User Reviews: Chimeras

Top reviews

  • Interesting game, but had to reload

    The first download kept freezing at the Bigfish pop ups or if you skipped the startup scene, then it just stopped completely. I removed and downloaded it again. It seems to be working so far. I like the premise of the game.
  • Mrstennangel

    A lot of fun, the glitches wasn't so bad. Hope to play more.
  • Enjoy!

    I liked this game because it is fun & some other hidden object games I've tried were so frustrating to me because the objects to find were just too hidden. I like games to be fun, & this one is.
  • Chimeras: Cursed and Forgotten by LynxMinx

    Note to Izzyoc: dearest Izzyoc, thank you so much for having my back! I am afraid of RATS, but if I tried to play only games without them I would never play anything at all. Of course I already ran across one in Lost Lands; however I know Elephant games makes them terrifying, so at least forewarned is forearmed! Snooper would love you for kindly informing me, and I think you are a great asset to the team. I believe Dracyy would say something but sometimes reviews before finishing a game, which isn't the greatest strategy! So many thanks, and โค๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ‘ from Lynxie! Others can laugh all they want, but please remember everybody is afraid of something.
    It was a good thing you warned me! I would have been one dead Lynx! However I really enjoyed this game, and other than the touchy teleport map I can't say there were any issues. Since everybody else informed us of the game features I am not going to be redundant. I liked the story, it was easy to follow, although there was no cohesive journal. The graphics were beautiful and I felt that Scotland combined with time travel was a bit of a novelty. I agree that the puzzles were a tad simplistic but after playing a long and mentally challenging game (Lost Lands 4-great!) I thought this game was perfect for me to play. As usual Elephant gave us an enjoyable experience with plenty to do at each location, but I found this game relaxing and fun to play, rather than tedious.
    My true review is 4 stars. I deducted one star for lack of a cohesive journal and for the difficulty using the teleport map. Other than that I really cannot complain! This game did not need any gimmicks.
    Lynxie sends lots of โค๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ˜˜ to the magnificent DTE, especially Izzyoc for keeping me alive as well as being an informative reviewer, and KimTwilight for her poetic review skills, and always to Dracyy, with me from the inception of the team!
  • Absolutely Wonderful!

    As with most Elephant games, this game is a true pleasure to play. I loved the storyline, and the fact it takes place in Scotland. The graphics are incredibly clear, so the HOS are fantastic to play. There are different versions of HOS and all kinds of puzzles to play. Thank you Big Fish for bringing this wonderful game to us.
  • Freezes

    I don't write reviews much anymore but I'm so annoyed at this one! I always get excited when BF puts out an Elephants game as they're most always fantastic as would this one be except....
    Every single time the Big Fish Rate It pop up pops up the game freezes which is always when it first opens and several more times during game play. I have to close out completely then go back in and pray I can get into the game fast enough to beat the pop up! You've just ruined a good game BF! I see I'm not the only one with this issue so I'm hoping they fix it. Until then I'll play the new one from Artifex Mundi. Just finished the new lost lands by five BN and as expected it fantastic! Worthy addition to an outstanding series! Im not sure how to get iTunes to recognize their games on the best new games list but everyone of their releases should be on that list, five BN that is.

    I would give this game 5 stars, but the glitches are irritating! They all happen when "Big Fish" games tries to force you to do a review, when those bothersome pop-ups happen, it like cow the game up!
  • I want a Scottie!

    I really liked this unique game as it is a mix between magic, historical Scotland, and time travel. Wouldn't we all like to go back in time to do something different? This game has most of the things us HOP players like, such as interactive map (worked fine for me), mode customization, HOPs but not too many mixed with other puzzles, a great plot twist, etc. The main thing I would have liked more of was puzzles that were challenging with a lot more creativity (other than the HOPs). Scotland is part of my heritage, and I absolutely loved the music! Happy I bought this.

    Note to Lynx: you're always complaining about not enough games, but sounds like you're really busy with them! ๐Ÿ˜œ
  • Freezing issues, and way too short!

    Often froze when relaunching, which required a restart. Also the game was ridiculously short! Good graphic design, music and bonus game, but still not worth the price.
  • Once again, a big fish game freezes

    Tried the demo, seemed ok. Exited the game and came back later, only to have it freeze. Seems to be a common problem with big fish now. Other games from other sources don't seem to have this problem. I have been a big fish player for years but am really getting tired of the lack of proper beta testing and bug fixes. Just glad I was able to try before buying. Don't bother with this if you really want to finish a game.

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