元旦民俗体验之旅 Major Update – Hosted by iHuman Chinese
Embark on a cultural journey like no other with iHuman Chinese! Join us for the exciting "元旦民俗体验之旅" event, a MAJOR UPDATE that promises a fresh start to the new year. Step into the world of 小白 and his family as they craft intricate Chinese knots, set off vibrant fireworks, and tidy up their home for the festive season. Dive into the immersive experience of "生活中的汉字"大地图 and immerse yourself in the joy of celebrating 元旦 while expanding your knowledge of Chinese characters alongside this lovable family.
Mark your calendars for this spectacular event running from December 30th to January 30th and get ready to discover the beauty of Chinese traditions in a fun and educational setting. Don't miss this opportunity to join 小白 and his family in a heartwarming celebration that will not only bring you joy but also deepen your understanding of Chinese culture. Immerse yourself in the magic of 元旦 and let the adventure begin!