Blackbox User Reviews

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  • Maddening, but in a good way, kind of.

    I love puzzle games. I love working out the solutions to even very difficult or frustrating ones. I take notes. I look for patterns. I observe. None of this helps at all with this game (for most puzzles). Some of my puzzles solve segments on their own and I have no clue why. I can’t even undo or start over to observe why it may have happened. It’s impossible to know what caused it and to use that info for reference. This is maddening to me, but it does keep me coming back more often to check things.

    I have to admit, I am completely lost most of the time. I don’t know if this is wise marketing by the developer though, because it doesn’t exactly make me want to buy the other locked puzzles. If I figure something out and start to recognize a pattern, I may buy them, but I certainly will not while I’m just stabbing in the dark.
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  • I am angry

    This is a good game, it’s cool, whatever, but I’m stuck on this stupid level where the screen is filled with black boxes on a white screen that fluctuate when u move the phone. I’ve unlocked the last 2 hints and they aren’t helpful and idk what to do. The green box thing will only go so far and I can’t finish it and I’m about to cry cuz it’s impossible and idk what to do and nothing is recent enuf online to include this level. Plz just tell me what to do or something cuz it kinda ruins the whole game and I’m like panicking cuz I can’t even do it by cheating and looking online and this is giving me rly bad anxiety. Maybe you just hav to be absolutely perfect in order to get it rite, idk, but at this point I don’t even wanna play anymore cuz I’m like this close to a panic attack ugh
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  • Think Outside the Box ⬛️

    This is an absolutely brilliant game! It is so intricate in such a simple, satisfying way, I can not even express it in words. I generally forget about most games and then delete them, but Blackbox is not that kind of game. I have had it since the beginning and it is unlike any puzzle game I have ever played, quickly becoming my favorite app. I adore the simplicity of the graphics and the creativity of the game in general. The humor in Blackbox just adds to it all the more. It always makes my day when I get another funny comment from The Developer. I have recommended this game to almost everyone I know, and I still think this game could be for anyone! It gets you thinking, and even if you aren't that fond of puzzle games, try it!

    The only thing that I dislike about Blackbox is the wait until the next update. I always look forward to it!

    Thank you Ryan for taking the time to make such a brilliant game!
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    I got to say this game is my ultimate favorite game of 2018. No one can say that I don’t know what I’m talking about because this game is pure originality.
    Talk about THE HARDEST GAME you’ve ever played. But the addicting hard. The one that keeps you coming back for more. I spent about 2 hours playing this game, no lie hahaha. After beating one level I feel so happy and satisfied, because I know I worked my brain in order to figure out these challenges. But you must know, THIS GAME IS NOT A GAME FOR JUST LAYING IN YOUR BED AND RELAXING!!! This game requires you to think COMPLETELY out of the box, hence the title, Blackbox. It boggles your brian and may even have you holding your breath! Some levels do require you to move around so just a heads up! Have fun and enjoy this crazy, mysterious, and entertaining game! Thank you!
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  • Interesting, difficult, and a bit creepy

    I have to say this is a very interesting little game and it certainly makes you think. It makes you use your device in ways you wouldn't normally think to use it. My only big issue with this game is that some of the challenges are incredibly difficult. I won't spoil any of the game (you can find many walkthroughs online if you'd rather cheat your way through) but for some of the challenges you have to do things you would never think to even attempt trying. You know it's hard when even a walkthrough has to write two paragraphs on how to solve one of the problems. All that said, I do enjoy this game and wish there were many more free puzzles available at once. It is a big creepy, though, seeing just how much an application knows about what you do on your phone/tablet without giving it permission, like viewing your notes, homescreen, etc.

    This game would earn a solid 5 stars if not for the insanely difficult puzzles, which, thankfully, don't make up all of them. I'd definitely recommend this to a friend.
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    Developer Response

    Hey CinnamonFeet! Sorry for the slow reply. Just FYI apps can't see what's on your home screen or in your notes :) I do love to help show people via the game what apps do and might access to though. Would love to hear which puzzles your find too difficult and if you found the hints helpful enough. Always looking to improve… I'm at
  • Has some really cool concepts

    I have to say I didn't enjoy this game very much, but I can tell it had a lot of work put into it and it has some really neat tricks in the puzzles. I'm a huge fan of puzzle games but I didn't really feel like the puzzles were hard in a way that made you feel super smart when you solve them. In games like the room, myst, and even the witness, the puzzles are made so that they're difficult because you have a lot you have to think about at once, and to figure out the puzzles you have to use Logic. In this game, it's more guessing, and then once you figure it out, you say: "oh wow, I had no idea the phone could detect that". The main puzzle side of it is using the clues to figure out what you have to do, but a lot of them are very vague, which is fine, but for a puzzle game where each puzzle really only has one step, it's kind of annoying. I'd say everyone should try it out though, maybe I just don't like these types of puzzles, because it seems like a lot of people do like them.
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  • Challenging but exciting to play.

    I'm not good at puzzles and such, but this game was actually fun. It's very difficult to understand how to solve it but once you get the hang of it, it becomes more and more entertaining and exciting! It's kinda funny on the complexity of solving the puzzles and the how different everyone of the puzzles are from each other. But I recommend this game because it's fun for me , depending on your age of course. I'm 13 so, but anyways, I think of this game as a puzzle sorta thing and kinda a challenging one. But once you figure it out, you'll have fun with it and keep playing it and enjoy it. So if your bored and think about downloading an app, I suggest this one to you because it's entertaining. I say probably 13 and up, considering the complexity. Well I was happy to write this review, hope you enjoy it!
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  • Longest game I've played on my iPhone.

    There are those games that get you're attention with dazzling effects and action or addiction. This game doesn't do any of the above. Well, maybe it's a little addicting but not like other games. This one challenges the nerd in me. I've been playing through all the levels for a little over 1 month and I've been amazed at what I've been able to solve! The best parts of this game are when I'm outside of the game mucking about in my phone to solve the puzzle inside the game without even touching the puzzle. There are time based puzzles that stretch my patience but it's so enjoyable to solve it because I figured it out! Be prepared to get frustrated and use hints that at first don't seem to help, but keep going and keep your mind open so you don't get stuck in a mind rut.
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  • My Favorite iOS Game!

    Blackbox is my favorite game that is currently on my phone. It's innovative, challenging, and funny. I think that some of the levels are a little bit too difficult, for example the level where you have to go a certain distance to turn on each of the four lights. I would prefer it if the distance was not so far, because I drove about 54 miles (~1 hour 15 mins) and only reached the second light. The speed at which the distance indicator advances only gets slower as well. I also live at a fairly high elevation, and I have not even reached the first light yet on the erudite pack level in which you must increase your phone's elevation to turn on the lights. I understand that these levels are meant to be challenging, but many people don't have the funds to travel such long distances or to travel to where there are very high elevations. Other than those two levels, I have found this game very enjoyable (although frustrating at times) and I get excited every time I see a new meta challenge has come out. Thank you Mr. McLeod for this wonderful game!
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    Developer Response

    Thank you N00bRosie! I definitely plan to continue to release new levels and am looking into tweaking the ones you mentioned. Stay tuned and thanks for the kind review. You can always reach me at if you have further ideas or thoughts!

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