User Reviews: Still

Top reviews

  • Needs resume on both screens of Apple Watch

    Love this app but one big bug: There is no resume from the still page. if you leave the session to try to adjust it on Apple Watch without pausing or stopping, you can’t go back and if you hit begin to try to resume you have 2 sessions running at once with timers on watch vibrating concurrently I.e. if you had 1 timer on your session, 2 will go off on your watch, one from the first you started and one from the second.

    There is a vibration on the Watch for the reminder but not when the meditation ends.
  • Simple but does what I need

    A very simple app that does what a meditation app should do: work

    I thought I would use the watch app, but I actually find I like using the phone better. I can quickly glance at the phone to see how much time remains if I want without moving my body as I would have to to see my watch.

    I also like the chimes on the phone
  • Simple and perfect

    Just what I was looking for. A simple mindfulness timer that can log data to Apple Health. So far it seems to fulfill that purpose perfectly.
  • Great, should run under lock screen

    Simple design, and useful, clean settings. Many meditation timers drown in too many features and settings in a complicated UI, or don’t offer enough settings.

    On the downside, I didn’t find a way to have it run under lock screen. I prefer to switch the display off (to save battery), but the timer stops when you turn the display off.
  • Uninstalling due to unacceptable bug

    I like the app, the simplicity of it, the interval reminders, and most importantly the watch app. However whenever it is open, it counts exercise minutes and calories burnt. Not just when the timer is running, but also after it has stopped. Last night I meditated and did not close the app after the timer was done. When I woke up at 5 am, I had apparently spent 300 minutes exercising and burnt 900 calories while I was asleep. Please fix this bug.
  • great for your two-a-days

    I chant twice a day and love this minimal timer that solves my problem of the iPhone stopwatch/timer fading to black as my phone sleeps. This app's intro chime/bell helps me begin, the intereval chimes help keep you going, and subtely lets you know you're done. Then, there's a mild satisfaction being able to look back and track your discipline. Thank you and if you do ever wish to poll users for more feature ideas, I have a couple.
  • Exactly what I've been looking for!

    This is the simple, clean meditation app not loaded down with guided meditation IAP that I've been looking for! Many thanks to the awesome Developer. In a future update can there be a small IAP option to buy you a beer or some tea to help fund your continued development of this??
  • Perfect Except for one Fatal Flaw

    I was blown away by this app initially. I have been looking for a simple meditation timer to use on my Apple Watch that connects with HealthKit's Mindfulness Minutes. You'd be surprised, but there aren't that many out there. Lots of timers, not many that have a Watch version and that are compatible with HealthKit.

    This app is great except for one fatal flaw that has made it unusable in its current state... when I log a meditation session using my Apple Watch, it counts it as "Exercise" time and my watch starts counting calories and exercise minutes and logging those things to HealthKit. This causes me other health data to be skewed and incorrect. I'm not burning calories or exercising when I meditate. I turned off all HealthKit privileges for the app except for Mindfulness Minutes in the hopes that I could fix the problem, but nothing works. I'm assuming it has something to do with how the Watch counts time in the background, perhaps tapping into the Workouts function of the Watch?

    I really hope this issue can be fixed cause I love this app otherwise and want to be able to use it.
  • Love the simplicity

    16 Feb 16 update: the developer reached out to me shortly after my last post. He was quite polite and I appreciate his responsiveness.

    He writes:
    "I wanted to reach out and apologize for the issues with the update and also let you
    know how to fix it.

    Luckily the fix is pretty simple. All you have to do is delete the app and re-download it.

    When you delete Still, you will be asked if you want to keep the Health Data from Still. You'll need to choose "Keep".

    Then you can download the app again, and then next time you start it it will ask for HealthKit permissions.

    Once you grant them you'll see all of your old meditation sessions and new ones will be stored correctly."

    I tried the above and now my old and new meditations are being logged. You'll have to accept both forms of data to get a complete list of your sessions. What's nice is that now it includes sessions from the Apple Watch Breathe app.

    My sessions between the software update and the solution provided never appeared, but all else is working. I'm pleased. Thank you!

    12 Feb 17 update: the latest version erased my past records and doesn't appear to be saving my new sessions...

    --- Original Review ---

    I love this app. I love its simplicity and I love that it has an Apple watch function.

    As a previous reviewer wrote. I wish the watch app had a timer and buzzed.

    More than that, I wish the data would sync up under the category of Mindful Minutes so I could track my progress there.

    Other than those two things, awesome job!

    Can you please tell me where I can make a donation? I'd like to support you.
  • Clean design, needs to log to Mindfulness

    Great and easy to use. Just seconding what others have said.

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