Newsmax User Reviews

Newsmax Media, Inc.

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  • Truth is vital!

    As much as I enjoy and appreciate NewsMax, I still struggle with so many personal opinions expressed instead of simply reporting the news. NewsMax advertises “don’t tell me what to think!”
    Yet this indeed is what Newsmax often does. Saying that, I definitely agree with your personal opinions for the most part.
    However, the problem is trying to encourage people to watch Newsmax that aren’t aligning with conservative beliefs, is most unsuccessful because of the consistent personal opinions so strongly expressed. If we can accomplish that, there is so much more potential to share, teach the truth and others that aren’t conservative to listen and learn and accept truth we’re trying so hard and need to expose.
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  • 100% Newsmax

    I used to watch Fox all the time till I started noticing their devious moves slightly shifting left. It was the afternoon shows at the beginning so I stopped watching them, then l would hear how they agree with nonsense on the other Fox News shows and didn’t like it. So Tucker Carlson, Hanety, and the Ingram shows became the only shows I would watch on Fox all the time. No more, I have not and will not watch Fox News ever again after what they did to Tucker, they can silence one but they will never be able to silence the other millions that disagree with their socialist, leftest moves. We chose US because we wanted to live in a free society unlike where and how we grew up… I’m 100% a Newsmax viewer and live Rob Schmitt’s show…Thank you
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  • Wake up

    Upon losing Newsmax from Directv I feel like slowly but surely it won’t be long before all our freedoms are taken away. Why do a few have so much power over many and we’re paying them too. This wasn’t what we signed up for. Being an American meant we were free, blessed, we had strength, pride, courage to make our voices and choices known and our flag represented all that and more. When did we stop paying attention to the idiots now coming up with laws that are a noose around our neck and duck tape on our mouths? Rush Limbaugh once said the “dumbing of America” was taking place and I think we’ve arrived. We lost our pride and love of country and traded it in for “entitlements “ and that was the selling of our souls. We still have time but we need to not be lazy, open our eyes, stand up and show Washington “We the people “ are still in control! God Bless America! Let’s get our spine back and send these socialists and their Godless lives home!
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  • Newsmax is great

    I used to watch Fox News and I’d have Newsmax on and glance at it now and then. I still have Fox News on one PC and Newsmax on the other two, but I would say that I watch Newsmax 90% of the time. I’ll glance at FoxNews and I will watch for a bit if they have something that looks interesting. One thing I can’t stand about Fox News is how they tell me how to barbecue squirrel or something stupid like that. Their morning show is silly. That’s about the best I can say about it. Newsmax rarely has anything that even remotely approaches that sort of silliness. My only complaint is that Grant Stinchfield has disappeared. The entire morning crew is really good and in the afternoons I really like Jenn Pellegrino, Lindsay Keith, and especially Rob Schmitt. One last thing I want to say: I want Grant Stinchfield back. Pronto! Also, can you please give John Tabaco some speech lessons. I come from Brooklyn and I never spoke like that.
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  • Great news app

    Newsmax is great. I love having the ability to go back and watch past shows and watch live all at no cost. You’d think more news organizations would do the same, but sadly they don’t. The app is presented well and the different shows and personalities bring a much needed fresh perspective in the news arena. Highly recommend, especially if you don’t care for the other MSM giants and how they operate. The only thing I wish Newsmax would add is audio only versions of their shows that could be listened to in the same way they have previous airings of the show with video. Hopefully they will add that in the future.
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  • End times

    Hello, back in 2011 a headline read “ G-20 desires to have a one world government by 2012”, so how come nobody except True believing Christians are talking about it ? And do you think those Globalists forgot about it?

    We see a so much of the world in convulsion, yet nobody is saying anything about the coming world leader. Surely he’s on the scene today. Of course from what the Bible says this man will be a genius, not a lunatic like Mad Vlad Pukin or this total lame fool idiot Biden. How about Klauss Hitler on his Great Reset? Can you believe this kind of stupidity coming from another German just 60+ years after murdering millions of Jews and Christians.
    You guys speak the truth. The facts are out there, let’s tell the world snooze max. Truly, those of you at Newsmax. Your doing many a world of service, myself included. Thankyou. Jesus bless you.
    Jeff Thomas
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  • so sad

    it is so sad to see many news stations and influential people spread lies to make money. ITS ALL A SCAM. THEY ARE TARGETING THE UNEDUCATED POPULATION. 56 percent of the us can’t read past a 6th grade level that’s sad and most of y’all are voters you need to truly educate yourself through university it’s really sad. i used to be like them since 2015 but once covid and i started getting university education it opened my eyes and both of these parties need to be scrapped and we need to fix the republic with a multiparty system that give people representation and the congress people reflect the population they serve. the senate needs to be power checked. they have been lying in our education system and we need to invest in that we need to end the public healthcare system for business in america and save it for small businesses we need to conserve americas values and stances cause they way we are headed with how they voting pop votes we down a dangerous path GET EDUCATED PEOPLE
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  • Newsmax

    Enjoy the programming . Tells logically if there is any. As following the science a term that’s being used lately ,what they’re not telling you it’s not the science it’s political science huge difference. Any rate the politicians work for us the taxpayers when told that biden said I don’t work for you he meant it he works for his own greed , power or lust. Very sad state of the union . The voters have the duty to remove these like people which are of the democrats . It’s quite a shame that only one democrat didn’t vote to impeach trump the first time he switched to republican when there were so many discrepancies just like the presidential election. History will tell us the truth. Keep up the fine reporting never stop questioning!!!!
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  • Fairer elections with less cheating.

    Love Newsmax , especially since there’s no charge for real unbiased news for a young 80 yr. Conservative patriot, on a fixed income, who loves freedom of speech, Religion, & every other freedom we enjoy in our beloved Republc, & loves our flag which salutes all our warriors who gave all & the ones who live on with broken bodies so that we can enjoy our freedoms(so far) which are quietly being attacked by the radical left everyday. I read our newpaper everyday, & watch Newsmax & Fox on my phone but not the FNN (Fake News(opinions)Networks. If we’d had true news reporting & not constant cover-ups of Hunter Biden’s dealings, the outcome of the 2000 election would have been far different. Of course $400,000,000 Zuckerbucks in the right pockets had a lot to do with the outcome. Judicial Watch works tirelessly to try & assure fairer elections by legally demanding a complete elimination of outdated voter roles in 278 counties across the USA.
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  • Respect doesn’t equal agreement.

    I used to be a big Fox News fan. Sadly in the last year or so I have lost confidence in them. Enter NewsMax. At first I was not impressed but I now use it as my go to for reliable news. The only thing that troubles me is the frequent highlighting of our current President’s physical falls or mental malady. Some hosts appear to enjoy making fun of him and his physical or mental maladies.

    My point is this; report the news and take the high road. While I fully disagree with the President’s agenda and policies I would like to encourage my source of news (NewsMax) to take the high road. While we do not agree with policies that are weakening and hurting our nation, NewsMax can respect the office of President while disagreeing with his policies. Making fun of our President really casts NewsMax in a poor light in my personal opinion. Continue your excellent and patriotic reporting and take the high road.
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