Yelp for Business App User Reviews

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  • Watch Billion Dollar Bully Documentary

    I supported Yelp more than anyone in my area when Yelp started. I build Decks & Fences. I am Very Small independent contractor competing for lowest prices in a Democrat State that allow Thousands of illegals to come and work illegally to compete with my small business. Needless to say I listed my business on Yelp because it is FREE. However as Yelp put thousands of small businesses out of business generating billions of dollars, Yelp started harassing me and writing fake bad reviews and filtering out 50-60 of my most recent 5 Star customer reviews even though I offered Yelp proof of every review customer contact pics and addresses. Yelp started demanding I pay for additional services that I am not interested in and when declining they filter out more reviews and start sending me customers for services not in my industry. Seems there is a lot of documentaries of good honest hard working Americans like myself with small business's also suffering from Yelps unethical business practices. Yelp used to be awesome, and I supported yelp and encouraged all my customers to use yelp for many years. Cant possibly feel the same anymore. Google does mot even do these horrible unethical things to small businesses.
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  • Frustrated OG User

    My personal account that I used to manage my business account has been deleted and I can no longer access it after 20 years. No one from the business side cares to help (for over a year now) because they claim they don’t have access. I am also not purchasing ads so I’m sure I’m just not a priority. There is no customer service phone number for personal yelp.

    The business yelp is frustrating because there are so many outdated photos I’d like to delete including a photo of a toilet a guest left showing how clean we are. I can’t delete or move photos unless I purchase a plan. So at anytime, the toilet photo can become my profile photo for my business which is a spa…not a good look.

    We get calls from reps daily. I’ve tried working with one explaining I don’t have a budget for ads but I need her help and she gets snarky and won’t help. I have other locations and every call ends with “so you don’t want to make more money and grow your business?”… I’m in sales and you will not win me over with this pitch. I need help with my accounts and once these issues have been fixed then I may be interested but until then, stop calling my spa. I’ve emailed and asked not to be contacted unless it’s to help me and not to just sell me.
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    Developer Response

    Thank you for taking the time to review the Yelp app. You can reach our team directly here for assistance with any questions, comments, or concerns:
  • Small Business Owners Be Aware

    My business is almost 8 years old. I was excited about getting on Yelp. In my first year. I even paid for ads which did not pay off. My very first review suddenly disappeared. Then my next review disappeared out of view to “unrecommended “. For years Yelp called me to buy ads. I said no thank you until my reviews stopped disappearing. A few days ago I did have 2 older reviews still showing. Yelp called me again. The salesman grabbed my attention when he showed me how the partnership with Google maps works. At the end when I was truly considering a trial, one of my two reviews appeared to disappear in front of my eyes without explanation. I had two reviews when we were talking. Suddenly I had 1. I was very upset. The salesman started talking over me. I told him I was so done. What do potential clients think when all of a company’s reviews are in unrecommended? My clients are honest and caring people. Do you think they are pleased when their reviews are moved? I was an Internal Audit Director for many many years. Every red flag has been thrown up as far as this practice. APPLE- if you are reading this, you should evaluate Yelp’s practices. It would not matter if I bought ads for years - a small business like mine stands no chance on Yelp. Owners - be sure you understand the process before you buy.
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  • Waste of Money

    I like yelp and I like reviewing businesses and I thought it would be cool to have my business on yelp but I was wrong. I keep trying yelp ads and I keep getting sold yelp ads by these people who work for yelp, but it’s always the same thing. I have people who are “interested” but then when I respond to them I never get anything in response back. I’m actually not convinced that they are even real people who are reaching out to me. They even make their phone number available and when I call it goes straight to voicemail. I never receive any kind of information or any kind of response from these “people“ meanwhile yelp continues to charge me more and more money. It is a complete waste of money and I feel like I’m continuously being scammed. Then when I go to exit the yelp ads, it takes so long for me to cancel and they keep on offering me more and more deals to stay when they’re just trying to get more money with nothing in return. I don’t know if this is worked for other people, but this is definitely not worked for me and you think I would’ve got it the first time, but this is now the fourth time that money has been taken from me by yelp ads with nothing in return, I have seen not one person, come from yelp even though yelp has claimed that I have over 60 leads. Yelp ads has generated “60 leads“ but I have not seen one person in my doors or even respond back to me.
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  • Biased Software for Customer Reviews

    DO NOT advertise your business with Yelp. Google Ads is better and cheaper. Not all customer reviews are posted on your Yelp business page. They use a software that decides if a review is “recommended” or “not recommended”. If a review is “recommended” then it shows up on your business page. However, if it’s “not recommended” then it doesn’t appear on your business page for your potential customers to see. The company does not tell you what parameters their software uses to determine if a customer review is “recommended” or “not recommended”. For example, I had four customers who all gave me 5-star reviews however, Yelp’s software indicated that all of my 5-star reviews were “not recommended”, and those reviews as a result did not show up on my business page. However, someone left a 1-star review on my business page and the software decided to “recommend” that review so now the 1-star review is the only review that shows up on my page for potential customers, to see, even though I have received 5-star reviews from other customers that aren’t shown on my business page. Their customer service is rude and did not provide any insight when I questioned the customer review process. I advise any potential business to NOT to use/advertise on Yelp.
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  • Zero stars if I could leave it!!!!

    Yelp is a JOKE! I’m a small business owner, who just signed up with Yelp, two months ago. Since opening I have received a total of less than 10 reviews all from customers who have came in the store, met me personally, and made purchases. After consistently, checking my yelp page I started noticing my reviews were disappearing until finally one morning. I woke up and seen every single review had been removed from my page. I contacted Yelp to find out that it is apparently a software program that they use that makes decisions on when to remove reviews. When I spoke with the representative, she said that because I had two reviews in the same week, it looks suspicious so the software program removed it and for me not to take it personally but yelp employees have been calling me nonstop about paying for advertising, and I have kindly declined each and every time. I’m sure this has to do with it 100%. Yelp is definitely not for the business owners. They only want your money and they try to bully you by making your page look like no one has come on just to get you to buy back those reviews. What a scam.!!!
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  • It helps but poor concept for reviews

    Well I agree Yelp for business definitely helps to run any business but when a new user who wants to review a business but don’t have any friends (let’s be real, how many of us have friends in Yelp) pushes the review to unrecommended. Even the legit reviews are not visible. That is even understandable as it’s a software doing it. I reached out to Customer representatives and I was able to get hold of one and was telling her the issue and she says it’s the software and all of the sudden the chat was blank and unable to reach any customer reps over chat for 2 days. How is that they are all busy all the time and couldn’t even get one rep even if I waited in the chat for very long.

    Also, you wouldn’t know if the lead comes only to you or it is been sent to others and you are getting it as well! It’s not clear. Would be great to show a way to know if it’s direct lead or opportunities that was sent to others as well.

    Unable to filter with confirmed job or not hired. Unable to archive messages. Unable to attach more than 5 pics in chat with customers. Not showing the status of the lead if it’s hired or not, even though it asks for it. Could improve more user friendly.
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    Developer Response

    Thank you for taking the time to review the Yelp app. You can reach our team directly here for assistance with any questions, comments, or concerns:
  • Scammers!

    Horrible experience with yelp. As soon as I registered my business I got a call from the manager offering a $900 promotion for promotion. I explained that I was new to the usa and didn't speak English well. I asked several times if I had to pay my money? She said no and persistently offered to run the promotion right away. During the conversation she suggested I enter my card details in the app. I asked again for what purpose and do I have to pay anything? She didn't explain the essence of the promotion and took advantage of the fact that I don't speak English well and didn't offer to read the detailed information in the letter or on the website first. I ended up being charged $108. I wrote a complaint to yelp. They replied that I should have familiarized myself with the promotion. Sounds logical to me. If only the manager hadn't pressured me in the phone call and given me time to calmly familiarize myself with the details on my own. My language skills would have been enough to understand the essence of the promotion if she had really explained it. To questions about spending my money she answered directly and one-syllable "no!". I believe the company employee is a fraud and the company itself encourages such actions. By the way the result of promotion I did not get. And 108$ I would very much now would not hurt to pay for housing and food. It is disgusting that the company profits from immigrants.
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  • Scam

    This has been the worse experience I’ve ever had with an app. Once I created my account I revived a call from the yelp people begging me to make business with them. Explained multiple times I was 100% percent sure since I had to pay for leads. The called me everyday day multiples until I have in. They gave me a credit and told me that I didn’t have to worry about it. If I see the app want working for me I just have to call them before the credit runs out. Of course the app didn’t work for me just landed 2 clients in a month, made around 150 in total. I called the same guy who harassed me into becoming a member. This time he want nice at all he barely spoke to be an walked me through the steps in order to cancel the membership so I would get charged. I asked him multiple times if this was all I had to do and he in a bad mood said yes. 2 months later I received a charge for 71 and now a charge for 121. After 2 full months of not using yelp and after speaking a a representative to avoid of all of this. They are charging me for stuff I never used. Mostly import after speaking to somebody who walked me through the app and made sure I cancelled everything.
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  • Not good for small businesses.

    I opened up my own yelp page for my business, I have been none stopped every single day called by a yelp employee wanting me to spend money marketing when I’ve only had the app maybe two weeks. I have an Instagram page with my yelp page in the bio so clients can submit reviews. As a business that just started out getting reviews is extremely crucial. I have two legit 5 star reviews and yelp removed them and said they were “unrecommended” if I choose as a business owner to not want certain reviews on my page I should be allowed to do that. They’ve ruined my experience and I want my reviews back on my page. No one wants to go to a business with no reviews. I do not want yelps help to put my business out there, I do not want yelp to remove or view my reviews because it’s hurting my business more than helping. If you’re a small business thinking of using yelp, I suggest Angie’s list or Google ads if you’re wanting to pay but if you want free I say stay to a Instagram and Facebook which is where I’ve gotten most of my business.
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    Developer Response

    Thanks for your review. Our automated software evaluates every review based on hundreds of signals of quality, reliability, and user activity on Yelp. The reviews it identifies as the most helpful and reliable are recommended. To learn more about our software, please visit:

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