Introducing Funimate AI Major Update – Hosted by
Create, Enhance, and Transform Your Media with AI!
Funimate, the beloved video and motion editing app, is thrilled to introduce a groundbreaking new feature - Funimate AI! This major update promises to revolutionize the way you create and share your videos.
Prepare to unleash your creativity like never before. Funimate AI allows you to generate AI versions of your favorite people, enabling you to craft unique and captivating content. Explore a vast array of AI-powered styles and effects, transforming your videos into true works of art. And with the enhanced Quality Tool, you can elevate your productions to new heights, ensuring every frame is polished to perfection. Join us from December 21 to January 21 as we embark on this exhilarating AI adventure together. Get ready to captivate your audience and push the boundaries of video creation like never before!