Agree with piece of garbage
Would be great if….
Accurize in my opinion has the best practice system out there, I've had it for over a couple of years now.
I wanted to use the Accurize app on my iPad and grabbed the pro version. I was very disappointed to find out that the Apple version has an issue exporting/sharing your target results.
Regardless of what size you select when you share or save your results you get something that is in essence a screenshot of the target that is blurry and very small, like a blurry thumbnail. Additionally, none of the target data is included in your export in the app there are two more screens of data for each grouping that aren't exported or shared, just the one blurry thumbnail of your grouping.
I reached out to the developer who first responded without addressing my question telling me why the pro version is so good. After I reiterated that the app was broken he acknowledged/confirmed that he could see thre problem as well and they fix in next version.
I'm not paying for the pro version which is costly as a charitable act and I'm definitely going to cancel the subscription due to the "indeterminate" remediation time (the next version). I think these folks have a great solution but they have to appear less clueless on app and support issues to stay in business given the cost of their solution.