It’s good
I mean if you want one you have a lot to offer but if you’re going for the one you have you have a good one you could get a lot more for a good deal but I think it’s more for the kids so you don’t need a bunch more than what I would get a good ideal but if you’re not looking to buy one then I don’t think it’s a bad deal for them but if you’re going to buy a lot you need a good amount you could buy one for like two hundred and fifty dollars
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This is a fun game! A suggestion I have is endless mode. When you click endless mode the same screen pops up but instead the modes are endless and you can stop whenever you want.
Cool but needs new update and old
This game is the best game
Loved it so much it was so fun I get to crash cars and the money for me. Yay I get to crash cars which is fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun so fun that you get to play with cars crashing. I get money for you cars and crashing them or did you buy monster trucks? Did you get to buy tanks max? Even new cars like GT forwards
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Hooked by an ad
Graphics , mechanics of the game play is fluid. Many game modes to choose from. The developers really listened to their fan base who’ve who’ve played & enjoyed . I just started playing from an advertising and was surprised how it plays. Thanks for creating a great game.
I really like ur game
Awesome game I’d say
Hi owner
Can you please get my dram car it is a Lamborghini Huracon