全新午睡功能上线 Major Update – Hosted by
搭档Apple Watch提供午休、小憩的全方位追踪,助你体验更优质睡眠
Embark on a journey to optimal well-being with the 天悦HRV app's latest unveiling: the eagerly awaited "全新午睡功能上线" event, marking a MAJOR UPDATE milestone in sleep science. Seamlessly integrated with Apple Watch, this innovative feature harnesses proprietary algorithms to meticulously track your power nap duration and quality, shaping a bespoke sleep regimen for siesta aficionados and nap enthusiasts alike. Whether you cherish daytime snoozes or seek rejuvenation through brief rests, this scientific slumber blueprint is your gateway to revitalized energy levels and enhanced productivity.
Join us in embracing this groundbreaking enhancement from November 20 to December 21, a period destined to redefine your daytime repose routines. Experience the art of napping elevated to a science, as 天悦HRV empowers you to reclaim your vitality and restore equilibrium in the rhythm of your days. Seize the opportunity to unlock the secrets of restful rejuvenation, all at your fingertips within this transformative event.