Alliance User Reviews

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  • Top of the line

    This is the most realistic fighter simulator I’ve played. Especially on iOS platform. It ranks right up there with ace combat vr. Wide selection of planes from each era. Realistic sound that pertains to that style of plain.
    I like that you can play multiplayer with others on your team and against. They keep track of leader boards if want to see where you rank.
    Single player you can add up points and use the points to customize your planes.
    The only two things I have issue with is I had to pay for gold membership twice as my account was hacked and got no response from customer support. The game is so good it was worth it to pay again.
    My biggest complaint is cheaters. I usually dominate the sky’s with the f22 raptor. However when playing against Asia and uk some players have figured out how to lock your plane up long enough to shoot it down. I’d be happy to have support witness this so that can put a stop to the cheaters.
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  • IPhone SE2 : Not Bad, It’s Like Flying In Modern Warships

    It’s not a bad game. Kinda like flying planes in Modern Warships. Only other good one , or semi ok is Sky Combat. It’s better than Sky Warriors… and although Modern Warplanes isn’t THAT good (confusing, extremely P2W, no obvious way to buy planes with in game money or real world money)… I’d still love to play it. That said, this game is still pretty good. The HUD could be a tad better imo. Throttle could be moved and general / overall controls can be simplified like in Modern Warships… my only other complaint aside from the tutorial not explaining things (upgrades, all that, etc)… we’ll is shooting. I can’t tell when a missile locks on, and using a gun doesn’t do a single thing unless you’re close up… and in the WW2 scenarios it’s really hard. I’ve gotten more kills via rockets than an MG…
    … wait, one more thing: planes are expensive… real world money and in game. You could buy them via a supporter pack, but still. $5.99/$9.99 / Plane is ridiculous. And you don’t get (- - - -) all for points/currency… I’ve played a decent amount and have barely gotten like 3K… and it costs like 30K / plane…
    But still, graphics are nice, gameplay isn’t bad, offers singleplayer and multiplayer.
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  • Content that is coming soon should be ready by now

    There’s great content and all, but having fuel tanks to play this game really makes the game terrible. As a person who has kept this app for over two years, content that is coming soon should definitely be updated. Some content should be added annually to make the content better in terms of performance, such as adding a stable line of sight to use ‘virtual ammunition’ while the jet is reloading. It has been a long time since new content has not come although the app itself is great.

    As a person which made a $20 in-app purchase for unlimited fuel, I would say performance is great, but I canceled the purchase for other reasons. As a user Quality without having to use the internet to use an app is a great feature and the best of this app is there is an option to play with real online players in this app, compared to almost all other apps which I have used.
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  • Great Game But

    I downloaded this game like 2019 or so and even though I don’t play it often it’s still fun to come back to. The problem with this game though is that getting planes just takes way too long. This is a mobile game for crying out loud. I don’t want to play this when I’m at home. Cause their I can just play war thunder. This is a game for long car rides, but it’s way too easy to get burnt out of this game. In all my time of playing, I haven’t even bought a new plane through grinding yet. Even though this is a game I play on and off, far and few between, it shouldn’t take me 3 years to get a plane. I can’t really find games like this on the App Store and I want to love it, but this is a serious flaw. Also too note, I know this may not be the developers fault, but I have not once identified anything new come to this game yet. There have been updates that had bug fixes, but I’ve never experienced them. What about the other like 7 eras under the 3 we have in single player? They’ve said coming soon since I got it. This game has great potential, but kinda like war thunder the developers are too greedy and limit the free to play players too much.
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  • Important request

    Hello I hope your all having a great morning I have a few things to say about this game. Ok I love the graphics they are beautiful. But. I have a problem I don’t like that you only get 3 fuel tanks and then you have to wait soooooooooo Long for another and you have to pay or get more and your just giving us only a sample of the game. Another problem is that you only get 3 game modes and the others say coming soon but they never release. Sorry if I’m being a bit judgmental but I love this game I love the movie top gun and it is really cool … oh and can you make a game mode where there are a bunch of friends and a bunch of enemies and it’s a mixture of dogfight, attack the enemy fleet, and defend the allied fleet now that would be fun and every Saturday you will have a competition on that game mode. We’ll have a nice day and please reply
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  • Could Be Better

    First of all, the graphics are awesome. Honestly looks like one of those high-end PC flight sims. Beautiful terrain and skies.
    Gameplay is very engaging. Really puts you in the driver’s seat, so to speak. Feels awesome when you finally get a stable lock and wipe some jet off the face of the earth with the help of your entire missile supply.
    Word of caution: don’t bother with the single player. Most of the game types feel identical, and it’s practically impossible to reach the third or fourth wave. You’re put up against like four fighters and a couple of destroyers or AA turrets at a time, all of which will slowly chip away at your health. Wingmen are useless and will be wiped out at the beginning of the round.
    That said, the multiplayer TDM content is pretty enjoyable. Only grievances are the small lobby size (just imagine massive aerial battles with a dozen people on each side) and the lack of server migration.
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  • Amazing game

    To start off the graphics for a mobile game are absolutely stunning. The lighting works very well and the environments are beautiful with the various times of day, controls feels smooth and kills feel very satisfying, the game has not been updated in some time I do wish to hear something from the developers sometime soon as I have been playing for a few weeks and I’m totally hooked, some wishes I do have for the game are: an enhanced title screen and menu navigation, bringing it up to modern standards would be very nice, proper carrier landings and take-offs, as a huge navy aviation enjoyer it makes me happy seeing the 2 hornets in this game, and finally a dynamic cockpit camera, the camera moving around the cockpit or even the option to move it ourselves would be awesome, I feel in a dogfight in first person mode my vision is very limited to what I can see in front of me and maybe that is for balance purposes but if your head did move around the cockpit that would be very nice.

    All in all thank you for such an wonderful game
    I hope to see some development progress soon. :)
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  • Amazing game!

    At first, when I downloaded this game I thought it would be another potato game, that uses all my processing power, for doodoo graphics, but when I was in the tutorial, my jaw dropped, it amazed me that you could make such a smooth and beautiful game, with so little lag! Not even activision themselves could do something like this! I use an iPhone 9, and even my garbage phone can run this game with absolutely no lag at all. Not to mention the realism, and thrilling combat of it all, I’ve never had so much fun on a mobile game, I do have one request, however, larger planes such as the B-17, B-29, or AC-130, to name a few, and use these on special missions, since the normal missions are launched from a carrier. I hope to see this game grow, and get better. Good job, keep it up!

    Sincerely a huge airplane nerd (:
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  • Great game recommend it for everyone

    Love this game I will recommend it to anyone that loves to play jet games. It is very fun with it selection of missions you can do. Like defend your fleet or attack enemy aircraft. There is even a dog fight game mode and there’s like so much more probably around 5+ game modes. They have such a realistic jets with the athletic cockpits and I love how the smoke follows the rockets when you fire them just like the real thing! I also love how there are so many jets in every era that you can unlock. I also love that this game has different time lines. There are 3 to pick from 1940s (WW2), 1980s or 90s and present time! I love this game it is THE best fighter jet game I have ever seen for mobile users. 5 stars easy!
    I have some ideas to add though, you should add some smoke to the jets back when it pulls up like what happens in real life. Thanks for making the game it is such a fun game to play!
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  • Beautiful, but…..

    The game looks great and plays buttery smooth but I’ve got to wonder what possessed the devs when they were making the game. Did someone say “hey, let’s have the players own fleet steal their kills!” and everyone else said”great idea” Are these people so worried about wringing the last dollar out of players that they would stoop so low? Apparently, yes. I can’t count the number of times I had and enemy down to almost no health and was right behind them blasting away, only to see a puff of AAA and the message “your fleet shot down an enemy”. It’s the most accurate triple A fire in the history of war games. Who needs aircraft to defend a fleet that can shoot down enemies at will with artillery? What a joke. If the devs weren’t so greedy this game would be outstanding, one of the best made for a phone in the history of mobile gaming. Unfortunately, these people come from the EA school of game design, profits before everything. It can still be somewhat enjoyable, hence the three stars instead of one but you’ll need to lower your expectations regarding gameplay if not visuals.
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