How I got my first Fortnite win (Vary Epic)
On my was to dusty divot, I found a gold scar! It had seemed the Fortnite gods blessed me with a gift from the heavens! I was stunned by this gracious gift and carried along my way!
25 players were left and I was geared up with weapons and shield, I had no kills but I was prepared! I hid in a bush most of the game while the sweats cracked 90’s on loot lake. Thankfully one fell off his tower and landed right next to me. He died. I was able to recover a blue pump and a lot of materials.
10 players were left and I knew I was going to be easy pickings. I hid inside the basement of pleasant park along with a bunch of children being held captive. I was scarred, would I die and lose all this sweet loot? Or would I live and tell the legacy of how I got a win.
2 players left, I was hiding in a bush ready to jump the kid but he was constantly moving. I had to wait for the exact moment he was healing to get him. Thankfully, he started drinking his chug jug out of desperation. That’s when I made my move. I jumped out of the bush and got a clean headshot!
I default danced on the invisible corpse like I was Charlie Damileo!
And that is how I got my first victory royale!