Mapstr, save & share places User Reviews

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  • Tellement pratique!

    Depuis que j’utilise Mapstr, je n’ai plus besoin de trainer un gros guide de voyage encombrant dans mes valises ou dans mon sac à dos! Je le lis tout simplement avant de partir et je note les adresses que je veux visiter dans l’app. C’est assez facile d’usage et c’est cool de pouvoir voir les cartes de nos amis également! Je recommande à tout les types de voyageurs!
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    Developer Response

    Merci !! Pourquoi pas 5 du coup ? 😉😘
  • Amazing app!

    I love this app. I use religiously!!!! I think that if offers many capabilities that are not available through Google maps.

    Just a few suggestions on things to add :
    1. Have another section to each tag that is a “star system”. You can rank each item from 1 to 5 or 1 to 10. This way the user can still put all restaurants and locations they have been but be able to filter out by which ones are their favorite!

    2. Be able to group tags together. These will fall under one main tag with lower level categories in subtags. For example, you can have a main tag called “restaurants” and then under that would be sub tags for types of restaurants. It would be way easier to read the side bar!:)

    3. Capability to select an area on your app and see what’s the most highly tagged locations in that area.
    Overall though a great app:)
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  • Indispensable

    Super app pour compiler toutes ses adresses et ne jamais se retrouver au dépourvu quand on cherche un endroit où se poser. Plein de fonctionnalités qui la rendent super ergonomique comme les filtres, la possibilité de voir les cartes d’autres personnes, etc.
  • This app is a gem!

    I love Mapstr! It’s made finding and sharing the best restaurants on my travels super easy. The podium feature that lets you combine all your maps together for a given location is also beyond helpful.
  • More and more ads

    As always, a neat idea becomes rotten by interstitials, notifications and fluff. iOS default note app does the same jobs but without the hassle and distractions.

    Developer Response

    Hello We’re sorry to read that! There is not a single ad in the app! There’s no interstitials in the app, just maps presentations once in a while and most users live them to discover new content. As for push we’re in a special operation where we want to show you great content, but you can disable them in your settings, that’s very easy to do! Feel free to tell us what you dislike by email at Thanks
  • Great app, great service *updated*

    Updated my review as I thought I all of a sudden needed to pay 6 pounds monthly to use this app. Got a very quick reply ensuring this is not the case, which I’m happy with as the app itself is amazing. Easy to use, where ever I go.

    Developer Response

    Thanks :)
  • Very good app but...

    Very good app but sometimes when I look for a place and choose the one I want from the list, once chosen it shows a different address.

    Developer Response

    Hello Have you tried with the last update? It should fix this issue! Thanks
  • Maspr instead of gmap to manage my address

    I’m an avid user of google map. However I can use it anymore as my map become overcrowded from place to go star etc. The user experience of mapsr is grown breaking.
    I will use gmap to navigate and Mapsr to save places and organize my list. Mapstr is fantastic !
  • Finally!

    I’ve been looking for a way to organize all the places it want to try rather than just writing them down and forgetting where they are located. I also love that you can share with friends and the tagging system. However, I would like to see it link up to Yelp. Also, is there a way to create multiple maps? Like if I want a map of just restaurants and separate map for shopping?
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  • Lieux au mauvais endroit...

    Un bon concept, mais il y a plein de lieux qui ne s'affichent pas à la bonne place sur la carte, alors que j'ai pourtant sélectionné le lieu avec la bonne adresse. Pas très pratique pour retrouver les lieux autour de soi donc...

    Developer Response

    Bonjour Nous sommes très surpris d'apprendre cela, c'est une première ! Pourriez vous nous envoyer un mail sur avec des exemples ? Merci beaucoup !

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