User Reviews: Dallas Public Library

Dallas Public Library
Dallas Public Library
Chilifresh Enterprises, Inc.

Top reviews

  • Bare minimum functionality

    I use several library apps, and this one by far is the worst - you have log in every time, no predictive text function, no wish list for books you want to read but aren’t ready to check out yet
  • is this a real app?

    it says dallas public library but it doesn't look like dallas public library so i'm afraid to log in )-: will update review once i decide to risk getting my info stolen and phone hacked for an ebook.
  • Our tax dollars NOT used for DPL app

    Limited functionality, kindergarten level coding, can’t always log in l, so in need of update
  • Oh, come on. You can do better.

    Who do i call to help with this mess? I love the DPL, but that said , this is a sorry app. Hard to use, won’t load on a Mac, name conventions are useless confusing and bizarre. Eventually useful if you have programmer skills. Not for general consumption and perish the thought you might recommend it to anyone not a computer/phone freak. DPL, get your money back.
  • Cannot open anymore

    With this new iOS 15 I can’t seem to open it anymore. Keep saying connect to server. Tried deleting and reinstalling app and nothing.
  • Pretty good, could use a “save” section

    I would like to see a “saved books” list. Somewhere to keep a list of books I would like to read but haven’t requested yet because I want to finish the books I have before getting new ones.
  • Update

    Still not very functional and now the app doesn’t recognize my login although I’ve changed nothing and had ‘remember me’ button on
    Plz fix
    Thank you
  • Could use some improvements

    I think it's a useful app but one complaint is that it doesn't tell you how long a book‘s going to be held. Also, as the other review states, I would like if it didn't log out by itself.
  • Bring back the old version

    This app is terrible. Even if you choose "remember" you have to physically log in every time you open the app to see which materials you have checked out and when they're due. The holds does not give you the amount of time until re-shelved and you do not get notifications on holds or when you're current items are due back.
    The search has also lost functionality.
  • New and terrible

    I loved the old library app.

    The new one doesn't say where you are on the waiting list for a held book. Nor does it say how long you have to pick up your held books.

    And I had to learn that they replaced the old app on Twitter. The old app just stopped working, and no notification was sent to switch.

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