Holy Moly Guacamole!
HOWEVER... This is definitely not for beginners! It quickly became apparent that I know absolutely nothing about what this app does when I opened the manual and realized I could probably read more if it were written in Russian or Klingon. My first clue was the Mathematical equation section (for example, the word “Trigonometry,” is in one of the section titles, along with formulas/symbols I haven’t seen since college - if that doesn’t scare you, you’ll probably do fine). There is also a section on Logic as it relates to coding (again, I haven’t seen any of this since college!). I stopped looking after that...
Basically, if I want to get anything out of this app, I will have to send a LOT of time with it. And it would be intense, not a light read over breakfast. Realistically, chances are slim but not zero that I will devote the time needed to unlock this app’s potential. But I have a feeling the potential is very much there.
If you’re looking for an easy, one-click, sleek interface, friendly UI kind of filter app, keep looking. This is not the app for you.
If you enjoy a challenge, are logically/mathematically inclined, and have a solid background or at least basic knowledge of coding, then this app might be a hidden gem (it’s hard to say, since I was immediately and completely over my head upon opening the thing).
A mathematical IQ of 140 or higher might not be required but would certainly help as well, lol. 🤓
I wish this had a little more internal structure built up so that someone that truly has zero knowledge of coding, etc., could enjoy the customization features - without needing to go back to college for a second degree! The dev has a unique idea here (and no reviews yet), so I wanted to throw this one out there for anyone interested in the customizable features offered within this particular app.