FamilySearch Tree User Reviews

FamilySearch Tree
FamilySearch Tree
FamilySearch International

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  • Marriage Certificates are Major Issue of bad connections

    In the rush to move tech advances, you have a failed algorithm that makes suggestions for in laws based solely on first names. This epic failure of no rules and exceptions presents everything from deceased children to siblings as in laws. Furthermore, there’s no way to dismiss the suggestion, so one click combines them to multiple people causing improper marriages and children connections. I’m sure this was to avoid the duplicate record issue which is so prevalent in your system. But a correct duplicate is a far better issue than incorrect connections that people are accidentally making on your bugged suggested system. Major programming failure here.... how many thousands of incorrect connections are in your system now? For a people so”into” record keeping, this makes no sense. Tune or turn off suggestions on in laws, or create a dismiss option to clear the bad suggestions. One accidental click creates two connections that are dead wrong. It must really eff with your temple work eh?
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  • Mary Ethel (Smith) Surtees

    To darn many people writing and adding what they think are facts which are not.
    Like “Mary Ethel (Born Smith)” they said she died in Senior Bexar Texas.”
    My aunt Mary Ethel (Born Surtees) her daughter told my in 1983, that Her father came home from San Antonio (which is Agee miles north east of Senior) and told the family at home near Senior. Her brother Harold (the oldest at the time) ran from the house and went to his grand mother who lived the next farm south of the Surtees farm thru the fence to Smith road where she lived. Her cried hard, he wanted comforted from grand ma Smith.
    Where do these people get off making up these things.
    I graduated from Brigham Young University in 1992 at which time I had a professor in genealogy whose name was Stevenson that had the bookstore right down off of the campus told us one day that he spent his Easter vacation redoing President George Washington’s temple work I don’t know how that could be possible but he said he found an air in his birth place it was a different county that had been done before. He should’ve known better but he just wanted to redo somebody famous a redo somebody’s temple work that’s already been done as far as I’m concerned they sit in the temple redoing peoples temple work because a day is wrong my place is not exactly the way they think it should be and they absolutely waste their time doing that when they could be doing it for people who need it done.
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  • Needs improvement

    I’ve been using this app for a while. I like it but it needs to improve certain features. It can be a little confused, you can add the info from the doc you found and add it to the tree, but you can not modify the basic info once you add the info from the doc. Sometimes you found multiple sources but most of them have different info (name) and cannot be modify. In order to see and modify the name you have to create manually the person and after that add the source.
    The tree doesn’t show the whole family, in order to see (my nephews) or my uncles I have to keep open the tree in that level, but I won’t be able to see the whole relationship. It cannot be download or print.
    I find kind of difficult to share with my family members to allow them to add info in the family tree.
    Also some doc cannot be modify but there is not an option to report or request the modification.
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  • Family Found

    This is an amazing way to learn about your ancestors and yourself. The first time I used the tree maker I was able to see my family history and find people that I never knew about. Pioneers,leaders, and other family members who were able to make a difference to the people around them. It has given me inspiration and pride for all the family that has gone before me. My husband and I are working together on our family history and he has shown me how to look for information. The tools provided by Family tree are easy to use and research is becoming easier. My dad did family history and back then it was a lot more difficult. He left me a treasure trove of information and family pictures that I have been blessed to have! They make it so much easier to connect with my family stories! It’s great to see the faces and see the pictures of their lives. The LDS is an excellent source for information. I have been so impressed how they have tried to keep records for future generations. Hopefully someday my grandchildren will be interested in the family history and work we have done with Family Search will be of benefit for them. I have gotten a lot of joy from learning about my family history and still have a long way to go. What an adventure it will be!
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  • Use it every day

    I enjoy this app every day, by adding photos and stories of my ancestors. If one thing could be fixed about this app, it would be to make it easier to make corrections or even delete false information added by others about my immediate family. Someone put information in that my father had died, years before he died, and while he was yet alive, and it attached to my family tree. I corrected with a note, called the help line, followed their instructions, but now there’s two entries for my father that continue to appear. The false one and the correct one.
    I know the app gives information how to correct it and merge, etc. but nonetheless, this incorrect records remains in my family tree data. I even kindly emailed the person (who I don’t know) who was responsible for the false information and they denied doing it, so there it is.
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  • Worst Genealogy App Ever

    While Family Search has one of the finest selections of documents available they have destroyed the family tree function by mandating collaboration. Most beginner and hobbiest genealogists have no idea what an accurate source is. As a result they add incorrect people to the tree without accurate data. They add everything they see on the internet with no regard to sourcing of the data. Family Search ruined my Family Tree. I spend more time correcting other people making stupid changes to what had been MY tree and no time researching.

    I admit I have several lines with published bad data online from previous researchers, but most families do. I don’t want idiots taking that bad data and adding it to my tree. Don’t use this app unless you want some idiot ruining your tree too.

    By all means use the five star Family Search database. But if you use this app expect idiots to constantly ****-up your family tree.
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  • Improve! Improve! Improve!

    The app is great but it could be even better. There are few records of my family so I have to add everything myself. This is not a problem but there are a few problems that can improve the app.
    1. I would really like to keep my family tree so no one can see it and I really want to have complete access to everything including changing the status of a deceased person to living. Well if it’s my family tree then I have the right to do whatever I want with it.
    2. There are many information you can add to a person. This part includes many useless things but not the most useful thing, Cause of Death. I really wanted to add the cause of death of my ancestors but I was forced to add a note and then write the cause of death there. I would really appreciate it if you add this option to “Add Information”. You can also add an option to add diseases so we can tract genetic diseases through our ancestors.
    3. Enable an option where you can add a sibling with an unknown parent. So for example, I know my 2nd great grandmother’s sister but not the name of my 3rd great grandfather or 3rd great grandmother so I’m unable to add any siblings to my 2nd great grandmother.
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  • Exciting discovery!

    Just the other morning I got a message from family search that I may have a Mayflower ancestor. That caught my attention and interest and I logged into my account to see what I could find. I went to find ancestor’s and it took me to my ancestor. My ancestor was a famous pilgrim and one that I had read about a few months ago not knowing then that I was one of the millions of his posterity!
    I have spent hours now reading many of the memories that are attached to him. This Thanksgiving will mean a lot more to me knowing I have much to be grateful for. My 10th great Grandparents, John and Elizabeth Howland. Both who were among those first courageous Mayflower Pilgrims.
    Thank you Family Search !
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  • My Ancesters

    I appreciate all the work that is done in connection with Family Tree. I love my ancestors and all they did in their lives that brought me to the place I am today. I love that much work was done on my lines that gave me the knowledge and joy it brought me when I joined the Church at 17. I didn’t know that my Great Great Grandparentseri Stephen and Hannah Markham were early members joining in 1834 and 1836. Hannah and my Great Grandfather David Markham, 18 years old at the time in the early 1850’s, left Utah for Northern California to join Hannah and Stephen’s older son’s Warren (Catherine Ann Jones) and William Whiting, never married. David married Emeline Conrad and raised a family , including my Grandfather, David Andrew (Alice Parks). He became Chief of Police of Willows, CA. In 1940 he was shot and killed in the line of duty. My Father Edgar Hanford Markham Sr. Met and married my mother Elberta Charlotte Abel in Willows when my mother came there to work. My father was elected Mayor of Davis in his middle 60’s. After Hannah and David came to California the Church faded from their lives.
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  • Has issues

    I was enjoying this app, however as of recently my previous relationship with someone will show me where they are in my tree, Now it says we’re not even related!! I have been doing ALOT of research on my family’s history and taking screen shots of my “important” ancestors, I have been reluctantly taking notes, studying my background and now your app says I’m not related to anyone??!!!! I hope this is a bug from the last update, otherwise this is seriously a huge issue! I have sent a message to support without a response so hopefully they can explain what is going on! Now looking at my ancestors that I assumed (because of this site) we were related now it feels like a big lie! This is super irritating when you’re trying to find out where your lineages come from. Now I guess I’m back to the beginning (no answers) 😒
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