The app will make sure you stay on course and don’t miss any points of interest - you will find various attractions near your location quickly and conveniently. The app will also tell you if the area you’re in has any interesting cycling routes or suggestions for cycling trips. Finding accommodation, restaurant or a Biker Service Area is quick and easy; you can also create a handy shortlist of your points of interest. The calendar of events and latest news will keep you up to date with everything happening on the trail. You don’t need to worry about cell service, as the key information is also available offline.
In just three short steps, you can create your own trip route using the planner at and then upload it to your mobile app:
1. Mark the route along the Green Velo trail or the connecting trails.
2. Add points of interests, restaurants and accommodation options.
3. Take the plan with you!
It’s time to embark on a journey to remember!
Come and enjoy the beauty of Poland with us. Admire our country’s views, people and diversity. Of course, taking whole Poland at once could be a bit too much, which is why we have prepared a very special route for you. It is truly unique, exotic and colourful.
The Green Velo East of Poland Cycling Trail is the most spectacular cycling project ever implemented in Poland, covering nearly 2,000 kilometres, designed to amaze and inspire you, and provide you with true joy of travel and exploration. The trail will take you through five voivodeships of eastern Poland. Getting to know each of them would be a memorable experience in its own right, but getting to know all of them will be like living through a fairy tale.
You can start anywhere. You can travel alone, with your family or friends. You can go from north to south, or the other way round. You can start at the end of the trail or in the middle, picking up what interests you most. Green Velo will show you the true beauty of Eastern Poland, its dizzying variety of colours, scents and tastes you won’t find anywhere else. Go there. Taste it. Let it enchant you.
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What's New in GreenVelo Trail
June 26, 2024
Offline map bases, new route router enabling route planning from anywhere, POI search engine extended with OpenStreetMap data
Aplikacja nie nadaje się do niczego więcej poza cyfrową mapą poglądową. Nie ma funkcji nawigacji. Nie ma funkcji „cue sheet” czyli listy ze zmianami dróg, kierunków, etc. Możesz zaplanować trasę tylko że aby się nie zgubić trzeba cały czas patrzeć na mapę co jest trudne, zwłaszcza bez jakiegoś uchwytu na telefon. Nie można eksportować zaplanowanej trasy, więc zapomnijcie o używaniu nawigacji Wahoo, Garmin czy Bryton. Jeśli przejdziesz z aplikacji do innej aplikacji (np. Google maps) to po powrocie musisz wyznaczyć trasę od nowa bo GreenVelo się resetuje. Nie ma opcji wybrania już szukanej trasy lub nawet szukanej atrakcji czy miasta. Za każdym razem trzeba wskazać punkt na mapie, bo nie ma opcji wpisania nazwy... TRAGEDIA! Takie aplikacje to chyba tylko za pieniądze unijne, w myśl zasady „zarobić dużo i zrobić mało”.