Good idea
Part time job app was a great idea and an app that is needed. I think getting a part time job earlier on in life is very important part of growing up and everyone should get one before they go on to their careers. This app makes it easy now to get one especially if your a student and always have your smart phone in hand. I just wish there were more jobs available but I'm sure that will eventually be fixed.
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I’m surprised...
I'm surprised that there is an app for part time jobs! All other job apps have all jobs, part time and full time so it's nice having an app that focuses just on part time jobs. It fits my needs because I'm looking for just part time jobs currently.
Only if….
I think overall the application is very simple and well made, the concept of the app is very good too but there are a few problems with it. The major one currently being that there isn’t a large amount of jobs available at this time. Other few problems I have it it is that sometimes there seems to be some lag when I go through the application very fast. Other then that its nice and simple, I would imagine that this app would serve its purpose very well only if there were more jobs..
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