Newsmax User Reviews

Newsmax Media, Inc.

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  • Shame on Newsmax, November 1, 2023

    This is the date that Newsmax got greedy and decided to throw up a wall in front of what used to be the free news that they touted all the time. They struggled so hard to get it back on DIRECTV that they channeled all kinds of money from all over to force DIRECTV to carry it again, and now that they have won the viewership of millions upon millions of people who turn on their channel every day to get the real news, they throw a five dollar payroll in front of you. Sound familiar??
    HBO tried HBO plus, Cinemax, trial, and Cinemax plus, Fox News, well, they tried their version also, and all floundered and failed, just like Newsmax plus will.
    You’re gonna learn a hard lesson that you don’t take something you gave everyone for free and after you get all the viewers and become the largest conservative news network in the country, you get greedy and start charging everyone. To make matters worse doing it right in the middle of a dire economy, when everybody struggling to make ends meet. And after OAN, real American news, and even info wars pull all your viewers away from you, then you’ll realize Greed doesn’t pay. It appears all you were really looking for was money after all.; Shameful, and then blaming it on a cable contract as if you had no control over the matter… shame on you Newsmax
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  • Baby fox

    The more I watch the more I see foxes ex people on here let alone you sound just like them you’re pushing war we need a speaker no we don’t. We need a president ask for a speaker what you’re watching is called democracy and we’re tired of the elites, forcing someone who just want to keep one putting up resolution, CRs and omnibus bills I Newt Gingrich if anybody should shut his mouth and stop talking after the last few statement she made it would be him because when he made a contract with America, he sounds nothing like that guy and he better remember the elite went after him after he got a balance budget through foot clinic work with us but you guys keep sounding like Fox instead of an actual conservative news station and I keep going to real America’s voice. I only watch is now you’re down to weekends got your weekends in the morning really is terrible especially that Australian women. There’s no American conservative women. They could be better in the morning just like Fox.
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  • A Review On Newsmax

    Started watching Newsmax when President Trump lost in second election. I have not watched any other station sense then. Newsmax has created sense of loyalty to its subscribers in promoting accuracy of news accounts. They have had many guests on on both sides. I believe, Anchors give a fair amount of time in there research to bring forth quality news and humanitarian news they deliver with control emotion but, send out true deliverance ! Newsmax keep doing what you are doing! Regardless of your ratings! Sometimes we focus on ratings and 0 in on what’s happening around us ! Yes , i was a big watcher of Good Morning America not watched sense and or National News !!!! You have me Newsmax😊. Bless To All At Newsmax , Jane M Dery
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  • Thank you!

    In a nation that has so few tv options for Christians, Newsmax is a Godsend! I appreciate the fact that you have given viewers an opportunity to hear news and opinions from conservatives and liberals without having to constantly listen to nothing more than the tirades of those who regularly insult the intelligence, motives and/or integrity of conservatives. At a time when simply voicing our opinions puts us at risk of persecution from the very officials who should be protecting our Bill of Rights, especially Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press, Newsmax alerted
    us of the dangers we face for simply supporting the candidates of our choice! Long live America and long live Newsmax! Thanks so much for your service to free thinking Americans!

    Stephanie Irish
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  • Time To Take A Stand

    You can take a stand in many ways against liberal “evil” agenda. With your wallet and by switching from Fox to NewsMax!

    Only thing I don’t like is that every time people come on shows exposing the voter fraud in our country; NewsMax feels like they have to let everyone through a disclaimer that they don’t believe the election was fraudulent and they support the outcome. Who Cares!! Every time I hear that disclaimer it pisses me off. There’s no need for that disclaimer being mentioned or forcing your employees to have to say it who I know don’t agree with it. I appreciate the fact that they allow these discussions to be had unlike other channels. That’s the only way to move forward by not restricting speech however leave your disclaimer out of it and just allow the viewers come to their on conclusion just like every other story reported.
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  • Newsmax Distractions

    As an avid news viewer I am appalled at the number of minutes and news breaks being used in your daily Newsmax broadcast shows from 4 pm to 7 pm daily to showcase your Historical mini-series such as, American Moment, Freedom Lives, An American Life, An American Place and others in your prime time news hours. I have a degree in history and yes these may be informative however, they do not belong in any news cast. If you want to air these mini-series then take time out of your 24 Hour schedule and schedule them separately from your news program they do not belong in your news of the day. I watch newsmax for one reason and one reason only and that is to listen and view the news of the day not to get a history lesson. I have started to tune out newsmax and watch OAN where only news is being reported. Your mini-series is a real distraction. I will hate to give up my newsmax but please go back to real up to date comprehensive news broadcast and drop your mini-series from your news hours.
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  • Conservative , Republican news! The only channel that free and fair right now.

    I think of fox as the rhinos but mostly democratic . Thank you News Max for the word and work you do to show the true world out there, and how messed up and corrupt Washington really is”Swamp” thanks to all your team from the smallest to the highest….God Bless America. Sometimes I wonder if somebody try to block your signal to me because I lose sound All of the time, it’s frustrating but I am loyal to the conservative stations thank goodness for close caption. I do miss a few news castors though. Find a way to intermittently bring them back as a guest host. Thank you for keeping the truth. Love you all! That work it from in the scene and out of the scene.🤗
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  • Financial model

    I love your financial model. You’ve been able to optimize revenue while providing news. We, the viewers are thankful that we get the entire Newsmax lineup for free. So, there are no subscription costs to us. Having been employed in AM radio during my teenage years, I realize the delicate balance between economics-it is expensive to pay for facilities and talent and it is crucial that public service is maintained.
    With Newsmax, the best part is your willingness to cover virtually all news events. We live in a political world. Almost every media outlet has a news filter that is a direct reflection on the corporate leadership views. This is evidence of a system polarized by designing men who often obfuscate the truth in order to maintain their control.
    In summary, your Advertising-based business model provides thorough coverage while maintaining a reasonable selection of advertisers. I suspect that you moderate who is allowed to advertise.
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  • Love you guys Hate these commercials!

    Now when I open the app I see 2 seconds of news before it throws me into these ads I have heard over and over and over and over over over over over over over over over over over over over over over over over over over over over over over over over over over over over over over over over over over over over over over over over over over over over over over over over over over over over over over over over over over over over over over over over over over over over over over over over over over over over over over over over over over over over over over over over over over
    Again! Get my point? If I hear the singing loan or the mr pillow guy (God bless him) one more time or that Natures Balance ad, going to screem! I don’t like Fox but sometimes I can stand the short news reporting and switch over to another station. Please please please do something. At least stop throwing me into an ad the moment I open the app.
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  • Passable iPhone app, TV app is unbearable

    The Apple TV app needs to be thrown out and discarded and redone from the ground up, for people that just use the Apple Remote, the interface stupid, when you click on live TV, the play pause button, and all that other stuff doesn’t disappear right away like any other app out there. You have to play around with it to make it go away which is just stupid. there’s also a few other things that really makes me want to dislike this app a whole lot. The fact that it just doesn’t work very well. I want to definitely continue watching Newsmax but I’m just gonna watch it on my iPhone. I can’t stand this TV app as it is. It makes me wonder if the developer ever actually used an Apple TV remote when designing/testing the app? If they want to make me happy, they would make the freaking scan bar and the play button disappear as soon as the video started going.
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