User Reviews: Finder for Fitbit

Top reviews

  • Once you figure out how it works it helps

    An opening screen would be useful. It took me a little while to figure that it works like a Geiger counter. It gives you a bar that kind of gives distance. I found my Fitbit. It was black, in a black trunk, covered by a bag of charcoal.
  • I cannot believe I just found my Fitbit with this app

    I saw the $3.99 and thought “here we go” and yet it literally helped to find my Fitbit in less than 10 min. It was in the pocket of a coat I wore two days ago. The only reason it took that long was that I didn’t believe the app lol its definitely worth the price 🙂
  • Great App But ...

    Really this feature should be included in the Fitbit app itself. The free version sorta works except ads always pop-up when you’re close to the device; it’s very annoying. The paid version simply drops the ad and gives you the info without ads popping up faster than you can read the location information. It works great and smoothly but it really should be a part of the app in the first place rather than an “ad-on”
  • No help at all

    I usually don’t write these kind of reviews but I’ve been looking for my Fitbit for a while now. At least 2 hours so I downloaded the lite version and it didn’t help. So then i bought the premium version and the app still isn’t working. I followed the instructions used a different device to try and find it but nothing has worked. If I could give it zero stars I would. It was a waste of my money.
  • Awesome

    I lost my Fitbit yesterday and was freaking out last resort was paying for an app to find it and as soon as I did I found it so glad I tried definitely going to keep it for future incidents
  • Thank you!

    My 8 year old lost her Versa she had had for 2 weeks. After 45 minutes of tearing up the house I bought this app. Took me right to it. Thank you! Will keep this in case it happens again! Thank you!!
  • Actually worth upgrading to paid

    I was using the free app and it would have worked but the ads were annoying. That being said — I was so upset and worried it had slipped off during errands but then I found it in my robe pocket where I wouldn’t have looked at all until tomorrow. I am happy to give some money for peace of mind!!
  • Disappointed

    I lost my fitbit three days ago. It is nearly the end of the battery by now. It is somewhere in my house because it will still sync to my phone, just no step. For some reason this ap thinks it’s everywhere in the house. I got a full rainbow bar like it was there in the kitchen. After taking everything out of the cabinets, I tried the tracker again and nothing. The next day I tried it and it said a full rainbow bar in my bedroom closet which is on another floor and side of the house so I’m unclear why this isn’t working but I’m officially giving up after three days of mixed results and not finding it. Big sigh, I’m sure it will turn up, just not by using this ap.
  • Doesn't work on Fitbit Zip (unless zip is "awake")

    After spending hours looking for my Fitbit Zip I bought the app. Unfortunately I didn't find my Zip using the app, however found it by looking manually. After I found my Zip I tapped it to "wake" it up to send a signal (like I would when syncing it to the Fitbit app on my iPhone). The app does find it and says "getting closer" when I put the Zip next to my iPad. So the app does work, just not with a dormant Zip which isn't actively sending a signal from being "awake" by tapping the Zip, etc.
  • I found it!!

    Great app!! I was lucky that it was under my sheets near the foot of my bed!! I would have found it when I change my sheets but if I lost it anywhere else in the house it would definitely help.

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