User Reviews: Mystery Tales

Top reviews

  • So much to love

    But there were a few puzzles that either the controls were unresponsive or the instructions failed. And I do these a lot. Otherwise a five star
  • Good game!

    Lots of hops and lots of puzzles. The hops were list, interactive and silhouette. The puzzles ranged from easy to difficult, and a choice of casual or hard was available for most of them. I am a puzzle lover, so I was excited by the ones from Domini, as usual they are better than most. I really liked the colored discs/bone hands puzzle, great sound effects! The story is a bit lacking. For example, you’re called in to help a woman, then she’s not even seen again after the first few scenes. And Madlena is supposedly returning to power because this woman you’re supposed to help is the first witch born in 500 years. Then we learn another character’s daughter is also a witch🤷‍♀️. Also not a fan of the whole positive attitude to the medieval inquisition theme, in this case it’s a “real” witch, but as we know, hundreds of people were tortured and killed that were innocent.
    Graphics were fine, could’ve been a bit better. Lengthy game. Collectible tarot cards that, if all are collected, give you an extra game, which is an annoying one, similar to one in the main game, where you’re given a set of cards to memorize and then remember, but they move each time and you don’t know which cards you’ll need until you’ve tried and failed. Collectible morphing devices, and witch pages. Solid 4 star game, especially if you like puzzles.
  • Lots of fun!

    This game is a lot of fun. HO plus Mystery. You know, I find it humorous to see people complain about paying $6 or $7 for an app; but have no qualms about plunking down that same amount for a coffee at Starbucks.
  • Win,win

    At $2.99,this is a steal. Great value!
  • Not Domini’s best

    My rating is grudgingly rounded up from a 3.5. There were some really annoying negatives, such as:

    - if you accidentally click out of a minigame, it resets the entire puzzle;

    - the bonus chapter was a rush job that literally reused minigames from the main game; and

    - if you miss a collectible in any given scene during gameplay, that’s it. There is no way to find them later.

    But Domini Games does come through with a seamless transition (I’m looking at you, Elefun), beautiful, immersive graphics, and a storyline that I found interesting. While Eye of Fire is definitely not one of their best games, it’s better than many in the Big Fish catalog and is worth buying at the sale price.
  • One of the better games!

    Try it, you’ll like it!
  • Zxt

    Great game
  • BURN my 🔥👀

    💤This was a soup2nuts snooze fest. 😴💤

    I downloaded based on the high ratings-anticipating a great game...instead I was dozing off.....

    So I'm confused.🤔

    First up: The GLASSES.
    Why are these goofy obnoxious clunkers required in order to view altered scenes?
    What test Audience actually encouraged this?
    They are SO incredibly 🧀cheesy (oops! Almost forgot the wine!🍷) they're too ridiculous...
    or is it me....
    I am struggling to comprehend the attraction and...whoa...hold the smart phone...!🤳🏻

    Waaaaaaiit a second....
    🤓Can they ...actually be ...popular??
    I now recall seeing something about "special glasses" (oh they're special alright!😂) in at least one other game, as an actual, um, gulp,.. 🤢,..selling point ...?
    It may me.
    Or I didn't drink the Kool-Aid.)

    Still I simply don't get the attraction.🎡

    But then again,
    I don't get the Kardashians
    or cat 🐈videos 📹either.

    I'm clearly the minority.

    Okaaaayyyy....moving right along (and away-far away - from this fascinating topic...) I was let down even further by the overall mediocrity:

    •There were no challenging or HOP's Mini-Games or Puzzles.

    •There were the usual training exercises: Lots of running.....🏃🏼‍♀️baaack.and foorthh-->...🏃🏼‍♀️(visualize her running in the opposite direction)

    • While locating and waiting on, the laundry list of items, I was struck by sharp feelings of boredom and drudgery...(reminiscent of my wedding night)
    Nothing to sink your teeth into.

    •A waste of the great graphics: they were full, rich and well thought out, in all the scenes and characters.

    So much potential....lost.

    Better luck next time.☘️
    Why not try a racy setting or storyline? Scantily clad women, men in chaps, drag queens....just a thought.

    San Fran (-Fan)
  • Pretty enjoyable

    Not terribly difficult, but imaginative interface. Definitely worth the $1.99 sale price!
  • Mickie54

    I think this is one of the best games! Some don't give enough info. TY. Keep going.

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