Audiomack User Reviews

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  • Confusion

    I really like this app because it has a lot of the music I like to listen to, but nearly everytime I try to upload music that I listen to that ISN'T already uploaded, somehow the songs are taken off. There's never a real explanation as to why either, and I don't understand what possibly could be wrong with said songs. May I have an explanation for that?

    Okay, this has always happened, and I’m not sure if it’s just my phone or if it’s the app but many times when I open the app and go to my music for offline listening, there is a notice that some of the songs have been “removed”. At first, I thought that they were taken off the app by the creators, but when I went searching for replacements for the ones that were deleted I would find the exact song still on the app, but not available for downloading anymore. It isn’t my data, and I don’t believe that it’s a Premium benefit because when I tried to else download a song it would just stop downloading immediately after it started.
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    Developer Response

    Hello, Thank you for reaching out, the reason your music gets deleted sometimes is because either they received a copyright claim against them or the uploader removed the song from Audiomack for one reason or another. Unfortunately we are legally required to remove music completely from the app when this happens including offline music. I hope this helps and if you have any other questions please don't hesitate to let us know. -Matthew
  • Best Streaming App

    I know like all streaming apps, a song needs to be uploaded by the artist or someone who takes it upon themselves to upload it, but even when you “re-up” a song or album, it will disappear when the original is taken down. You should make it an option to change the name of the song or artist or album art when you re-up because in my mind, it’s similar to re-posting or re-tweeting. And I’ve been a user for a couple years. I remember when there was an option to use the audio over your own shot videos which I loved. You could use songs that weren’t found on Instagrams Music search and upload I think about up to 30 seconds of track. I miss that option and it would be nice to be able to organize your playlists on your profile or select all tracks. I also wish it wasn’t so overpriced for premium. Overall the best app I’ve used.
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  • Shuffle problem and customer service

    This is a great app works perfectly. The only thing I had a problem with is the shuffle option. The shuffle option is not the best when ever I shuffle a playlist it’s always the same five songs together but just in a different spot in the queue which makes me so mad because I either have to skip those songs because I don’t want to hear them together or move them in the queue which is a lot of work when they could just fix the problem and make the songs shuffle right. And also the customer support service is not good at all. I tried to contact the customer service about I problem that I had with the song adding feature and when I sent the message I got a message back that said “Your message has need sent,(“if a reply is needed”) we will contact you shortly)” this is a big problem for me if I take that time out of my day to contact the customer service about a problem you should reply to all my question. I feel like that”if a reply is needed” message is completely unprofessional and they need to fix that too.
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    Developer Response

    Hi there, Thank you for your review. Your feedback is essential to improve our app. Can you share some details about this issue you're experiencing? Please email me at We will help you solve this asap. p.s. please consider 5 stars for Audiomack. We appreciate you! -Elizabeth
  • 5/5

    easily one of my favorite apps. i use Musi before this, which sadly stopped cooperating and the app ended altogether. this app is far better tha Musi because, although it does have ads, unlike musi, you’re not bombarded with ads every second; this app does have ads, but as i previously mentioned, not very frequently. the app is 100% free to listen to music, aside from being add free and having some extra features, which does cost money. you can create an account, create your own playlist, and download music for FREE. i love this app a lot. i do have a few suggestions though. i think, as i have many playlists, you should be able to move the playlists. for example, when you go into your account and see all of your playlists, i think you should be able to move them around. besides that, it’s a wonderful app and i recommend it:)
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  • Mixed feelings

    I have been using this app for months now and for a solid 3 or 4 months it was working just fine but there was a little problem that I’ve had that seemed to get worse the longer I used it. This problem was that fact that the adds that pop up are transferred to the music player on the lock screen so that the music that is playing will say it is paused but when I try to fix it by pausing it they playing it again the audio from the add and the music will play simultaneously. My second problem was going along with the first one was I deleted it due to the problems I was having in an act to restart the app and my offline music was not saved although I was signed in when I deleted it. My final problem is when I would pick a song and it would start playing on my lock screen like usual but after about 30 seconds it will disappear although I still have the app open. I noticed whenever I have the add problem is that when I get caught by the add I does the first issue. Before I was experiencing these problems I was in love with this app but after I’m having this problem i am not as much a fun on it but I love the concept. 3 stars ( this might be a problem I only experience)
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    Developer Response

    Hello, Audiomack is a free app, and the cost of using it is to have ads. The other option is paying $5 a month for our premium version. However, ads should not interrupt your experience. Please email with more information if the interruption problems persist, including screen shots and videos if possible. To restore downloads: Go to your Offline Music section Press the "Restore Previous Downloads" button, or select the Drop down on the offline section where it says "All" and select "Not on Device". From there you should be able to download your old music. Imani
  • Best So Far

    This is the best app so far for music that I’ve used. I only have one pet peeve. This app doesn’t have a lot of originals, it’s filled with remixes. But I’ve found quite a few originals. I love that there is an offline music option, I don’t have to stay connected or connect periodically just to listen to music. I’m also pleased that no money has to be spent and that although it has adds, they’re not crazy, and a appreciate that they are predictable so i am able to close them off almost before they pop up. (They don’t bother me because when i listen to music my screen is either off or I’m doing something else anyway). I love how easy the app is to use. Please! Keep up the GREAT work!

    This app won’t download or play anything not downloaded. I deleted the app and redownloaded it hoping that would work, but the songs i already had downloaded needed to be downloaded. So, therefore, i cannot listen to the songs i had downloaded. FIX THIS
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    Developer Response

    Hi Flaba mc fla bla bla, We'e glad you've been enjoying the app. We are trying our best to make original songs available for our users. Please let us know which songs you are looking for specifically here at If you also loved the look and feel of the app, please let us know with a 5 star rating. -Kimberly
  • It’s a Great App! But...

    So I’ve been having and using Audiomack for like two years and so far it’s been great! I love the app and I would totally rate it a five star because this app has everything that I’ve been looking in a music app. I can download my music and listen to it whenever and I don’t have to worry about that. But recently something happened to it. I have my playlist that I use daily, like every day and it’s over 640 songs. Before I could add the songs to the playlist (I have more playlists too) but now when I want to add a song to the playlist or any other playlist it doesn’t let me I press the add button but it won’t let me and I’m very concern because I like this app a lot and I would totally love to keep adding songs to my playlists to keep listening to the music that I love. Please look this over, and fix it as soon as possible because I really love audiomack and I would love to keep using it daily. Thank you very much for reading! And I hope you can fix this problem as soon as possible! Thank you!
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  • great music app

    one of my two all time favorite music apps would give a five star but with this new up date it makes it even harder and with updates before to find my music i’ve downloaded they end up at the bottoms of all my downloaded offline songs. since you can’t make a playlist to play offline unless you get premium if you don’t want to scroll all the way to find your certain songs or a song to listen to you could do what i was doing which was look up the song delete the song and re download it so it pops up at the top but sometimes it shows up at the very bottom but now they don’t show up at either end i have so many songs it’s frustrating to search all the way through just to find it when i’m offline so sometimes when i’m feeling some for some songs one day when leaving the house i was doing that method but now i can’t which is disappointing i kinda liked the older version better it looks clean and all but i’ve been running into problems. other than that way better then like all the music apps out there for offline listening saves me ALOT of data!
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    Developer Response

    Hey lamarv2, Thank you for the review and all of your feedback, we really appreciate it. Could you please email and let me know which songs you were downloading that would end up at the bottom of your offline music? Also, if you would like to order your offline music you can do so by scrolling to the top and choosing either "Newest", "Oldest" or "A-Z". You can also search for songs in your offline section by clicking the search function next to "Favorites". I hope this helps and you can consider a 5-star review. - Alec
  • Good, but with many flaws

    I have had this app for over a year now and I can say that it is worth getting and giving it a test run. Through my year of owning this app, I have encountered many positive and negative features.
    One of my favorites is the free use with ads. The pop up ads are silent and don’t stop the music from playing. Another small, but quality of life feature is ability to make make as many playlist as you would like and that the songs in each playlist are numbered. One more interesting feature is the ability to add songs from a third party website if they don’t have it in their library. With all of these positive features there seems to be a yin for every yang. The feature for adding songs is convoluted and difficult. Even after once you learn it, it takes time to transfer a song u like from the third party website. I created a playlist on day one and never touched it of 278 songs ... it is now 234. I personally have no clue what happen to these songs. They simply disappeared from my playlist and the website as a whole. On the rare occasion, a song will glitch out and permanently freeze. To fix the issue I just skip the song and go back to it. It seems to be the only thing to undue the glitch other than closing the app. Lastly, not every song is on here. They are missing a lot of big name stars and big name songs. This will leave u with dealing with my first complaint. Even with all of these issues I find this a very fun app to give a try.
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    Developer Response

    Hello! Thank you for the review! We really appreciate your feedback. Sorry for the trouble you're having with some offline music getting removed. Usually this happens because the music was illegally uploaded to Audiomack and we were required to remove it. Unfortunately we have to remove it from our service entirely, including offline. As far as the music on our platform, not all artists and labels have put their music on Audiomack. However, we are constantly working with artists and labels to license new music on the platform. Hopefully this all makes sense and you can consider a better rating. - Alec
  • Awesome, but having problems

    It is a great app even though you don’t need to pay. You can skip songs, and the ads aren’t overwhelming. But I am currently having some problems.
    First, When i download songs, i can only download up to 13. If i download for example, 14, one of my previously downloaded songs gets deleted even though i did not delete it. Second, some of my downloaded songs do not show up in my offline section, but when i search it up, it says i have it downloaded. For example, i download a song like Havana. Then, when i have no internet, i want to listen to it, but it somehow doesn’t appear in my offline section. About two or three of my songs are like this. Third, I just want to say that many of the songs here aren’t the original. Majority of the songs i have been searching up only resulted in either remixes or covers, not the original song that we want to hear. I hope that these problems will be fixed in the next update!

    Keep up the great work, and please fix these bugs!
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    Developer Response

    Hello DaFlaminFox, Can you send me the complete list of music you have downloaded? Send me a screenshot if possible. I believe the music you are referring to is being uploaded illegally and removed by our team in order to protect the artist and the legal copyrights. Havana is one of those songs that has been legally removed from the platform. Unfortunately, what music is on the platform is out of our control because it is up to the artist and label to add to Audiomack. We hope that makes sense and helps you enjoy the app even more. I'd really like to make sure why your downloads keep getting deleted, so if you can send me your complete list of those 13 songs to, I can troubleshoot. - Ryan

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