Forest User Reviews

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  • Amazing!

    Like most people I most definitely have problems focusing on a task at hand when my phone is beside me, but I also often need it beside me if I’m not home/ if i put it in another room I’ll still go and grab it. The beauty of this app is that not only do I have a lot of incentive to not be distracted, but I can also log the amount of hours I’ve studied every day, and write a description of everything I got done. This is great to have a reference of exactly how much study/work I get done, and what I’ve finished instead of writing it all down on a different piece of paper. This has most definitely been my most valuable purchase on the App Store! Would highly recommend!! Thanks Forest team.
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  • Fantastic!

    This app has truly assisted me in staying focused on all my homework that i’m getting as i’ve got a lot going on between ap classes, music dedications & the track season coming up. i’ve always had a really bad habit of playing on my phone instead of completing the assignments i should. it’s caused me to loose a lot of sleep and this app has definitely helped with that. overall i totally recommend this app for anyone who has that annoying habit to procrastinate when you shouldn’t.

    on a side note though my friends and i typically converse about homework and check our answers with one another trough texting and after i’ve planted a tree i cannot respond back, which is the whole point, but id like to see a way i could pause the growth of my tree for say 5 minutes to allow myself to review the information that’s being passed on to me. it kinda goes against what this app is for but i feel it would be beneficial especially for students who regularly converse over their assignments
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  • I LOVE this app! A couple of requests...

    This app is the best for those who need a little visual stimulation and extra incentive to stay productive. I truly hate exiting the app during a work session (thus killing my little sapling), and I get a lot of satisfaction from seeing my daily forest grow. The app has kept me from getting distracted by calls, texts, and web-browsing on many occasions.

    A couple of requests: I would love more kinds of ambient sounds to be added to the "store." Also, please create a version for Mac desktop to keep us chronic procrastinators from using distracting apps and websites there! I know that a basic version of Forest exists as a Chrome extension, but it lacks a lot of my favorite features from the app, and doesn't currently block distracting desktop apps. I'm not such a fan of Chrome, anyway (I prefer Safari). In any case, keep up the fantastic work! Oh! And go check out the SleepTown app by the same developer. It uses the same concept to help people develop better sleep habits, and I can verify that it helps with getting a good night's sleep!
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  • The updates and tree variety keep me hooked

    I have a newborn son, and we have a routine. He wakes me up about an hour to two hours before I’d normally be up for work. I plant a two-hour tree with Forest and I play with my boy. It was hard at first, because babies don’t appear terribly interesting at times, and I’ve had such a long-time habit of checking the morning news on my phone. But when I plant a tree in the morning, I am so focused on my boy and no longer tempted to read or check my phone. He has my complete attention.

    My wife and I also plant trees right before we sit down to dinner with our kids or watch a movie with them. Forest really helps us to be and stay present with our family.

    I’ve tried other apps that had similar concepts of growing plants and trees, and when they stopped updating I got bored. Forest has a wonderful variety and updates that have kept me hooked and interested.
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  • Perfect for Revision!

    I never leave reviews for apps because I feel I have better things to do, but I cannot emphasise enough how worth it the £1.99 I paid for this app was! I’m currently going through my GCSEs, I take them next summer. This App was recommended to my whole school year by one of our teachers to help us with Pomodoro Studying, and I’ve never been so motivated! The app could just use a couple of tweaks, but other than that I have no complaints! I feel the need to study because otherwise the little sad face sign that’s on your daily refreshed garden if you haven’t done anything make me feel really guilty! I feel pressured to study in the good kind of way, and it’s really helping me! I managed to get a really high mark in Chemistry for an end of topic test that I wasn’t present for, for most of the teaching due to ill health - that made me feel amazing! I feel like I’m finally regaining those top marks I’d started to lose since my younger years, let’s hope that this sticks around!! Thank You!!!
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  • Pomodoro but better

    I've been a fan of the pomodoro technique since I discovered it, but I've never quite managed to get it to stick. This simple little app changed all of that for me. It's essentially a simple gamifying of the pomodoro technique (in which you work on a task for a focussed burst, then have a short break, then repeat). This app plants a virtual tree in a virtual glade if you manage to leave your phone untouched for the amount of time you set. At the end of the day you can see how much time you've spent focussing based on how many trees you have in your glade.
    I don't know why visualising the time in this way has such a profound effect, but it does. I know I can't touch my phone, so I know I may as well get on with the task at hand. Even if you don't want to use it for work, but for down time, it's effective. Set it, and forget about your phone for an hour. Read a book, go for a walk. You'll have a lovely virtual tree to admire when you get back.
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  • Works!

    It truly motivates me to study! I want to plant a real tree so bad that I actually enjoy doing homework with this app haha
  • You should use it

    A good app. Help me control my time.
  • One of those apps you want to rate

    I have no doubt that this app is worth your loose change. It does one thing and it does it well: encourages you to focus. It’s a genuinely enjoyable experience to be commended for putting your phone away and focus, being met with pleasing animations, sounds, and aesthetic design every step of the way. A huge congratulations to the developer for putting together something which works so well!
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  • makes studying fun!

    never thought i would say that, haha! i really do enjoy using the app, and i definitely notice a change in the way i study. i feel more concentrated with the manageable time intervals, helps me stay off my phone, and the growing the tree is a cute and effective incentive :) worth every penny! but i do wish that i could see all my trees that i've grown since the beginning. also, i would like to have a pause button for the longer interval times (35+ mins) for when i need to go to the washroom or grab a snack lol
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