Customer Service
Is simply non existent. The game is enticing captivating and fun. Good brain exercise. But if you have a problem. Your screwed.
I’ve been playing 3 years abs still haven’t had 1 successful issue dealt with.
Joe Gag
I’ve been playing 3 years abs still haven’t had 1 successful issue dealt with.
Joe Gag
Customer service
The game requires strategy and a great deal of understanding. Mistakes are made and you can’t be burnt by other players, this is acceptable. What’s bad is NO CUSTOMER SERVICE. If you get caught up in the game you can go for a lot of money. And that’s acceptable if you have it and your enjoying yourself. What is not acceptable is telling “customer service” a problem or identifying that people are cheating by using outside programs and you are ignored. There are no levels of play, you land with players who immediately take advantage, and yes that’s acceptable. But being ignored or asked fir a screen shot of something that requires them to reset, is ridiculous. The game is fun. But without levels or customer assistance. It’s a waste of money.
Joe Gag
Joe Gag
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2022 Review
This game is now for well established players…
If you are just starting out don’t waste your time.
You will get nowhere.
Developers need to speed up the upgrades and lower the costs of low lvl building at least up to mansion 31 in order for new players to get any sort of importance and not just be a pray for well established…
You could literally spend $5000 and still be absolutely useless in game!
If you are just starting out don’t waste your time.
You will get nowhere.
Developers need to speed up the upgrades and lower the costs of low lvl building at least up to mansion 31 in order for new players to get any sort of importance and not just be a pray for well established…
You could literally spend $5000 and still be absolutely useless in game!
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Money pit with developers who don’t listen.
I started out in this game really enjoying it been playing 4 or so years. Developers don’t listen to what customers are asking for or to be fixed, events are ridiculous cost money if you want to actually compete with dire rewards, 6:9 has tiles from 5-9 yet spawning them takes forever the same with ngs and again as with most other things event rewards are dire! Everything is expensive capos churned out every other month and unless you want to buy packs all the time for the hobby items you very rarely complete them once you’ve got the main 5-6 that are obtained through nightclub etc. This game had massive potential but is wasted by the greed of the developers only wanting to cater to their pockets and mega spenders!
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Great game
Great game, you don’t have to spend money or hours grinding if you don’t want to. You can still have a life and play, just shield up for Server wars!
Server killers…
My friends and I love this game except there’s one problem….the server killer players ….they decimate a server and forces a lot of people to quit. How can the devs expect people to spend money when these server killers destroy everything within a month when a server opens. Whatever happen to playing for fun and making new friends ? Also anyway we can make the servers at least a 10 family server over 2 family servers ? I hope you guys can help stop these server killers…!!
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Godfather: Five Families was much better
This game is a money pit. You won’t survive unless you spend a lot of money. Can’t use speed ups to instant attack. They see you coming 15 minutes ahead of time, stupid. Resources take hours to collect , which means you’ll have to spend money to get your mansion past level 17 or so. Five Families was far superior to this game. Very disappointed.
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Hey noob head
This is a scam
Good time killer
Racist world chats and no I’m game support.
Basically if you want to be a victim of racism join this game. If you want developers to ignore you join this game. If you want to spend money and win, only for your opponent to get what you paid for free and they try keep it hidden. I have spent a lot of money on this game on my to realise it’s a con. They favour certain players, I even got told be in game support if I kept my mouth closed I would get also free gifts which cost other players money. So do not download. Less than a star should be taken off App Store.
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