Score! Hero User Reviews

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  • Fun game but bugs make it too frustrating to spend money

    This game can be fun but there are some problems. I hate working on a level with 4 steps only to spend all my cash on the last step, then only to have to start over from the beginning when I am out of cash. If I run out of hearts, I get it. I also hate how the strikers tend to receive the pass and run it out of bounds. On more than one occasion my hero received a pass and preceded to run half the width of the field toward the sideline out of bounds. It wasted my level and heart. I also hate when defenders who, when the game pauses for you to make your pass, are able to inexplicably able to compensate and make a defense. I also hate when you make a good pass and the receiver dribbles and has it knocked away. Goalies miraculously can slide over 5-6 feet to make an even more improbable save. Since you have no control of these players, it is all random. Don’t spend if you plan on playing until these items get fixed, otherwise you could be wasting your money.
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  • Fun but it’s a ploy

    This game is fun, but a ploy to get you to spend money on hearts and dollars. You can draw the same path for the ball 10 times, and 5 different things will happen- the ball will go how you intended, or it will be in the air and a defender gets it, or the player receiving the ball will dribble it into the defender, etc. Also, any challenge that says “off the post” “off the woodwork” or “off the crossbar” is a joke. I just spent the last 45mins (had to watch insane number of ads to keep playing after losing all my hearts) trying to do this in one level, and right before coming to write this review, I hit the right post and scored and it didn’t give me the star. This game is great for the 10mins you have before running out of hearts because the game screws you over. Otherwise you’re spending $$$. Cool idea, but game logic is quite horrendous most times.
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  • Great Game, but...

    I love this game. The story line is great, you can customise your player, choose which team you play for, and much more. But there’s a few problems. For one thing, sometimes I feel like the defence wants the ball more. I tap on the player I want to give the ball to, but they just stand there and let the defence head the ball away on an aerial ball, and sometimes they just dribble straight at the defender. Sometimes they even dribble out of bounds.

    Another issue is that when I shoot the ball, the keeper saves it by sliding to the right or left, depending on which side the ball is kicked, and saves it, when in a real game, they would have no chance. For instance, I go for the top corner, the keeper slides a couple feet, and tips it over the bar. That gets me annoyed at times, and it’s happens more often than not. I have also noticed that on a penalty kick, the keeper ALWAYS guesses the right way, so I have to draw a line curling the ball into the top corner.

    Another thing I don’t like is that sometimes when a player has a ton of space in front of him, the player doesn’t run and instead a looks for a shot or a pass. This even happens when I put a through ball through the defence.

    If these problems are fixed, I think this game would be much better.
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  • Very frustrating

    This game is cool in the sense that you can create your own runs and play with your own character - but there are some MAJOR flaws. Sometimes you will make a perfect pass to your teammate and when they turn around, the AI they will dribble straight into the defender, and will cause you to start all over. This is infuriating especially when there are three to four goals to score and the AI gives the ball away through no fault of your own, this causing you to start the whole level over again and losing a life. An even more annoying flaw is even when you do make the right pass to the right person, there is a chance that for some reason they will dribble the wrong way then turn around with the defender right in front of them, thus causing you to lose another life. It seems absolutely crazy that in order to get past ONE LEVEL YOU MAY STILL NOT HAVE ENOUGH LIVES WITH TWENTY HEARTS. I don’t understand a game that continues to fail you despite you having done everything right. I’m effect example is Season 18 level349 you get to the third goal and the players will not move forward. Passing back and forth between the same players until the opponent takes the ball away. I have tried every variation of pass for THREE WEEKS and it does not move.
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  • Fun but very flawed

    Many other reviews say the same thing. If the developers could make a few fixes this game could be fantastic. Way more time seems to have been put in making the defenders great than your team mates somewhat competent. I don’t mind the game being difficult, but sometimes you build a wonderful move, thread an inch perfect through ball to give your winger a perfect place to put in a good cross... and none of your players have moved from their position before you made the pass. As if they’ve just switched off and you’re now in a position to cross to no one. It’s also ridiculous that in some missions you need to score 4 goals and if you mess up the very first pass on the last goal you go back to the beginning. That really needs to be reworked. You should be able to control a bit more of the decision making. If your striker is through on goal you should be able to get him to dribble closer rather than just take a shot from 35 yards out every time. Or a winger should be able to back pass if your forwards literally do not move anywhere near the box.

    I get it, you’re trying to make money and push people towards buying bucks so they can hit more rewinds, but if the physics are this awful there’s NO POINT in ever putting your own money into the game!
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  • A Rubberbanding: Defensive COM >> Offensive COM

    This is a passable version of a shooting and passing soccer mobile game. Only 2-stars, and here’s why I’m deleting it after 2 hours of playing:
    I’ve had direct passes intercepted by defenders because my teammates stand and wait for the ball instead of taking one step. It’s also incredibly frustrating to not be able to change your “passing view” and pass to a clearly open player outside of the window. More often than not when you make a killer pass to a teammate they will run with the ball, away from goal, until they run out of bounds like Freddy Adu. If they do get the ball, they’ll turn directly into a defender. If you pass the ball high and in the air, your teammate will stand there like Mesut Ozil and not jump to challenge for the ball while the defender leaps like Sergio Ramos and wins it from a starting position 10 meters away!! Lastly, the keepers get insanely more OP in Season 2, like a primetime Gianluigi Buffon from WC 2006 *making saves with the tip of his toe* good.
    It’s criminal. It goes to show that the COM could be better for your team, but it’s rubberbanded by the developers because we’re supposed to spend our lives watching ads. Make the game $5 with unlimited “energy.” Then I’ll give you money. Until then, delete.
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  • Fix this please

    At first I thought this game would be a cool soccer game but then over time it started to get on my nerves. The goalkeeper would literally be one side of the goal and when I tried to shoot, he would glitch and block my shot. And the fact that you pay $3.00 just to get infinite hearts for ONE DAY! Then I deleted the app and about 2 weeks later I decide to give it another try but I was still disappointed. When I was playing, my character would constantly lose the ball or go out of bounds and it frustrated me that the opponents could jump 10 feet and steal the ball. At this point I was fed up so I uninstall it and 3 weeks later I downloaded it again one more try because they added tournaments. I thought maybe they fixed the game and made it better but I was WRONG! The same problems occurred and the tournaments seemed harder than the regular version. I couldn’t even get past level 2 of the tournament. I’d advise anyone to not play this game since it can become very frustrating to play. For now, I gonna other First touch games such dream league soccer where there no problems to the game. I’ll came back to this game once it gets better.
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  • Great game but the lives hold it back

    I really enjoy the gameplay and it’s very fun retrying for 3 stars but you don’t get to play much in one day. You get about 4 lives per 18 mins which is very little gameplay and though you can watch an ad for extra lives you only get 2 lives out of that. Not to mention after a certain number of ads you won’t be allowed anymore. How long till you can get ads again? The next day. They keep pushing for those in app purchases and it holds it back. This is one of the few games that I would pay to get unlimited lives in, but unfortunately it’s one of the few games that don’t have that option. I hope one of the people behind the game will read this and make it better even if it’s just putting ads in between games to make money rather than these infuriating in app purchases that I doubt many people pay for. Please fix this because I really want more of the game.
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  • Get angry too much during this game

    This is a great game I love it but there are some problems that really get me angry and makes me want to completely get rid of the game. For example I will pass the ball to my teammate and they will run for a good five seconds (keep in mind they are not near anyone and have full possession of the ball) then all of a sudden the defender will accident run into the ball and the game will reset. As the game give you the chance to reset your last move I can see the player that had possession of the ball still have the ball on his foot as the defender is standing in front of behind him. Another thing that I would like to have fixed would be the impossible saves the defenders and the keeper make, these saves would never be possible in a real game so why should they be possible now? Some of the players defy the laws of physics and get to the ball no matter how it is kicked and that angers me. I deleted this game due to the fact that the goal keeper is so god-like that I was impressed with the saves.
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  • Great Game, but Some Issues

    So the game is great, you have the ability to make your own plays. You have your own player within the game. You have numerous chances to create a successful play. Story progression, great game. There are some issues rn though. The defenders seem to want the ball more than my teammates, and will often beat my teammates to the ball. The goalie seems to amazingly anticipate where the ball is going even in corners and off posts. You need to be pretty close to get the “for sure” goal. It just won’t happen from more than 15 yards. Also when I make a long pass to a teammate, he will often keep dribbling the ball til it’s out of bounds. Very annoying seeing how you have but so many chances to succeed. The AI will often waste the play on their own. Wish they did this when it was time to make a goal. You know when by themselves just him and the goalie. Instead of stopping a great distance with no one’s around trying to make the shot. Keep running forward like they do when the take the ball out of bounds. My curved crosses are pretty successful, but the defender will make his way in front of my next pass and my athlete won’t turn away and make a different pass. I’m forced to pass it straight into the defender. Start over. I still love this game though. I think this is what is frustrating me and quite a few other people. I counted 20 in the 100,000+ that are reviewing like me and are frustrated. Didn’t scroll very long either. Please fix these issues.
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