Wonderful interactive app I use with my daughter
We’ve also noticed that the scene never seems to be exactly alike every time, which is delightful as she gets to try and tell me why she thinks this is (“mommy this squirrel came out this time bc his nap is done!”).
I would say the only con, and a tiny one at that, is that you have to buy each theme separately. I would love to just buy all at a fixed price so she can explore everything. I suppose that there are many developers working on this project and they get paid according to which “theme” is individually picked, as you must buy them separately. Perhaps we could have the choice to buy all of them at once and then another option when 5-10 more are made to buy them as an additional package for another $10 each time.
I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend this app to anyone with or without children bc I think it could even be used in mindfulness as well