User Reviews: Witches' Legacy

Top reviews

  • The worst game I ever finished

    All of the game ending glitches appear to have been fixed. I made my tortured way through until the end of the bonus game, so I can attest to that. However, that doesn’t mean you should buy the game.

    There aren’t many HOPs or mini games in the main game. Gameplay is generally linear and consists primarily of figuring out what item to place where so that you can progress. The puzzles that do exist aren’t much harder than the 9-piece jigsaw puzzles that comprise one of this series’ collectibles. The most difficult minigame is due to the developer’s ineptitude: although there are several ways to form the snake correctly according to the guide, only one receives credit. But don’t let it get you down: the EXACT SAME PUZZLE is in the bonus chapter in the form of a pipeline.

    The majority of the HOPs in the main game are word lists with plus-items, although there are a few of the silhouette variety. The bonus chapter is one plodding word list HOP after another. You can choose a matching game instead of the HOP, but that annoyed me too: instead of taking cards away once they are paired, the game substitutes new hidden symbols. That is NOT how to play Concentration.

    Mastering the finicky controls may be the greatest challenge. You’ll eventually get the item if you click up and to the left of where you think you should. This includes the elusive paintbrush that you must dip into glue in an infamous HOP about halfway through the main game.

    Collectibles are morphing items (1 per scene) and the aforementioned jigsaw puzzle pieces (1-2 per scene). You get nothing other than an achievement for getting all the collectibles.

    The best thing I can say about this game is that the lag that characterizes Elefun Games is a little shorter.

    This game could be fun to play if you could actually plat it. Have restarted the game three times and NO HELP! Paint brush will not go into glue jar, and this is only the start! SAVE YOUR MONEY, not worth even the discounted price.
  • Disappointed

    I got to the point of the prison and could not get the glue on the brush to glue the hammer together to get the cash bag. Would get frustrated and leave the game. I would come back hoping it was just a glitch at that time, but it kept doing it. I enjoyed the game up until that point
  • Witches Legacy: The Dark Throne

    I read previous reviews most dated a year ago. I’ve been playing this one and see that a lot of the complaints have been fixed. So far it is very fun. I had one scene upside down, but thinking it was intended to be that way. I was confused at first, but it worked out.
  • Glitch

    Game gets stuck half thru, can't move on.
  • OK game

    Too slow loading scenes. Not their best game by far.
  • Don't buy this!!

    Every time I restart this game, it tells me that a file has been corrupted and I have to start from the beginning!! I have bought many games and have never had this problem. And I can't figure out how to get my money back!!
  • It's a NO!

    I agree with other reviewers. Slow loading pages. Right now I'm stuck in a hidden object scene where I'm suppose to glue a hammer together to get the final object. Been trying for two days and can't get the paint brush in the glue bottle!!! So frustrating. Sorry I purchased this one!😩😩😩😩
  • Just okay, but glitchy

    Game was okay, as far as I could play it. Played with no problems off and on for two days and then got "profile is corrupted" and had to start all over.

    Imp is annoying but not a dealbreaker. Things got a lot better when I found the map and could use that (yep, it teleports). Hidden object games weren't bad and the matching game was fun for a break. Didn't love the puzzles so skipped a few.

    Might be okay after the glitches are worked out, so I give it a 3.
  • Witches legacy

    No stars for this one. Week story, no teleport but what's the worst is 5 to 10 seconds to load scenes. Didn't finish it due to boredom waiting for scenes to load. Definite don't buy. I want a refund!!!

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