Luminair User Reviews

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  • Subscription Really!!

    People spend $100 for your app and now you have the audacity to charge a monthly payment.. How dare you, this app was never even worth the money especially when you need about $600 in additional hardware to run it.
    Luminaire just became a thing of the past..
    Hope your happy!
    No stars for you greedy people..
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  • Not easy to program

    If you add, delete, or change fixtures in your rig, this app is a pain to use. All new fixtures are added with all channels enabled and automatically added to every scene that previously existed. That means every existing (basic) scene has to be updated for every fixture you add. The app has no way to import or merge program data; so if you want the same fixtures and fixture-specific scenes (or palettes) for different colors, beam shapes/gobos, position/movement, and intensity (dimming, strobe, pulse) in more than one program, you have to create them all separately in every program for every fixture (over and over). I have asked for features that would fix this issue, and have waited for years, but they just won’t do it. This app looks slick, but unless you have a small set of fixtures that never changes, I would not recommend it. If you want different programs for different locations or events (with a different mix of lights), look somewhere else.
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  • Great App

    A shallow learning curve and very easy to get creative.
  • Great app.

    Developer takes the time to respond to users.
  • Disgraceful

    When you pay $100 for a premium App, you expect the developer to include you in basic updates to the software. 1 month later the company cuts off its entire paid user base and requires a subscription to use any of the new (basic) features. It’s not that functionality has been removed, but considering the price of this app, there was an expectation that it would improve over time.

    It would be appropriate to grandfather-in your loyal users who predated this update since they’re mostly quality of life improvements rather than radical changes.

    As a long established entertainment provider in LA we have influenced a number of professionals to try your app and we are very disappointed that you have gone this route without including your paid customers.
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  • Removed Basic features. Super Lame of the Company.

    Prior to recent subscription update, there was the ability to add multiples of a light fixture and add them as different channels. Now since the update they are acting like this is a premium feature set. There was also the ability to change how you could adjust colors on LEDS. But that’s a premium feature as well? Also saving and transferring a lighting show is now a pain in the neck because of the new subscription based model. I get that the company needs to make money. But turning their backs on faithful customers, doesn’t seem like the way to appreciate someone staying with you for so long. I’m sure they are going to continue to attempt to switch all previous customers to the new subscription model by continuing to claim that more basic features are “premium”.

    I would love to talk about how good this app is, but with what they are continuing to do, I don’t have a whole lot of nice things to say about them currently.
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  • Not what is was at all DO Not Update if you have Version 3

    Used this program for years, they upgraded it changed it to pay to play. None of my files work and you can’t go back to the version 3 that worked. After paying for it twice when it worked I will be moving on. the statement from support that you can use version 3 only works if you don’t upgrade to version 4, you can’t get version three back.
    There is no free trial if you have the previous version, it’s gone once you update.
    It is completely unfair for long time users to get screwed like that. No answer from support will fix anything.
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  • Professionals beware

    I work in the film business. Used Luminair version 3 for years. Upgraded to version 4 and it has been problems all over the place. Crashes. Projects lost. Very useful features not working out-of-the-box, then working for no reason, then disappearing completely. I no longer trust this product to do pro work. Beware.
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  • Sad to see you go:(

    Took a leap of faith and purchased this app back in 2016 for close to $100. It was the most I paid for an iOS app at that time. Since then the app was really good to me. Programming and running shows from my iPad and even phone at times worked flawlessly for years for video shoots, formal events, musical concerts, and a few theatrical shows. However, when I was ready to upgrade, I really couldn’t believe the company would drop all of us prior loyal customers like that and force us to enter a subscription without a discount or anything. I will not upgrade and will find a replacement mostly because of the principle of the situation. I will miss you though. Solid app that seemed to handle everything I threw at it. It’s been fun. Truly sad to see you go :(

    UPDATE: Thank you for responding and explaining. As previously mentioned I found this app to be an extremely solid app that surprisingly handled multiple fixtures and scenes flawlessly over the last few years. I would have hated to move to another workflow and now look forward to many more years using this app.
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    Developer Response

    Hello, The subscription-based features in v4 are OPTIONAL for v3 users. We realize that some users will not have a need or desire for those features, but we still want the app maintained for them so it can continue to be used into the future. v3 users don't need to subscribe to access previous projects and continuing using them. If you don't want to subscribe, you can continue to use the existing features from v3, plus new features like Sidebar, HomeKit, UI improvements, etc. Just tap the "NOT NOW" or "CANCEL" button in the initial setup screen. The only time you will be asked to subscribe after that is if you want to use a feature that requires it (no features from v3 require a subscription if you already purchased).  If you need further assistance, please reach out at https//
  • Incredible App, Terrible Service

    I very rarely take the time to comment but this is absolutely frustrating for a loyal customer who paid a huge amount of money for a single app to be forced to update and join a subscription model. I was locked out of my projects as they were updated to the new version and no longer able to be opened in my already “bought” version. To add insult to injury, my “purchased” version is now gone under my purchases and I only have the subscription based version 4. I cannot believe this is how you do business!!!
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    Developer Response

    Hello, The subscription-based features in v4 are OPTIONAL for v3 users. We realize that some users will not have a need or desire for those features, but we still want the app maintained for them so it can continue to be used into the future. v3 users don't need to subscribe to access previous projects and continuing using them. If you don't want to subscribe, you can continue to use the existing features from v3, plus new features like Sidebar, HomeKit, UI improvements, etc. Just tap the "NOT NOW" or "CANCEL" button in the initial setup screen. The only time you will be asked to subscribe after that is if you want to use a feature that requires it (no features from v3 require a subscription if you already purchased).  If you need further assistance, please reach out at https//

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