Card Game 29 User Reviews

Top reviews

Too many ads

I do understand developers needs to make money from the game but newer versions is way too many ads popping up. I wish I could retain the older version of it - never updated to the new version.

Super Awesome

Super Awesome - Must try

Game slowed down after update and untimely ads appeared

This used to be a good game
Recent update slowed the game making it unplayable.

Marriage doesn't count sometimes

This weird sometimes marriage doesn't reflect on the game. Please review your marriage game logic.

Play Online

There is no play online option for iOS version. This should be added very soon

Can be improved

My partner plays dumb some times. This can be improved. Partner holds up the points towards till the end rather than unloading them when I put a winning card.


You need to update the apps. Most of the marriage doesnt work. Check some of the 29 apps in the app store and start thinking how to update your app.


Completely bogus. Totally scripted. Sometimes itโ€™s totally predictable what will be the cards the players will get. Marriage doesnโ€™t work sometimes for unknown reason. Neat app but frustrating level 99%.

Response from developer

Thanks for your feedback. With the recent release we have rectified couple of issues. Regarding hand distribution , its done by shuffling the deck twice after previous game and that is the rule. Thanks for pointing out that "Marriage" does not work always, will rectify this bug. Can you let us know what we can do to make the app more interesting?

Multiplayer options

If the game could be played with friends it would be more better

Response from developer

Thanks for your feedback, we are working on couple of issues, post that we will build multiplayer game.


You guys need to fix the problem of The Pair . It suppose to add or subtract 4 numbers when you or opponents has the pair

Response from developer

Thanks for your feedback, we will fix pair issue in next release. Recently we have released version 3.5 with some bug fix and improved AI , please checkout and enjoy the game.

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