Critical Ops User Reviews

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  • Match Making and rank issues

    When I join a rank game and I’m platinum it puts me with gold, diamond, and master players and even unranked players when it should only be platinum. Those unranked players sometimes are pros who make new accounts to play with low experienced player to ruin their fun I don’t know but its annoying because you think they are hacking but they are just too good. Talking about hacking there are problems with that because hackers join rank games with, aimbot, wall, and radar and the radar hack the whole team gets it. I think there is a wall ¿glitch? because sometimes I see people walling and all I see in chat is “he is glitching plz report”. Sometimes I see unranked ops that join ranks and they just leave the game as soon as it starts. It’s annoying because it happens a lot to me.

    I try to have fun on a rank games and the rank games has people afk, 4 different ranks, hackers, and smurfs.

    Overall the game is fun l’ve been playing for 2 years and a lot of friends of mine has stopped playing for those reasons I’m probably the last one in friend group who still plays.
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  • why don’t the devs care

    The devs of this game don’t care that there are SO MANY HACKERS they constantly update the game but don’t fix the hacks i find so many people who headshot 3 people at once while walking away they have aim bot and probably a radar. I get pre-fired through a wall and they snap onto my head and one tap me they get up to around 50 kills each game which is nearly impossible with 8 min. of game time with 10 potatoes smashing together and 5 of them trying to kill you. DEVS PLEASE FIX YOUR GAME IT ISN'T FUN IF HACKERS ARE RUNNING AROUND KILLING EVERYONE AND TRASH TALKING it is so bad that i headshot a dude twice and he called hacks because he has had so many people hack I MET A HACKER WHO SAID HE PAID 528 DOLLARS FOR AIMBOT please anyone who reads this please don’t get this game it is so fun but the devs literally ignore all reviews on hackers i heard a guy say this game is a pay-to-win i agree because if you pay for hacks you win its that simple THE MONITOR CHEIF DOESN'T ALLOW BANNING and that is just stupid, imagine the police getting on you for robbing the store but they cant do anything because the president said NO so they just breath down your neck angrily.
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  • To the developers of this game

    Dear creators, just here to say that this game is great in all and really entertaining and the practice mode is real great to use for skills but one thing is that the store skins of guns are just way too expensive like it’s not that worth it and second, this is probably just the players but there is no costume games a lot of times and I am basically a costume game player in this game because it’s your own rules and your own server. Here is one thing that I need to tell this game about the free credits for one ad bug because when I watch the ad, it freezes forever and ever so I’m hoping u guys fix that big bug but yeah, just here to say that this game is soo good and without this game, I would not have that much entertainment and I appreciate that this game is created and supported which is amazing. Last, I am also happy that other people support this game and have joy for their life so to all the people who play this game, you are a LEGEND.
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  • Needs fixing

    I have played this game for a couple years now, I’ve enjoyed it and played it a lot, and even spent money on it, it took a year and a half for them to fix a bug that wouldn’t allow me to log in through Facebook or Game Center, when I was able to log in and play ranked I was met by hackers. And when the community tries to tell the devs about a problem or something that everyone agrees should be changed the ignore it. Like the time when they made an update that only allows you to purchase certain guns on breach or coalition, everyone hated it. Again it was ignored. Or the time when the gun models changed (they are extremely oversized compared to the previous gun models) everyone hated it. Ignored. These aren’t the only times this happened, I could rant about this for hours. I dm the devs and do everything in my power to get them to change it, others do the same but they simply don’t listen. So with that, I say that’s it is an ok game because of the fact that the devs only care about money.
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  • Love this game but...

    I love this game so much i just hate that everything cost credits witch is so unfair. I hate how we have to keep spending money on this game. I love that it gives you a gun skin when you first open the app i just wish we can earn credits when we play team death match or defuse. To me its just so unfair im pretty sure other people that have NOTHING think the same way. Also its unfair that we have to buy the elete to get rewards and the elete cost 1,400 like HUH. I cant keep wasting money and i always play this game ive been playing for 3 years already. I feel bad for the people who wish they had cool knifes cool skins but they cant get it cause they need credits for everything and i mean EVERYTHING i also try completing offers but i never get my credits. If you can just let us earn credits it will make my day happy and for others who have nothing.
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  • I’ve been playing since it came out could be better

    I’ve been playing this game since it came out since the beginning critical ops has really come far tons of new maps tons of new guns tons of ltm modes critical pass. So a few of my complaints obviously like a lot of people had said the game needs to be better programmed u don’t understand how many times I’ve joined a game and not even spawned yet and it ends or join and get spawn killed by every single corner of our spawn it’s frustrating and irritating another thing the critical passes have been lacking lately seriously a skin for the final teir that’s no exiting now matter how cool the skin if it were a knife or gloves it would be amazing and I would buy every one but sadly not recently another final thing I see people spending mad money opening these limited edition cases with gloves knifes and cool stuff but theirs a .75 of getting it and they open 50 not a single good thing all crap nothing even close to the top teir stuff it’s disappointing spending money and not even getting the stuff I wanted
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  • Awesome, but few issues

    This game is really fun, and I like to play it a lot. I have a few problems though. One, which is like my main reason, is to bring back missions with credits, and take out the “critical pass”. This might sound like too much, but I have a lot of reasons. One, you barley get rewards from the free pass. ALSO, people who don’t want to spend money on the game can’t get the advantages of the critical pass. It is better when you could get 30 credits from the missions, and I like that way better because you can actually open more cases. Also, I had a favorite nap, brewery, and I really enjoyed it. But when you updated the map, it was ok, but I liked the older version better. Another thing is that could you make the game actually get people to get matched with other players they can actually beat, not with some smurfs and pros. Another problem is hacking. I’ve seen a lot of hacking, like aimboters and wall hacks. I’ve lost a lot of ranked from that, and it’s getting annoying. But overall, the game is pretty fun.
    Would Recommend it to other people. Also, I bought a spin while during a rank queue. So I did the rank, went to the load out to see my skin, but it wasn’t there. I checked the spin and it said I got super 90 old canyon. But when I went to load out it wasn’t there! It would be nice if you could fix this glitch. Thank you,


    Edit: The glitch for the skin was fixed. All I had to do was wait for a while and I got it.
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  • Fun and great but some issues

    The game is great amazing and cool like the different guns and skins amazing but some issues are with the game I have 2 things to say the 2nd is not that annoying but the 1st one is pretty annoying and the 1st one is that when I reload my gun or a gun and then swap to something different and then back it did not reload and then when I use it and die it gets annoying I tried to see why and it will stay how it was after but after reloading that gun you have to wait like 1-3 seconds so it will stay and sometimes you have to run at them and you are sure you got them but the gun did not reload meaning you died the 2nd one is not annoying but sometimes is and it’s about people who play it and are good or bad because I get with a team of good or bad people and I wonder why did this happen so if you could make skill base matchmaking it will be fine but it is not that annoying so it is basically your guy’s choice
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  • Pls Fix Competitive Rank Match Making

    I hate getting teamed up with Gold Players and Unranked players even though I am Platinum 2. Players in Gold, Silver or Bronze should not be playing with Plats. The unranked accounts are an issue. These accounts are made by good players who play against low level players. These are called smurfs. They ruin the fun because we suspect they are cheating but are actually just really good. This is a problem because its harder to see where are skill level is at when we have pro’s stealing our rank from us. Also when I am too fragging and the person at the bottom of the score board has like 1 kill and I have 26. I feel like I should rank up more than him. If we lost we would lose the same amount of points as the bottom player. But if I am carrying, the bottom player will gain the same amount if points. This is unfair because now we have trash players playing at a super high level. Some of mu friends who have better kd and are better than some spec ops and elite ops are diamond it master because of the trash boosted elites and specs. Please make it so it has an individual ranking system. It would help out the game and make things more organized and equal. And probably bring back some players.
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  • Great game

    The game is amazing one of the best FPS games ever for a phone or tablet I hope to see it on a console one day the guns are good the maps are good skins are amazing earning in game currency is great also the game has come along way now some problems are with party ranking let’s say the other team has a full party in rank it’s usually goes like this they will have 3 diamonds or master ranks and 2 golds it’s unfair cause they will have the golds search for a rank witch then Paris your team up against pros witch is a bad deal and needs to be fixed also I hope to see a offline version were you can play against bots and not have to have WiFi or data to play and I also hope to see more gear in the future along with extra hacking counters the hacking is not bad at all and is controlled really well but it should still be strengthened more just to be safe also I would like to see something we’re you can take the silencers off the gsr or the aug I remember when they did not have silencers so if something could be put in were you had a option I would love to see that other wise the game is amazing.
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