Blackbox User Reviews

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  • Extremely creative and innovative but not for everyone.

    This game is one of the most creative puzzle games I’ve seen. It utilizes features of the iPhone I didn’t even know existed and definitely is meant for people who enjoy out of the box thinking. My only gripe is that some of the puzzle solution conditions are just downright frustrating and extremely vague. I ended up uninstalling the app because some of the solutions required me to do things that my mind irrationally would not allow me to do. That being said this app is a perfect example of what is needed more of in the gaming market today: creativity, innovation, and passion for your craft. The developers made a genuinely great game that truly forces you to think “outside the box” in a way that I feel hasn’t been shown before. If you enjoy head scratching puzzles that push your curiosity then this is for you. If you’re like me and aren’t as much of a creative thinker as you think then still give it a try but be aware that it can be frustrating. Regardless definitely try to support the devs in any way you can because all in all it’s an amazingly designed game.
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  • Good but …

    Ok this is definitely the hardest puzzle game I’ve ever downloaded. And I think this is actually the first time I’ve written an app review. I like this game a lot - I want to love it, but some of the challenges are straight up just too hard. Many of them I ended up looking them up online even after the hints. I feel like maybe the first hint should be free and then the token system. I feel like if its so hard that people are constantly looking stuff up and cheating, then we’re not really getting the fun of solving it.

    I also want more but I’m cheap! I 100% understand the developer needs money to keep it going and what not, but I wish there was also an add option, like many other games have (Ex: Watch this 2 min video for 5 hint tokens). That way people could really use their brains and solve it without feeling like they have to pay. I know it’s only like $10 but it would be nice if there were options.

    Overall, really like the game - just wish there was a teensy bit more support and options for the users.
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  • OMG

    This is the best MOBILE game i have ever played not joking i have had the best time playing this it is hard but thats why its so fun because i can feel play it and laugh too instead of being frustrated cause you can buy the developer coffee and a burrito and it has reasonable prices like only 40 cent for like 100 hint credits im SO surprised that the ratings are not a complete 5 star rating it has a 4.8 so close to 5 but i think it should be 5 cause this game is a MOBILE game that is amazing this is like one of the first mobile games to pass the line of me throwing up after downloading all the way to me LOVING the game it is so amazing and i dont even like puzzles so if you do this game will DEFINITELY hit the spot and if it doesn’t your WEIRD (jk) and its free so you can download it so you know im not lying no adds so by downloading this game the only way your helping the developers is popularity so please download this and try it out please cause i seen this and thought it would be bad bbbbuuuuuttttt its NOT EVEN CLOSE to bad its amazing so if yous see this you have to download it cause remember i hate puzzles and puzzle games but i love this one so please download this the reason im adding SO much urgency is because i skipped a comment on this game and decided not to download it but then changed my mind and im so glad i did you please download this its got funny stuff puzzling stuff (duh) and fun stuff
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  • Mostly obsessed

    Okay, absolutely obsessed with this concept. The difficulty is there, the humor is there, the design is all there. This game has a lot to offer with it’s unique gameplay and I am all for supporting small teams on creations like this. I truly believe that anyone should try it at least once and it’s super fun to have others try and figure it out with you. The only real downside, is in one particular puzzle which I think may benefit from a modification and that is needing headphones to solve it. I truly think it would benefit from being changed to having to plug your charger in instead to make it more accessible for others. Otherwise, great game. I recommend it to everyone due to the way it encourages you to use all your senses in a fun way all on one game. I also think pricing is more than fair and despite it only costing so little on our side I do hope that it still helps the creators in some way. I pray the price for us ended up working out great for you guys cause honestly…take my money lol. I just hope that this puzzle can be changed and other puzzles that may be built in a similar fashion can be changed accordingly to make it more easily accessible for all players who want the challenge of playing this beautiful game.

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  • i’ve never been angrier

    this game, this freaking game has got me at my wits end. i both love and hate this game with my whole soul. Started playing and was like “ oh i love puzzles mmmmmehehhe” but no. let me explain this to you, I am a 5’3 gay man who cries when being yelled at and has such severe asthma that going up the stairs i’m fighting for my life, but this, this……~ game~ has brought out the emotional rage and anger issues of the men in my family who have been in the military for generations back, all standing above 6’2 and weighting more than 130 pounds of muscle ( don’t look at me like that, I don’t know why i’m like this and not like that ) and now with the anger coercing threw me, I am ready for war, the testosterone is in my bloood and brain cells, and now i am 7’10, 380 pounds of pure man meat ( gross ) and I AM READY FOR WAR. I WILL CONQUER THIS GAME IN THE NAME OF UNCLE SAM AND I WILL COME BACK TO MY BEAUTIFUL BLOND BLUE EYED WIFE AND TWO CHILDREN WHO ARE ALSO BLOND AND BLUE EYED ( again, i am a gay gay man without kids ) AND I WILL WIN, FOR AMERICAAAA🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅 ( please help I haven’t slept in 2 days )

    also this is to say that i am dark brown haired and green eyed and that gay men can be in the army but this one? this one in the hello kitty socks and red hoodie and fuzzy wolf pajama pants watching greys anatomy will not be anywhere near the army, thank you and live long and prosper, you trogladytes.
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  • This is a cool game.

    I would download this if I was anyone else who loved puzzles this is pretty cool. This would help boost people, (each box level should come with a hint,) so you’re not struggling the whole way through and you can pick like from the levels in that box (idea)>>You can pick the hint you want for it for the box inside of the level that would be a great help. I would expect that the levels were a little bit easier and wouldn’t rank up the IQ amount that quickly because that makes it harder and harder and harder. You should be able to get to know the game before you get into an extreme level like when I’m on right now. I would say it is an awesome game. Otherwise I want this to be seen because this can actually make the game better, and that’s just my thoughts. If it’s not a good thought then it doesn’t need to be added to the game anyways I hope you beat the game. I hope you passed the level before me, it’s pretty difficult and I don’t think I’m gonna be able to pass in time before new player does and that’s all, bye-bye!
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  • Fun but hard and have to pay

    Im a puzzle girl. I like a good puzzle, where i have to use my head. when i have to think out side the box. this game is a great game for thinking outside the box. but there a few things. first off it's HARD!!! now i'm not talking about "oh just do this" or "use ur head for this" no no no. i'm talking like it gives u a puzzle that just has a square. you can't touch it, you can't shake the phone. it's very difficult. now i know what you thinking, "dude, just use the hints" I would but it's expensive! if you want the first hint it's one "token". "alright? not bad" but if you still don't understand you can get another hint for two tokens. then the next ones three. "why does that matter" because you get seven tokens for free. once you use them all. that's it. no more. if ur stuck. pay. no ads. no way to get more free tokens. you gotta pay. and sure they cheap. 100 tokens for, what, 70 cents? that's not bad but what if your a broke person! not calling myself out but dude! there's gotta be another way to get tokens! and that not the only thing you have to pay for. Lets go down memory lane for a sec. i finished i believe five boxes. then it gives me so many more. so far so good. BUT YOU HAVE TO PAY FOR THEM. you have to PAY for basically MORE THAN HALF the game. and it's like 6-9 dollars! again broke dude. so there are some things that u wish that they could work on. but it's a good game overall.
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  • Very satisfying and fun but not as challenging as you’d expect

    Yes I recommend this app. I’ve done 66 puzzles so far and really enjoyed the game. Originally I’d rate this 5 stars, but after a bit, the puzzles became less challenging and more tedious, I guess? As in, they just require time to solve or opening the puzzle at a certain time of day, walking a far distance, and climbing in height, etc. After the first two like this, I was a little dissatisfied and some I have left undone because I can’t be bothered after I figured out the solution.

    The others felt more like trying to make you share the game on socials/to friends to solve the puzzle. (Like free promo which is smart but I can’t be bothered 😭) The game itself is very satisfying and pleasing to the eye, but it also crashes semi often and at one point I had to offload and re-download the app after I used the hints and it implied something I already tried… the same solution worked this time. I was a bit frustrated after wasting so much time—thinking the solution must be super creative… overall I recommend just for the several fun puzzles, haha.
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  • Very fun

    Very fun but I had to hire friends to help me. RehehehehehehehehehA. My name is Yoshikage Kira. I’m 33 years old. My house is in the northeast section of Morioh, where all the villas are, and I am not married. I work as an employee for the Kame Yu department stores, and I get home every day by 8 PM at the latest. I don’t smoke, but I occasionally drink. I’m in bed by 11 PM, and make sure I get eight hours of sleep, no matter what. After having a glass of warm milk and doing about twenty minutes of stretches before going to bed, I usually have no problems sleeping until morning. Just like a baby, I wake up without any fatigue or stress in the morning.
    I was told there were no issues at my last check-up. I’m trying to explain that I’m a person who wishes to live a very quiet life. I take care not to trouble myself with any enemies, like winning and losing, that would cause me to lose sleep at night. That is how I deal with society, and I know that is what brings me happiness. Although, if I were to fight I wouldn’t lose to anyone.
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  • Fun at first

    My biggest problem with the game is that the description is kinda lying. There are multiple puzzles that involve digging through settings on your phone, and interacting with menus in weird ways. That would be fine if everyone knew every function of their phones, but I’m not super tech savvy. Because of that every other puzzle is me just frustratedly digging through phone settings.

    Also, there are only so many ways you can interact with your phone without appearing crazy. It’s to the point where I’ve seen reviews where people can’t finish puzzles because they don’t own stuff like headphones or a plug in charger.

    fun interactions, that bystanders will love, include; screaming into your mic, moving your phone all over the place like you’re filming a bee, plugging in and unplugging peripherals, accidentally taking multiple screenshots (very fun having camera sounds come from your phone on a bus), turning your phones volume to max, and much much more.
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