Things 3 User Reviews

Things 3
Things 3
Cultured Code GmbH & Co. KG

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  • Love it!

    I am always hesitant about paying for something without really knowing everything about it beforehand, however I am pleased with my purchase and thrilled with this App. It has all the bells and whistles without being cumbersome or overwhelming. The tutorial walked me through learning everything and if I ever need a refresher I can take the tutorial again. I have been using the free version of another to do list but it fell short. Even the paid version didn’t have the ability to make things easy to sort, manage and use. This THINGS App has well organized screen views, the ability to change a task to a project easily and I’m not quite sure how to describe it, but it just flows well and visually makes sense. I have difficulty sorting things out in my head, on paper and with other lists Apps, but the Things drag and drop feature helps to sort, manage and organize easily. The only drawback is the lack of PC usage. Sometimes it is nice to brain dump by typing with all ten digits. Hope the developers decide to add that functionality someday. Other than that, I say Bravo! I LOVE THIS APP and it has already made me more productive.
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  • Fantastic app, fully searchable and snappy fast!

    GREAT APP. I’ve been using it for many years on my iPhone and Mac. It just keeps getting better and better.

    The thing that I like the most about this app is that you can SEARCH the entire app for key words, making it very easy to find tasks that you tucked away in projects or folders. The search function is really fast and really great!

    I also love that it has a LOGBOOK of all your completed tasks. This is great if you want to look back and see when you called someone or mailed something. You can also search the logbook for key words. I love it and it comes in super handy. Guys, I just looked and I have tasks going back to 2010 in my logbook. Wow, just wow. Thank you Things 3! (And by the way, it was just called Things when I created those tasks!).

    There is a NOTE section that you can use for every task and this is great for detailed information. This is also searchable making it easy to find that information from task that you may have completed years ago.

    Also, the app opens FAST, pretty much instantaneously making it easy to quickly add a task. This may seem like a no-brainer feature but sadly some apps just don’t do that! The whole app is very snappy, very quick.

    It’s relatively INEXPENSIVE for the iPhone and I recommend you start there to see if you like it. The Mac app is more expensive, and for my needs I don’t really need it, but it is convenient.

    I highly RECOMMEND this app!
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    Developer Response

    Thank you for taking the time to leave such a great review, we really appreciate it!
  • Not compatible with other iOS devices

    I purchased the Things 3 app for iPhone after Wunderlist was discontinued and I needed a new organization and task management app. $14 for an award winning app seemed reasonable. However, they fail to tell you that this is for the iPhone app only and you would not have access to the iPad app or Mac app, which are separate purchases. It’s another $28 for the iPad app and $63 for the Mac app. So a whopping $100+ for something that most other task organization apps offer for free across all platforms. Their justification is that these apps take more time to develop... what a joke. Just because their app is more aesthetically pleasing, it does not justify needing to pay $100 to use it across all of your devices when you can easily just use a free one. I’m all for supporting developers, but this is excessive.
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    Developer Response

    Sorry if it wasn't clear that the apps are each sold separately – we've tried to explain it clearly in the app's description. Thanks for your feedback on the overall price!
  • Fairly good but missing some features

    I have tried many task management apps, from simple checklists all the way to very complex ones, and Things3 lands in the middle. It is certainly more capable than a basic checklist, it has a number of nice features, and a nicely crafted UI/UX. It is a definite plus that the app is one-time-purchase as opposed to a subscription like so many others have become. (Some apps are worthy of being a subscription but a to-do list isn't one of them.)

    On the other hand it is missing some other features that are now standard in other to-do apps. It also lacks some basic features that would benefit most users and not complicate the user experience at all. Unfortunately the company behind the app is notably quiet about features it is considering, working on, or that have even been put on a ‘roadmap’. This approach is a shame when many other similar apps/services are more communicative & transparent these days.

    TLDR; All in all, watch the promo videos for Things3 and be aware that that is all are getting before you buy. It is pretty good but it has limitations.
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  • It’s worth it!

    I have tried numerous apps to try to stay on top of what I need to do, reoccurring tasks, upcoming events, and my accomplishments each day. I’ve used free apps, one-time fee apps, and subscription based apps. I end up either deleting them immediately, or I eventually stop using them due to how inefficient they are, or I end up with several apps to cover all my needs. I tried just using a regular physical journal, which I do recommend and I still use; but it doesn’t help me with reoccurring tasks or my incredibly long list of things I need to do for a specific category. An example would be, I have a special needs child who needs specialized schooling and assistance with every day tasks. Getting him the help he needs is covered by various government services but requires numerous steps on my part to get each need of his covered. It would require me to have a large desk planner to have something like this (which is basically a project but a one person, non paid project) planned out on a physical planner; but this app eliminates that necessity. I’m still new to this app, and I’m certain that I’m not using it to its extent, but as of now, it has been the best to-do app I’ve come across; paid or free! I have my fingers crossed that I’ll be able to delete some of my other apps and replace them with Things3!
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  • Best To Do & Worth the Money

    Was initially hesitant to spend this much money on an app, however for the amount of irritating subscription services and over-the-top ineffective applications out there (I have tried them ALL), I have discovered THINGS is the best option. Pay once and own a straightforward, effective and light to do app that is streamlined and works with iOS perfectly. I cannot do without it and use it daily. Honestly, it is the only thing keeping me tied to an Apple phone. Thankyou to the dev team for the accessible pricing model and the work done to make this app perfect. Please don’t change a ‘thing’.
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  • Loving things 3

    As a first time user I’m loving the clean interface of things 3. Uncluttered and pretty on the eye. I’ve been a long time user of Todoist but now living in the Apple ecosystem.
  • An app that deliver

    I guess it’s a like all German design. It’s respond to functions. A great app that does more with plenty of well integrated practical features. The Ui is super simple which make a gentle learning curve. I look forward to see the result of my daily use of this list app in my personal and professional life and activities.
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  • So glad I found Things 3

    I have tried so many to-do list apps, and I find most of them offer such a limited way to segment tasks. I deeply appreciate Things 3’s approach.

    Our to-do list can be divided by different lists or sections in our lives called “Areas”. In these areas, or even outside of them, we can have tasks as well as Projects: actual Work in Progresses with a defined due date. These projects can have their own headings and tasks underneath those headings. Even more, tasks can have their own subtasks. We can even see at a glance a pie chart of our projects to see our progress.

    You can even set a start date, not just a due date, for when you want your tasks to appear in your Today view.

    There are some things I wish it did—I wish we could collapse headings. I also wish we could see statistics of tasks we accomplished. But for what it does, Things 3 does it extremely well. A clean, polished interface that I always come back to after giving other apps a try.
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  • High battery drain

    Good app but heavy on the battery. With just 4 minutes of screen time and 2 minutes of background Things was responsible for 35% of my battery usage. Contrast this to Chrome which was on screen for 27 minutes and in the background for 4 but only used 18%.

    Developer Response

    Hey Daniel! We hope that the issue is alleviated now after talking to our support team – and if it continues to persist, please reach out to us again so we can investigate this further as we didn't have that chance yet.

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