Reviews Summary

Top reviews

  • One Piece: Game Crash Edition

    This game is extremely fun to play and a great way to kill time. The gameplay is easy to learn and hard to master. With so many characters and the way they compliment one another it’s easy to become a bit confused. The visuals are pleasing, but the story dialogue is easily forgettable and you will soon find yourself skipping through every cutscene to get back to the gameplay. Overall worth the download. HOWEVER. This game crashes harder than Paul Walker piloting the Challenger Shuttle. The worst offense being at the end of an event level where I’ve lost all the wanted posters that have been collected, along with the gems used during the mission. You WILL NOT get more than 10 minutes of gameplay without the app freezing up, with a 50/50 chance of the game crashing all together before it catches back up.
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  • The best phone game

    One Piece Treasure Cruise is the only game I play on my phone because it is the best phone game. It is a tactical action strategy game where you build crews of pirates, marines and inbetweens to send on perilous multi-stage voyages in search of new recruits and glorious treasures, set in a faithfully rendered version of the One Piece japanime world.

    The game’s real draw consists of building up crews capable of taking on the hardest challenges, something that takes luck, time, skill and hitting your credit card. Kudos to the developers for finally releasing the gatcha pull rates so you can gamble honestly, but OPTC is a really fun game where virtually all the content is still doable even if you pay out for for few digital treasures.

    I feel like the game has suffered a bit from being stuffed over full of new content but it’s still solid
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  • It has a bug for me

    When I first downloaded it it was fine until the 3rd day it said to me to download new content and I did and then I played it for the rest of the day, then the next day it said download new content and I was thinking to myself that hey they might have added something new so I downloaded it and nothing new and then the same thing happened to me all the time when I opened the app it kept on making me download the content that I already downloaded but it is a ding game but I just get annoyed when’re it does that and I tried reinstalling the app and that did not fix it and my phone has enough storage for h Th e update and I do not know what to do so if anyone can help me it will be greatly appreciated.
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  • Great Game. Horrendous Management.

    I don’t even know if I should call it management but that’s what I’m going with. The game itself is as fun as any gacha game, and it is fairly generous on how gems, the premium currency, is earned. The issue lies with Bandai Namco, or most likely the section of Bamco than runs OPTC, handles its fan base and communications. It treats the players like second class customers and just kinda says “Oops oh well” to it’s mistakes and isn’t transparent 100% with what is going on. Also I know it’s their game so they don't have to be generous on their banners but that’s not how you keep a player base since not everyone is going to want to spend hundreds of dollars just to pull on banners that players feel they’re being shafted on. One final note the whole “economy of the game” situation that just went down is really stupid considering the game is a PvE (You can compete with other players during special events but it’s not really PvP) game so there is zero harm in being nice with rewards other than the harm it does to Bandai’s wallet.
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  • Bandai punishing its player base.

    This game is a gambling game. If you have a gambling addiction please for your sake do not play this game especially if your a One Piece fan.

    Currently we are having the 5th anniversary of the game which is the most hyped and generally the best event of the year. This year it is hot garbage. Recently there was a glitch that sent out unlimited items and the gem currency to veteran players. It was a mess for Bandai and they likely spent a lot of time fixing it. So in return they spent no effort in 5th anniversary and even raised the cost to pull new characters. It is very disappointing. To new players I would say stay away. Veterans should think twice about continuing to play as this game is very time consuming and Bandai repeatedly treats its player base like garbage.

    To all, please do not give Bandai your hard earned money. If you choose to play remain f2p in till Bandai shows the least bit of effort to treat players better.
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  • 5 Year Player Rating Adjusted

    -This game was fun back in the day and was worth the money spent. Now most of my community has quit and I am seeing myself out too. Pay attention to the 5 star reviews. They’re actually 1 star ratings, but many players decided to place as 5 star to make sure their review is seen to let people know the truth. Save yourself.

    -Bandai was forced to show their pull rates to players which exposed their crap rates after lying to us

    -Punished players who took no part in a severe bug that was actually THEIR FAULT. You think 50 gems compensates for the money I’ve spent while additionally being a loyal player all these years?

    -Game became a massive cash grab

    -Anniversary banner is absolute trash and an obvious attempt to screw their player base. You call this a 5th Anniversary while boosting V1 characters from when the game first launched years ago? (Btw V1 characters are all trash now and can clear about 1% of content) yes you read that right: They want you to pay to get screwed by legends and rare recruits that came out 5 years ago as some of the first characters in the game which can clear virtually nothing relevant in the game.
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  • Long time fan

    Where do I even start?
    To be honest, what drew me in at first (aside from the very unique gameplay mechanic) was the art. Every character has such a carefully woven appearance both in gameplay and in menus- looking back on the days that OPTC started, the progress in the art is simply a spectacle.
    But lo! The wonder didn’t end there! Games of this nature usually feel repetitive after a while- beat levels, maybe get a character, repeat. But somehow, the staff team of this game just keep on giving, even separating global from japan by giving us exclusive units from time to time. And what’s more? This game is a treasure trove for folks who enjoy strategy- it’s significantly more complex than it may at first let on! I basically had to go through a time skip of my own to figure out how to properly work all the intricacies of this game over the five or six years I’ve been playing- if that sounds like a long time, get ready for it to fly by when you pick up this game!

    If your a fan of even one of the things I’ve mentioned here, I *strongly* recommend this game.

    10/10 from me- (and believe me when I say I don’t give a full 10/10 rating easily).
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  • Fun game that needs improvement

    I’ve been playing this game for going on 3 years and while I love One Piece and the game overall there are some things that need some massive improvements. The 1st being pull rates. The pull rates for the newest Sugo characters are trash. Rate boosted should actually mean something. We shouldn’t have a higher chance to pull an old, no longer useful, non-featured or rate boosted unit then one that is featured/rate-boosted. It really disincentives users from pulling. The 2nd thing that needs improvement are the gem costs. There is no reason that it should cost so much for so little return. Add that to the fact that “gem sales” aren’t actual sales (no price reduction) makes it unappealing to actually spend money on the game. Finally, the way they have handled a recent glitch within the game shows that they don’t actually care about the players because they are too worried about taking care about their bottom line. Take a not from Cygames which after player displeasure with certain actions taken have become widely accepted by many as a great developer which cares about its user base. In summary, fix the rates of pulling characters that are featured/rate-boosted, lower the price of gems/actually provide price cut gem sales, and actually prove that you care about your users otherwise this review is staying at 1 star.
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  • One star and why I gave it this rating

    Ok so first off love the game it’s fun but it’s one thing that make sit so much more less fun than Dokkan battle and Brave Souls that being that the special leveling up is so stupid and ruins the game when in games like dokkan and Bleach it is guaranteed a lvl up this game does the dumbest thing possible and makes it have a PERCENTAGE to increase and compared to the other games that actually reward you this is the biggest if not the most stupid thing that brings it from 4 star to a 1 star I like that on my 2nd account I got rewarded well for being new but I think unless they fix the special percentage from being like 10% to 100% for using a dupe character then it will not be as popular or as good as Dokkan or Brave Souls and that saddens me bc it’s fun but I hate the 15 hours I did to grind Shanks to compete 1 recruit mission if your gonna have a “have a special reach a certain lvl” mission for a recruit then don’t make it absurdly hard like 6 either reduce it or just get rid of it
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  • Greediest Gacha Game in the market

    Where to start? The rates for the games Rare Recruits is horrible. Bandai lies about the rates. You get crappy units that aren’t of any use after spending hard earned gems. Which mind you take months to save up for. Tons of units that are amazing don’t come back ever. Forcing you to purchase gems. They make it impossible to get good Legends and boost the good ones extremely low. Even if you spend a thousand dollars you wouldn’t even get the amazing Legend you want. That’s how bad it is. So saving gems is worthless and so is buying them. They make the content way too focused on SPECIFIC UNITS which only the new Legends are capable of clearing and are good for a month or two before a new one comes out repeating said cycle from above. They treat their player base like crap and see them as breathing piggy banks. Only wanting money, are incompetent in fixing issues, and punish their players for any errors they have made. STAY AWAY from this steaming pile of trash. Don’t give this greedy piece of crap any more money . They don’t deserve anything. It will be the best decision you could’ve ever made.
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