User Reviews: Grim Facade

Top reviews


    I really enjoyed the game overall.

    I liked the dark storyline, gothic atmosphere and characters and the creepy tone.

    Includes my CDW list:
    Custom difficulty option,
    Speedy Teleport,
    Challenging puzzles,
    Interesting HOP's.

    It's a solid seven. ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿป

    Fan in San Fran
  • Love the game

    Am in my 70โ€™s and play games to keep my neurons blasting! Game makes me think and make decisions. Really like it!
  • Dull

    Just dull. Didn't make it through the trial.
  • What?!?!

    Was enjoying the game - until today. Suddenly it won't load! I tap "play" and NOTHING! ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก
  • Awesome game, but could be better

    Great game, but has a lot of glitches which need to be fixed to be worth buying. Also, the help guide doesn't always coincide with each mini game. Not sure if that's a glitch or if game play varies.
  • Gory & Macabre

    This game is way too gory & macabre for me. I play a lot of these games. I get that developers can't seem to think of a plot that doesn't involve murder & mayhem & horror. I ignore it if the storyline is good & logical & the games & HOGs are as well. But this game was disturbing from the start. The graphics of the game itself are very crisp. The introduction and cutscenes are black & white rough stills. The introduction showed a murder, as well as what I thought was the murder of a child but was possibly a kidnapping. REALLY object to that. Once I got past the horrible introduction, I liked the concept of the story and graphics are great. The games & interactive HOGs were also enjoyable. But the murder scene I just revealed in the game is too much. I can only assume there will be more (and worse) scenes as I move forward in the story. Usually, I can't stop until I solve the whole game, but I'm dreading moving forward in the story so I'm deleting.
  • Great

  • Fun

    Great storyline and logical game play.
  • Fun to play

    I liked this game very much with a few exceptions. The map I found to be useless. Also, the hint recharged rather slowly. Otherwise it is a fun game to play.
  • Fun game

    For this type of game this was fun. Good mini games and story. Overall worth the time and money

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