Stick Nodes Pro User Reviews

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  • Pls read Ralph and new features

    Hello Ralph I LOVE stick nodes and I think it’s a great app but there is some features that I think would be cool 1:auto easing I’m sure we all think it’s a little hard to Ease sooo it would be cool if there was like a meter that you could change the ease in and ease out 2:upgrading the node limit we would all love that 3:video import adding little cartoon stick figures running around your videos and just saying you don’t have to add them these are just ideas I thought would make the app easy and enjoyable and not saying it’s hard these are just some ideas
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  • Should definitely get if you wanna be an animater

    It runs so smooth and the animations I make with this are amazing and the sounds... well I love them too! I’m proud of this app!!! I love the app!!! It’s so amazing!! Should definitely get if you wanna be an Animator!!! And it’s really easy to use!! My channel name is The M-I-N Team2 - Build Tutorials and animations, Go check it out to see all the animations I have made! I really really really really really really REALLY Suggest this app to all the new animators! ITS AMAZING 9MIL/5 I GIVE 9M STARSZZZ
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  • Amazing App, but needs a couple things.

    Stick Nodes Pro is absolutely amazing, and I make YT videos with it, although theirs one thing, Drawing Figures is way to hard, or props, I think you should be able to Disable it so you can start a line wherever you want, instead of connecting nodes, so you can make backgrounds, props, etc.
    Also, their should be a “Copy Stickfigure” Option, now I know this Exists, but I mean like, make two of them, then edit the other one, so you can make a Character base, copy it, then color and edit it, from the character base.
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  • Amazing but..

    Ok IT is amazing but the only problem is that I seen reviews about like a devil thing or something and meme faces I was wondering if you could get rid of it because whenever I want to animate I have to be really steady so ya

    And also i know you added so many more Minecraft sounds but can you put some more Minecraft sounds like breaking a block and placing a block
    Other than that it’s an amazing app thank you for taking part of your day to read this
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  • Amazing app, but one personal problem

    To start off, I just want to say that this app is amazing and is great for anybody who makes 2d animations. Now I have one problem, but I’m pretty sure this only has happened to me (or very few people.) Whenever I try to submit stick figures they never appear on my profile on the sticknodes website. I’m not trying to sound annoying, and this isn’t a complaint, but I would like to know how I can fix it.
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  • A bug in the recent update (still an amazing app!)

    Hey Ralph, First of all, I love this app. It has given me such a great creative outlet in my life I’ve had this app for 4, going on 5 years, since I was in 5th grade, and I’m still making animations going into my sophomore year of high school. I’ve almost never had a problem with this app as far as I can remember. The problem I’m having is that whenever I try to select a background image whether it be for an animation background or a stick figure creator background, it just exits the photos. And it mostly happens when I try to select a normal quality image or very high quality. Sometimes if I’m quick enough to select an image the app just crashes entirely. I’m on an IPad so I don’t know if this is a problem for people with different tablets or phones. Still a great app! Just has some bugs with recent updates.
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    Developer Response

    Thanks for the rating! I believe this has been fixed since you wrote this review (over a year ago lol). If not do let me know (

    So I have been animating for a year. And then suddenly, a red stickfigure shows up in the middle of the screen with this weird face. After a little while, I say, “HOLY CRAP WHAT IS THAT” Then I start to realize its stick nodes demon from your yt. Well, it happened once then never showed again. I say you take that out just in case...So anyways, I have been wanting to add music but is says something like, “mp3 too long” or something like that. So please update this app to have music in it. Although I enjoy the app, so yeah please answer this. Bye.
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  • Great app but sound imports.

    Ok. The app is good and all. But isn’t there another way to import sounds? I been downloaded voices from a character using documents. Changing the wav to mp3. But when I import the sound, I hear nothing. I even export a test animation to see if it work but still nothing. It’s less than 256kb. Of course the app is good in total. But I need help importing the sounds from the folder to the app. But overall this app is amazing.
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    I used this app for 5 YEARS! If this app didn’t exist, I wouldn’t be able to even move a segment in another animating app! Just three things. 1. I wish there were an option when you want to put a stick figure behind another figure, or the the front. 2. Every time I have a 2 stick figures, one faces front, one faces the side (Like the Ralph 2020 pack) one frame has the figure facing the side, next frame, I delete the side figure and import the front figure. Play the animation and you see the SF change to the FF. But there is a white pause in the middle. Please fix that! 3. Now this is a REALLY BIG THING I want in the app! What if we had challenges in the place where you download stickfigures? Like for example the challenge is to make Sonic! The challenge changes every week or whenever you want it to change Ralph. Anyways I love the app it is the best animating app! Can’t wait to see what is coming next!
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    Developer Response

    Thanks so much for the nice review, glad you enjoy the app. And wow, 5 years, you're one of the OGs. About that stickfigure flashing/white issue, it's because you have tweening on and the stickfigure "being tweened" is being deleted (the side/front version), so it disappears during the tweening face. Simply select the stickfigure and under "Stickfigure Tools" check the "Keep stickfigure during tween" checkbox.

    When I first started this app,I was about 13 years was,well, had almost nothing in it, but then came -THE UPDATES- and then all of a sudden the app started getting sooooo much better and better and BETTER and so good that I just HAD to get the pro version.I was having such a good time with the app that it almost wasn’t an app at ALL, it was more like a game I could play, where I could be anything at any place at anytime, I was getting hooked on animation, and in the process of working (playing) I got so much better at it, I got so much experience that I was actually PROUD of what I was doing, in fact SO proud that I wanted to start a career out of it, and so I did.I started to show my friends and family and they would help me get ideas to make it more challenging...if it weren’t for this app,I wouldn’t have found my purpose in life, so whether your just looking for “Sticknodes and chill” or making stories,THIS APP is for YOU, so what are you waiting for?STOP reading this and go download this AWESOME, no that’s an understatement...this MAGNIFICENT APP RIGHT NOW...thank you to Ralph for inspiring so many to find a big purpose in a little app -thank you-your good buddy-Fenn
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    Developer Response

    Ngl I never intended to keep updating SN 6+ years later lol. But here we are. Thank you for sticking (sorry) around and thanks for the review! Glad you enjoy the app so much.

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