Husband, Delete My Number! New Season – Hosted by
The cold-hearted husband turns out the best Romeo.
"Husband, Delete My Number!" - A Gripping New Season of ReelShort
The drama-hungry fans of ReelShort are in for a treat as the app unveils an electrifying new season, "Husband, Delete My Number!" From July 10th to July 16th, viewers will be captivated by the tumultuous journey of Emma and Elijah, a couple on the brink of divorce.
The stage is set for a tumultuous emotional rollercoaster, as Emma, reeling from a heartbreaking moment, makes the bold decision to end her marriage with Elijah. But will the estranged pair find the courage to confront their differences and seek reconciliation? Or will they instead choose to part ways, deleting each other's numbers and memories for good?
With its signature blend of binge-worthy storytelling and bite-sized episodes, ReelShort promises to deliver a riveting exploration of love, loss, and the power of forgiveness. Fans won't want to miss a single frame of this captivating new season, as they follow Emma and Elijah's journey to uncover the truth buried beneath their crumbling relationship.
The new season starts July 10, 2024 — ends July 16, 2024.