Some Improvements Would Go a Long Way
1. Ability to move back and forth on screens within an event. As it stands, once you’re in a section of the bracket or a pool, the back button takes you all the way to home page and you have to search the event again. Makes score checks a terrible experience.
2. Make the Rules Table of Contents have actual hyperlinks. Borderline unusable otherwise. Great that they’re there for a quick check, but users are heavily discouraged from doing so without links.
3. Smarter event searching. Currently you have to search exact event titles, words in order, to find things. Apostrophes break the search (e.g, Women’s). When combined, the best you can do to search for the “2023 Women’s Northwest Plains Sectional Championship” is “2023 Women,” which isn’t great.
4. Search filters. It’s been said, but quick division filters would be great.