its very disconnected with the actual one on one interactions between players and caddies there are no protections for a caddy. The average caddy makes just under $300 for 18 holes.carrying two bags. That’s $120 plus tip
And around
$280 for a forecaddie round that’s
$50 per player plus tip
However agency’s are taking a substantial portion of what a caddie earns and doesn’t offer workers comp or protection and leaves the caddies open to substantial tax problems and issues it’s a very disappointing experience for everyone but the guy behind the computer making free money for basically playing a video game that plays with a caddies livelihood….
For hundreds of years caddies have gone unprotected when it comes to benefits, retirement, and healthcare and this just gives the appearance that is doing something for the actual caddies when it is not at all
Remember, the people that can afford caddies are members at Clubs where it cost a substantial amount of money to join usually a person who is a member of a club that could afford to take a caddy will probably have to never work a day for the rest of their lives, but as soon as the caddy is too old or injured to do the job anymore, he ends up having nothing left and is the closest thing to being a homeless person out of any occupation as they can be thrown aside
For a younger person this is never more evident then when the hoax of the Caddie scholarship programs comes into consideration as it gives mostly sons of members who already have their college tuition paid for via trust funds, and other things just the token look or appearance that they show up a couple of days in the summer and receive thousands of dollars that they do not need while underprivileged or minority caddies never have a chance to be considered in these programs because they do not qualify
As they are not college material