EZPZ Unit Converter consists of 17 categories that simplify the conversion of currency, temperature, length, weight, speed, area, and volume with more than 1000 different conversions and 160+ different live rate currencies.
Save your conversions that you use a lot, and add the EZPZ Saved Conversions widget for very easy access.
EZPZ Unit converter also provides fun facts involving the units used in the conversions, making the App not only very practical, but fun to use as well.
Swipe right and use the search bar to search for units/currencies instead of choosing the category and manually picking the unit. When searching for a currency in the search field it will change the left column (the from currency), and if you search again it will change the right column (the to currency).
This App is completely free.
The menus, icons, and colors that comprise the Apps’ design, allows it to be very user friendly, pleasant to look at, and easy to navigate. Enabling the user to conveniently access the conversions in the fastest possible way. Enjoy!
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What's New in EZPZ Unit Converter
January 24, 2023
* Nuevo UI. Espero que te guste!
* Today Extension Widget eliminado, lamentablemente.
* Configuraciones añadidas.
Currency conversion calculator is locked in free version
I got this because I wanted to be able to convert currency, distance, and weight all in one. Currency calculator is locked in the free version. I wanted to put this app to use while I had it and did one calculation before it forced me to watch a loud ad. Currency is my top priority, so I guess I’m searching for a new app.
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Response from developer
First of all, thank you for downloading the app. I’m sorry the currency category is only available in the ad-free version of the app. That was a decision I had to make because they have a cost to use. And unfortunately the app did not generate income to cover those costs. Hopefully this can help explain why it is how it is now.