate the opponent headers it first unless it’s away from a defender. The goal keeper is like a god and missing or not scoring on your 3rd or 4th goal you have to restart the whole level this is frustrating you either start to lose lives or having to spend over priced deals on this game to try again to retry to where you were at. The challenges are difficult especially with all of these things that happen in the match and going to the next season you either pay or have enough stars to pass to the next season. I hope they fix these problems with the game cause it makes the game go from fun to frustration and all these others reviews say it to.
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