Forest User Reviews

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  • AMAZING!!!

    This app is INCREDIBLE, and totally worth every penny!!! I often get distracted by my phone when I’m trying to study, but this app genuinely works. You wouldn’t think that planting virtual trees would help productivity but it really does! And I love the wide range of trees you can get. It’s also really great being able to plant trees in real life, but my one problem with that is that when you plant a tree, literally nothing happens. You press a button, and then that’s it. I think it would be nice to get at least a little notification to tell you your awesome and you planted a tree, but none of that happens. I planted my first real tree yesterday, and I actually got worried that it hadn’t gone through because so little happened. But apart from that, this app is flawless, and it really makes you feel good when you don’t go on your phone.
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  • Helps with my ADHD!

    I have ADHD so I tend to getting easily distracted by my brain. I’ve been using the free chrome extension which helped, but then I would just go on my phone instead. I was hesitant to buy the app but it was really worth it. You feel kinda guilty if you end up going off task and kill a tree, which sounds bad but it really helps keep you on track. Once your in the groove of whatever you’re doing you don’t even notice that the time you set aside has been up already! If you’re a student that procrastinates, this is great for you! You can set the time and use it for more than just studying: breaks, cleaning, drawing, writing. Some of my only complaints are the price. Even though is pretty cheap, there is a desktop Chrome extension of this that’s 100% free. You’re only limited to only one tree and a bush which gets boring after continuous use; and if you want a different tree it’s only in the mobile, which is rather annoying. Other than that, it’s very versatile and user-friendly no matter the age. Very well done. 👍🏼
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    I hardly ever write reviews for apps, but I seriously LOVE forest! The whole app is very intuitive and they seem to be very invested in making sure the customer actually enjoys the product. They’re also always releasing new features so if you’re super ambitious and have bought all the trees, there will always be new options for you.

    I have two absolute favorite features. One is the break timer—you set it for a few minutes, and then it sends you a notification reminder when it’s time to start working again. It’s like a customizable form of the pomodoro method because unlike other apps you can choose exactly how long you want different intervals to be.

    The other feature which was just introduced recently is the stopwatch feature! My issue with selecting a time beforehand was that I didn’t know how long a particular task was going to take, and I prefer to do large chunks all at once. This way, I can do the hard part of starting a task and putting down my phone without having to fit my tasks into pre determined increments.

    Some people might just pick up their phone again right after the initial required 10 minutes have passed, but i feel like this feature allows me to work more because I don’t feel like I’m making a huge commitment to not touch my phone for 45 minutes.

    Overall, fantastic app and 100% recommend!
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  • 100% RECOMMEND!!!

    If you are on the fence about buying this app, take this as a sign to purchase and download it. This app is so fun and motivating. I have tried other methods like the Pomodoro technique, but it doesn’t seem to work. However, as someone who sometimes has trouble staying focused and getting things done, this app is helpful than one may realize. I love plants so this app is definitely for me. I get excited once I have planted things in my forest and sometimes don’t even feel like I am working because I am motivated to make my plants and forest grow. And I am disappointed when one of my plants die. Maybe it is just me but I also love how I am encouraged by receiving coins, which I can use to buy different types of other beautiful plants of my choice (which just motivates me even more). I love the aesthetic of the app and don’t know where I would be without this app. I spend A LOT of time on my phone, so the Deep Focus setting that kills my plant if I exit the Forest app is amazing. Because I hate seeing my plants die. I hold my forest in my heart and love watching it get bigger and bigger. The app is the best. It helps me get my work done while keep it stress free, light and fun.
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  • Download NOW!! to beat procrastination and enhance productivity.

    I rarely leave feedbacks for Apps, idk why but that's besides the point. After facing a lull in productivity and motivation with the lockdown and being back at home I decided to check this app out and silently wished for it to be worth it since I was paying to try it out but im very pleased to share with you all that it has indeed been worth it. It's great to use when tracking your production levels, and comparing it against previous moments really serves as a motivation and encouragement booster. I love the new stopwatch feature which actually suits me when I feel motivated to work but don’t want to risk a withered tree should I lose concentration but also the countdown feature is perfect for when I need a little push and tell myself “just do an hour” I kinda wish organisations like schools can purchase this and use it to facilitate motivation in times like this. Also it would great if there was a section where you could input a target for example if your target was to study for 5 hours on that day. But there app is constantly updating and improving and I can't wait to see what they come up with next, I only wish that I found this app earlier!! Would have planted so many real life trees!! ( yes you can do that!!)
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  • awesome app, great for revision

    this is one of my go-to apps for studying and revision. I know you have to pay for the app, but it is well worth it, considering many « free » revision apps claim they’re free and then bug you into a costly subscription. I love the system, it’s beautiful and simple and there’s something really satisfying about growing your forest; it feels like a reward for studying. The app also comes with study music and ambiance which you can turn on or off. Another thing I love is collecting trees and new sounds with the coins you get after a study session. One thing i might say though is that currently im using on an ipad and a landscape mode hasn’t been developed yet, which is has caused me some annoyance. Hopefully this gets resolved in future updates, but apart from that, great app, and definitely worth buying.
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  • Seriously, find a way to incorporate regular breaks like pomodoro.

    It’s a shock to me that the most recent largest revamping of the app is just installing a count-up feature. I mean is that seriously the most demanded feature? I’ve been trying to incorporate regular breaks into my continuous work sessions by running a pomodoro app together with the Forest app for ages, which has been super inefficient, and I’m sure I’m not alone. Maybe you can set an allowance of max of 5-minute break every 30min. You can choose how often you break with total amount of break time as constraint. Say you are planting for 2h, giving you a max break allowance of 20min. You can choose the traditional pomodoro method of breaking for 5 every 25min, or you can choose to work 1h and 40min and take 20. But seriously regular breaks are so essential for concentration and I just think missing that feature is a big flaw in an app that aims to improve concentration and productivity.
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  • Planting Real Trees?

    The only reason why I don’t rate this app 5 stars is because, it takes a long, long time to get the 2,500 coins in order to plant a real tree. I’ve had the app for quite some time and have only planted one real tree from the app.
    And also the fact that certain ‘virtual’ trees cost 500 coins, and therefore I’d rather not buy the virtual trees because it takes so long to even get 500 coins, let alone another 2000 to plant a real tree.
    I would suggest that there be two different currencies/points, so coins go towards buying virtual trees, and diamonds or something go towards planting real trees, so that you’re able to both have the fun of having a decorative forest as well as the main reason of the app, for doing your bit to plant trees. And hopefully as well get double points for working an extra hour or something, make it more exciting and be able to earn coins easier.
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    Developer Response

    Hello, Thank you for your feedback. We will forward your suggestion to our team.
  • Thanks for stopwatch feature!

    Loving this app! Helps me to motivate me to study ‘just a little more... and a little more after that’. And it’s got to know whether I am on track with the weekly workload by keeping an eye on the hours studied for each individual course! But the best is the new stopwatch feature! It gives more freedom to pause when attention is slipping away or to carry on when ‘In the zone’ without being disrupted by a timer telling you apparently that you should have a study break. This increases productivity!!!
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  • Totally Worth the Money

    This is the app that’s got me through middle school and two years of high school. I don’t have a diagnosed focusing disorder, but I get writing blocks and procrastinate a lot. Like, a LOT. This app has helped me so, so much. It’s really got everything you could ask for. An amazing user interface, currency that you get from focusing, fake (and real) trees that you can plant to make a beautiful forest out of focusing, tags so you know where you’re spending time focusing, and really cool analysis tools that show you what days and what times you focus the most. This is the one of the only apps that I would say is completely worth your money. The tech team is really amazing, I reached out to them about an issue I had and within a day they responded and within a week had fixed the issue. I’ve also for years been pushing for a stopwatch feature in their feedback survey(as a student I don’t always know how long homework will take) and they listened! The only things I guess I would say could be better would be the leaderboard, since it’s worldwide and there are some people who use the app to just get away from their phone, so they can have seriously high hours and it’s really impossible to beat if you use Forest for studying. Overall, amazing app that has literally changed my life in a positive way.
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