User Reviews: Simply Knights

Top reviews

  • Blown away

    This game has a great combat system, phenomenal art and in the start you don’t have to wait like 24 hours to get a new chest. The weight system in my opinion is very cool and unique. All in all I am blown away
  • Great game! But...

    Overall, I really like this game, it’s fun and over time you learn all the good techniques.
    However, I do wish that there were difficulty settings to make it easier. At times it’s very hard to get coins, and even when you get enough it gets cancelled out by getting a duplicate item, which makes buying the White Champions Helm a near necessity. Yeah, something like difficulty settings would make this game much better! I think there should also be more “unique” weapons and tooltips for them. Maybe make the story more linear? And this is just a personal wish but if Excalibura did something like cleave armor it would make it more useful. Great game!
  • Really fantastic game, just one major annoyance...

    I love the game, it's super creative and really addicting in that good challenge kind of way, but developers... PLEASE.... the black wall that follows you as you run has got to go. It turns what should be between 1 and 2 1/2 HP into none- after a single lucky hit. I've been killed be a lunging enemy attack that does .5 damage and then getting thrown into the wall, more times than I've been killed be enemies outright. That's a serious flaw, and it really isn't very fun to deal with lol

    Otherwise love the game- though one more thing: it is really aggravating to save up 100 gold for the kings chest just for it to give you something you already have and cancel. It's happened to me 3 times out of the 6 I've gotten. That's lame.
  • My favorite game

    This game is amazing so good why is this game not more popular there are some things I think would make this game nearly perfect first add another mode campaign would be amazing u in a all out war with the black banner also recruiting is so cool I love it but it’s to expensive way to expensive and I wish chest where not 5 minutes for 100 doing and then u get less for waiting more I think it should be 100 coins every 1 two 2 hours that be fair also the champion helmet is expensive two buy 4.99 nahhhhh make it 2.99 or 1.99 and a dlc would be amazing and I hope u could maybe in the future add where u could play as the black banner and the white for fun maybe a black bannor campaign this game could half a lot more thank u for making such an amazing game with all the updates it is really fun and one last thing when u reach 500 meters the black bannor king should be in a siege camp or the Castile with heavy armored guards many 2 or 3 then the fight with the king that’s all form me u probably got tuns or others things 2 do again thank u for listening keep making this game great
  • Great game no joke

    This is overall a great game with absolutely great controls Sterling graphics now only all we got a wait for is online multiplayer instead of local
  • Amazing

    With it’s stellar graphics and mesmerizing gameplay, this is truly a new classic. The only thing to change is to make the chests not repeat gear.

    Edit: you should have a list of open servers so people can play with others more easily!

    Also: when being knocked back by an enemy strike, you should not die if u hit the black wall, this makes light loadouts die very easily as they are knocked farther. I have a light build that can lunge in, and lunge back out before getting struck, but when it gets hit with any weapon above 2 weight, i get knocked flying into the black wall of death.


    note: all bows do .5 damage for the melee attack!
    another note: Bows use 2 durability for double tap(shooting) and also have an aiming delay before they shoot.

    -Old bow: when you double-tap it shoots an arrow(non-sheild peircing) that does .5 damage with a low range. the auto attack would do a melee whack with the bow. 2 durability. Weight: 2

    -Kaguzi: A bow with a slightly longer range than the old bow and 1 damage. 3 durability. Arrow can sheild peirce. weight: 3.

    -Longbow: A bow with a slightly longer range than the old bow and 1 damage. 2 durability. Arrow ALWAYS peirces sheilds. Weight: 5.

    -Yian: A bow with the same range as old bow and .5 damage. Arrow always sheild peirces, and is is EXPLOSIVE! 2 durability. weight: 4.
  • this is BEST game

    it literally made me say “this is the game i have wished was on the front page if the app store” it is THE BEST mobile game i have ever played and if you are reading this review know that this game is worth you’re time
  • So hard

    It’s a great game really fun but really hard it has good controls but it hard to get to the end I haven’t made it there yet and there are a lot of enemies it would be much easier if you had a little bit more health and yeah you can get armor but that hard to do too but though hard it is still fun to play
  • Simply Stunning

    This game is great. The gameplay is simple and tight, the economy feels fair, and unlocking new, fun weapons and armor is a rush. I only have 2 complaints: the kill barriers and the duplicate loot. The knockback in this game makes it feel like hitting and being hit has a punch, and I appreciate it. However, the knockback paired with the kill barriers seems a tad excessive, as losing any ground than being hit with any force above something that gets blocked causes your character to hit the kill barrier and die instantly. Bear in mind, I'm no game designer but there are a couple ways I could see how to fix this. The first is to remove the kill barrier by way of making it impassable, but not lethal, and the second would be to make the kill barrier further back so the knockback is not as much of an issue. Getting duplicates from throne room loot boxes is frustrating, as it takes a good chunk of time to amass the 100 gold needed to open one. Getting a duplicate should not be as easy as it is. Either reduce the chances of getting one, give the player a gold consolation prize (maybe 30 or so) or both. Thanks for reading my review, if I seemed harsh or too interested in these issues it's because they're the only real problems I have had, and I really enjoy this game. Have a good one
  • Amazing!! (Needs Campaign!)

    So I love this game. The art style and combat feel are awesome. I’ve wanted a knight game like this for a long time. I think it needs a true campaign with levels and such. You should morph this into more of an RPG. I know you guys can do it. Your combat is awesome. Now you just need narrative and some other things. Maybe even add a war mode or something where you can control your character as the hero and then as the fight goes on you earn gold and buy units to fight along side you. Wouldn’t that be something? Yes it would be great. Keep up the great work you guys aren’t money hungry obviously otherwise there would be ads every other game. Thanks for making a solid game that isn’t all about profit but rather pure joy. You have my praise

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