Don't Starve User Reviews

Top reviews

  • Great Game but.. ❌

    I think Don’t Starve as a Pc Game is a stand alone amazing game where you can sink thousands of hours into.. but with the pocket edition it’s not quite the same, sure it has the base game at heart with Reign Of Giants, but it’s not updated at all, back then phones couldn’t quite handle Don’t starve currently, but phones have evolved so much then, they can have triple AAA games now granted it does take tons of storage, anyways though the old pocket editor. game the game doesn’t feel or play the same as in right now new DST, Klei could make major profit off updating the game and making a even making a don’t stave together mobile game. The mobile game could be so much better with actually having the option of adding mods and other assortments.

    Anyways that’s really it the game needs a update it’s quite outdated and I’ll to see it have some love thrown towards it
    And also give some love to console players please at least have them geometric placement

    Anyways great game, I would get this game only if you can’t get the console or PC game since both of those at updated regularly. 🖤🤍
  • Needs Optimization

    After playing for 3 in-game days eventually after taking 2-3 steps the game will lag so badly it freezes for 3-5 seconds. Saving and quitting is the only method I’ve found of fixing it, but it only lasts another day or two before the lag starts up again. Also, the interact buttons need to be spaced out a bit more. When trying to click the green gather button, if I’m near something that can be attacked my character will attack instead of gather. And when trying to click the red attack button, if I’m near anything that can be gathered my character will gather instead of attack. Sometimes if I click the gather button my character will go on autopilot and won’t stop gathering items until I click somewhere else on the screen or there’s nothing left to gather near me. This issues are *slightly* annoying, but I’ll only have to tolerate them until I can get Don’t Starve for the Switch! ^-^
  • Why does it keep auto attacking?

    I love this game. I love it to bits. I have over 160 hours on steam and I finally had the common sense to get the mobile version.

    The game is fun and works like the PC version, but I am incredibly frustrated because of one particular glitch. I like to make camp by the beefalo for protection and easy manure production, but for some reason, my player will randomly auto-attack the beefalo. Without my hand being anywhere near the three general control buttons, the character will all of a sudden decide to attack the beefalo. There was even a solid minute of gameplay where I had to keep moving the character away from the beefalo because it kept running toward them to attack!
    I’ve tried multiple things, but nothing works and it only seems to be the beefalos. I’ve had three games end because I haven’t found a respawn and my character auto attacked them only for them to kill me in two hits. It’s incredibly discouraging and disappointing :/
  • Love it. Also a few suggestions

    This game is great for passing time and I just dig survival games I could spend the whole day writing abt what I like about it but for times sake and also me wanting to see the game improve I have a few suggestions: 1. A lot have noticed the UI has a few bugs like I was trying to eat roasted berries and when I touched the icon they just disappeared 2. Rotating the screen for one you cant rotate or zoom in or out while you’re moving you have to take youre hand off the joystick to adjust your pov, also many times the game crashes whenever I rotate the screen I have an iPhone 13 so I know its not a processing issue on my end. That’s all I’ve got again I love this game please dont give up on it❤️
  • Wendy is the best character in my opinion because:

    Well Wendy I think is the best because you can summon her twin sister named Abigail she died and she protects you same for don’t starve together. Abigail is ghost if you watch what happened to Abigail but I don’t know what happened to Abigail. So when you see Abigail red in ghost she is attacking something if you see Abigail’s eyes look mad 😡 she is going to attack something. Wendy by the way is the ghost guy’s daughter so is Abigail Wendy was haunted by her twin sister Abigail. I also think that the Libarian
    Is the best too one reason is because she know many stuff cause she reads a lot. She is just like a science machine. That is why those two characters they are my favorites.
  • Good Game! 👍👍

    i downloaded this game about a year ago and i totally forgot i bought it, i just realized i had it so i redownloaded it and 1 thing i noticed was that the inventory on iPhone SE was off by 2 slots so you couldn't see the first 2 inventory slots but other than that the game is pretty good i know that this game came out a while ago but i still enjoy it! a couple years ago i really liked dst i used to play it for hours a day, and i bought the mobile version bc i had to take turns playing with my older brother so when it was his turn i would play on my ipad. but once i can play i would immediately get on dont starve together and host a public server hoping someone would join and help me bc i sucked alone and i would only be able to survive the first 10 days so if someone did join i would ask for alot of food and stuff but yeah thats my story.

    Lepose < 3
  • LOVE the game BUT there is a bug!

    I love this game so much, so much advancement and longevity in this game. So much to do, so many characters to play and unlock! AND there’s so much lore. The only issue is that the game freezes or bugs out whenever I play for more than 30 min - an hour, and if my sanity levels drop alot and the graphics become more on the “horror” side, the game begins to freeze before I can save anything and then the app dies and I have to reopen everything just to see I have to start a lot of days over. Please fix this.
  • UI Needs Work

    Died countless, and I mean countless times just trying to juggle my inventory using the given UI layout and behaviors. Please update the UI a bit. Will happily change to 5 stars. Edit 2/ Also when you have a torch out and try to use the joystick while something like a tree is directly underneath the joystick, you can’t move because it’ll keep bringing up the light/examine dialogue box. Only workaround is to rotate screen and hope you’re not in the middle of a forest. This has killed me even more. Edit 3/ I know for a fact that there have been at least 30 player planted Saplings and Grass Tufts that have just simply disappeared from my base. This is crippling. I won’t make it through winter now. It’s day 18 and I’m meant to be at base collecting all the twigs and grass I want while I cook up whatever I can pump out through my farms with fertilizer. Please fix these sorts of harsh game altering bugs. I went and got more once already so technically this happened twice this save.
  • Pretty Decent but Glitchy

    It’s not as good as Don’t Starve Together (especially Wendy and Abigail) but it’s still pretty good. Except when you almost die to an invisible ewecus. And when pigs walk off the earth and onto the water and never come back. Yes, I said onto the water. Like Jesus. There also seems to be a rare glitch where making food turns straight into rot. Oh, and placing walls/fences is absolutely terrible. Also, my game crashed when I made frogs attack a lure plant. Probably a bad idea on my part but it was funny. There’s also a weird glitch when you die and respawn at the statue, your character just starts taking off in one direction. I also had a fire hound spawn in my first winter. Kinda strange. Also, when your weapon breaks, it doesn’t replace the weapon even if you have the same kind in your inventory but it’ll do so good shovels/pickaxes/etc. Also, Abigail gets stuck offscreen all the time and there’s no way to pull her aggro off of anything. I let her die if she’s accidentally summoned and just throw the flowers at the spawn statue; that’s how useless she is to me here. Also, my world had no “totally normal trees” and I had to spawn a tree guard for living logs. It utterly destroyed me. But great game :D love DST so this is good way to play when I’m not home.
  • Ruined by bug

    I love this game. I played the original beta for it on my old laptop many many years ago. I love that it’s on mobile. However every time I try to place gates or fences, I’m given an error message and my game immediately crashes. When I’m using a controller, the game gives me to option to “plant” the fences like the game thinks they’re pinecones or something. So there’s something weird with it. Other people are experiencing this bug as well. I wanted to build walls around my base, but when I tried, it crashed and I lost a days worth of progress. I’m not sure I want to play if I can’t access some features due to crashing. Please fix this!

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